
Sichuan together deformed unrequited love: 30-year-old man falls in love with a 15-year-old girl, because of love and hate to kill the killer

author:Wang Xianghua lawyer

There is a TV series "Big Husband", which tells the story of Gu Xiaojun, a mature woman, and Ouyang Jian, her husband who is in her twenties. Although the two are very sweet, the people around them are not optimistic about their marriage. After going through hardships, they finally found happiness. However, the TV series itself is more controversial, because the age difference between the two protagonists is too large, which is inconsistent with the mainstream concept of marriage in the current society.

Sichuan together deformed unrequited love: 30-year-old man falls in love with a 15-year-old girl, because of love and hate to kill the killer

Different people have different views on the age difference between boyfriend and girlfriend and husband and wife. Some people think that the love between men and women can cross the age gap, such as the famous physicist Yang Zhenning and his wife Weng Fan in China; some people do not agree with the love affair that spans too much age. Old and young love even really triggered a bloody case, the murderer loved it, and finally killed the woman's grandmother in revenge.

Let's uncover that unforgettable past together. In 2016, in a county town in Yibin, Sichuan Province, Liao and Liu fell in love. But their love affair is not blessed by the people around them, because Liao is a 30-year-old uncle with a baby, and Liu is only 15 years old, which is the age of the flower, just entered high school. In order to be with her boyfriend, Liu gave up his studies and "eloped" with Liao.

The family pleaded bitterly, Liu refused to go home, and later Liu's father had to entrust Liao to temporarily take care of his daughter. But Liao is not a man worthy of trust, he is just trying to be fresh, and he has not offered his heart, and when the two live together, he gradually loses patience. Liu also gradually saw the nature of her boyfriend and began to regret it. In a quarrel between the two, Liu ran back to his mother's house crying, and his father cherished his daughter very much and vowed to seek justice for his daughter, so he went to Liao's rental house to theorize with him.

After the two families completely broke up, Liu also returned to the campus. After this trouble, everyone knows that Liao has had such a failed relationship, especially his brothers, every time they see it, they laugh at it. Liao felt very faceless and slowly began to become impatient and angry.

Sichuan together deformed unrequited love: 30-year-old man falls in love with a 15-year-old girl, because of love and hate to kill the killer

This anger gradually turned into hatred for his ex-girlfriend Liu, and he thought that if Liu had not abandoned himself, he would not have been like a dog that had lost his family like he is now. On the night of December 23, 2017, it was a cold night, Liao carried a knife, and skillfully sneaked into Liu's room as before, ready to threaten her to go back, but found that Liu was not sleeping in the room. So he went upstairs to look for it, looked all over the room and didn't see it, and finally he came to Grandma Liu's bedroom, and no one was there. In grief and anger, Liao actually swung the knife at the sleeping grandmother, and when the grandmother was awakened by pain, he immediately shouted loudly, and he fled in a panic in fear.

Subsequently, Liu's father quickly ran up, but it was too late, and the old man had lost too much blood and could not be saved. After Liu learned about it, he was both sad and afraid; and other relatives were also sad because of the loss of the elderly. After the scene investigation, the police questioned the first witness, Liu's father and other family members, and immediately turned their suspicious eyes to Liao. Liao had a festival with the Liu family before, would he be killed because of this?

When the police rushed to Liao's home, the words of Liao's family confirmed that he was a major suspect. Liao had returned home after the crime, his body was stained with blood, and he was in a hurry, and his eyes were dodgy, as if he had committed something very big. The police immediately wanted Liao, but in desperation, he still fled from Sichuan.

Until January 2, 2020, because of the national network, Liao was arrested by the police in Guangdong as a wanted suspect. When he was arrested, he also quickly confessed to his crimes. According to Article 232 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China: [Intentional Homicide] Whoever intentionally commits homicide shall be sentenced to death, life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years; Liao's behavior is obviously premeditated, it is intentional homicide, and what awaits him will be the severe punishment of the law.

Sichuan together deformed unrequited love: 30-year-old man falls in love with a 15-year-old girl, because of love and hate to kill the killer

In the whole case, the most controversial is probably the relationship between Liao and Liu. There was a difference of fifteen years between them, Liao had also been divorced, had a daughter, and there was originally no intersection between the two of them. But fifteen-year-old Liu Mou, at the age of the beginning of the love sinus, there is a mature person appearing, and it is understandable that she fell into the love network. However, she put all her beautiful youth into this man, and even gave up her studies, which is not advocated. Learning is the main task of teenagers, through learning, we can not only accumulate knowledge, but more importantly, accumulate experience, and only after rich experience can we better survive in the world. Why Liu did not see the true face of Liao from the beginning is precisely because her experience is not enough and her experience is insufficient.

And Liao's psychology is like a balloon, his feelings for Liu are not love, because if he really loves Liu, he will not take a knife to her home in a vain attempt to hurt her or her family. He was just out of satisfaction and freshness about the relationship. When this freshness passes, it will slowly feel tasteless, and it will not be as considerate as it was for Liu Before, and it will reveal its own rough and impatient negative emotions. Subsequently, the two will have a grudge and entanglement. The biggest factor that made Liao commit the murder was his "face", originally he was proud that he had a young girlfriend, and then this pride gradually became the capital for others to talk about, and he became angry. Many self-centered people, because of the psychological gap, can't stand their lovers breaking up with themselves.

This is also the most tested aspect of the love between young and old, the two have a lot of differences in personality, the young one has enthusiasm and passion, and the older one is mature and will take care of people. It seems that the two of them can complement each other, but there is an age gap between the two. We can imagine that in adolescence, the contradiction between oneself and the elders is actually the contradiction between the two of them, and this contradiction and conflict caused by age is difficult to eliminate. This is also the biggest reason why the love of old and young is controversial.

In fact, whether it is old and young love, in reality, male and female friends or marriage relationships will produce some contradictions and conflicts, we must not be like Liao, with violence or even illegal crimes to vent their emotions, but to use reasonable methods to resolve contradictions, such as communication and so on. After all, we live in a civilized society, and as a rational civilized person, we should use rational methods to solve problems.

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