
The deceased are like Sif

author:Muyu Muyu

Now I'm in a café, and the sun shines through the glass and it's warm. I bought coffee and magazines, and in the morning I couldn't find the key to the office, which turned out to be an unexpected surprise that gave me a little leisure. There is a lot of time spent in numb busyness, and stealing half a day of idleness is a great happiness.

When I wanted to write something, I found myself forgetting to bring my own pen, and listening to "The Pencil Cutter" last night, I didn't know when I fell asleep, so I forgot to put the pen in my bag. People who need to write always need a pen that is called a hand, which can be a pencil or a pen, the important thing is that they like to be familiar, and they need a little time to cultivate tacit understanding and appreciate each other, just like the female writer in "The Pencil Cutter" takes the pen she uses to write very seriously, which helps her write happy moments, painful moments, and record the passage of time. Everyone has the ability to realize their talents, but they just need to wait for the right moment to shine. I should have the ability to give myself the freedom to do what I want to do, draw, write and practice the piano. It may be years before you find out that your most precious thing is time, and now you have to spend time to serve the hard labor of life. People are limited only if they have fear, and they can be unrestrained without fear.

The first article of the magazine was a wonderful story, "A Day Without Return." It's about an adventure with a duchess who, at the age of 22, lent her year to a father who was raising youth for her sick daughter. She was promised that she could write back to her borrowed youth when needed. Aging is probably something that everyone fears, and we can't store it like the duchess in the story. If we could, we might also be willing to lend our youth, store it in a bottle for the time being, and take it out little by little many, many years later. Some people save money but no one saves youth, maybe they can store a little memory of their youth. After the age of forty, the duchess moved to a castle left by her family to live in seclusion, and when she attended the party, she would write to the father to retrieve a few days of youth. People at the party were amazed when they knew her age. It may be easier to feel the passage of time when living alone. Don't always face your own aging.

Having a way to suddenly regain a youthful appearance after your forties can be an adventure that everyone looks forward to. After passing the age of flowers, people will begin to look forward to a day in the future when they will suddenly regain the glory of their youth, even if that will never happen. People will always look forward to it, just like the duchess in the story is still looking forward to the day when she has not returned until the end of her life. People's youth is really as easy to wither as flowers, and where there are flowers, they are often undefeated. The only thing that can be done is to leave a lasting fragrance after the flowers wither. As Lu You said, "Zero is crushed into mud and dust, only incense is as it was." "If you can't keep your face young, let your soul be full of fragrance!" Read good books, look good scenery, make good friends, exercise, and do good deeds to forge good character and maintain a good heart. Because you want to be a flower, you are afraid that spring will leave, if you are spring, you are not afraid, there will always be flowers.

Isolated living in isolation, perhaps to escape people's lamentations about the beauty of twilight. Living forever in the longing of looking forward to the recurrence of youth, living in a castle, is not a romantic choice.

Youth fades unconsciously, and if we realize that the days we expect to return to youth will never come, we will cherish the present days even more. Dress up carefully on every day and don't let it go to waste.

The deceased are like Sif