
Psychopaths are engaged in the most 10 occupations丨The more intelligent people are, the more psychological problems? Things will be reversed, too late, deep feelings will not live, and Huiji will be hurt. These idioms all mean to refer to

author:First psychological

Psychopaths are engaged in the most 10 occupations丨The more intelligent people are, the more psychological problems?

Things will be reversed, too late, deep feelings will not live, and Huiji will be hurt. The meaning of these idioms is that everything will hurt themselves as long as they exceed a certain limit, people who are too affectionate will eventually hurt their bodies because of the long-term backlog of emotions, and people who are too smart will always be prone to make the mistake of "being smart but being clever".

Recently, we can often see those doctoral students, master's students and other highly educated talents on social platforms, because they can't stand the pressure of life and academics, are plagued and tortured by various mental illnesses, and finally choose to end their young lives.

There are some good writers, actors, etc. that we know well who will go to suicide because of depression, for example, leaving us with Haizi who is "facing the sea and blossoming in spring", who left us at the age of 25. Or his brother Zhang Guorong, on April 1, 2003, gave us an unacceptable "big joke" and left us forever.

Because of so many examples, we have to focus on the correlation between high IQ and psychological problems, is it true that the higher the IQ, the more intelligent people are more likely to suffer from mental illness?

Psychopaths are the most engaged in the profession

According to Statistics, a German data survey and statistics company, we summarized the ten most common occupations of psychopaths, in other words, among the people engaged in these occupations, the probability of psychopaths is much higher than that of people engaged in other occupations.

We rank from top to bottom for the occupations with the highest records of psychopaths, in order:

1, CEO; 2, lawyers; 3, television or radio media; 4, sales; 5, surgeons; 6, journalists; 7, police or prosecutors; 8, clergy; 9, cooks; 10, civil servants.

Among them, the most interesting thing is that among the group of doctors, the proportion of psychopaths among non-surgical doctors and nurses is relatively low. In addition, among the fund financial management and extreme athletes, the proportion of psychopaths is also relatively high.

In addition, there is another profession where psychopaths appear more often - the president of the United States.

Scott Lilienfeld carefully studied 42 U.S. presidents and found that among these presidents, Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Frankry Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and others were all people with obvious psychopathic tendencies.

So, why is it that the more intelligent people are, the more common they are, and why do they have some serious psychological problems?

Narcissistic complex

Generally speaking, people with high IQs and intelligence will have extraordinary self-observation ability, and they can have a more accurate understanding of their own ability level.

Therefore, smart people can more clearly understand their own strengths, they are usually more willing to see the positive side after failure, but are not willing to pay attention to their own shortcomings and mistakes, this narcissistic plot can bring them confidence and courage, at the same time will produce some psychological problems.

As we all know, vulnerability and sensitivity are the common characteristics of narcissistic groups, whether it is an exposed narcissist or a secretive narcissist, in the interaction between people, it is easy to appear defensive awareness of others, and behind their hostility, in fact, hidden is their deep uneasiness and vulnerability.

a sense of loneliness

We often say that the wise enjoy solitude, and the wiser the person, the lonelier he is. So what is the reason for this?

On the one hand, the higher the level of people, the more unique the thinking, the easier it is to get out of the group, so their loneliness will be stronger, and the more difficult it will be to eliminate loneliness.

Therefore, smart people are more able to feel loneliness than ordinary people, if a smart person does not take the initiative to eliminate their loneliness, then it is easy to be dominated by emotions, become less concerned about real life, resulting in serious psychological problems.

Psychologists point out that healthy interpersonal communication is an important foundation for a good life, and if a person is in a state of loneliness for a long time, then his psychological strength will gradually be exhausted.

Smart people usually have stronger comprehension ability, so their emotions will be more sensitive, and how to make good use of their smart brains, keen observation, so that they are not implicated by changes in emotions, is the key to whether they can surpass themselves.

In summary, smart people are often able to experience the deeper meaning of life, in the eyes of ordinary people, they are a combination of calm and wise, they always seem to be able to remain calm and sober, and whether they can let their souls get salvation depends on how they build their own psychology.

Psychopaths are engaged in the most 10 occupations丨The more intelligent people are, the more psychological problems? Things will be reversed, too late, deep feelings will not live, and Huiji will be hurt. These idioms all mean to refer to
Psychopaths are engaged in the most 10 occupations丨The more intelligent people are, the more psychological problems? Things will be reversed, too late, deep feelings will not live, and Huiji will be hurt. These idioms all mean to refer to

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