
The second "most beautiful high-speed person" character deeds exhibition 丨 quality service endless high-speed towel beauty - Li Li

author:Gansu Expressway operation

Li Li, as a member of the "Yanzhihong" women's team of Jinchang Toll Office, she integrates "spiritual beauty, language beauty, smile beauty, image beauty" into her daily work, and has been praised and affirmed by past drivers and passengers with efficient, sincere, confident and high-quality services, and has established a good window image.

The second "most beautiful high-speed person" character deeds exhibition 丨 quality service endless high-speed towel beauty - Li Li

Keep improving and never change the original intention

After serving as an "internal trainer", she repeatedly demonstrated with her colleagues in the lane, summed up a set of concise and practical entrance and exit civilization service processes, and extracted the civilized service training skills of "different standards for different people, different processes for passengers and goods, ice-breaking games to solve doubts, on-site simulation of skills, and standardized assessment of solid results", which were promoted throughout the institute and effectively improved the overall civilized service level of the station.

Love passes beauty in dedication

While providing high-quality and enthusiastic service to past drivers and passengers, she and her colleagues joined the volunteer service team and actively participated in convenient services such as "dedication of love and service to society". In her spare time, she also enthusiastically volunteered, went to the community to comfort the empty nest elderly, chatted with the elderly, helped sort out the housework, and let the elderly feel cared for and warm.

The second "most beautiful high-speed person" character deeds exhibition 丨 quality service endless high-speed towel beauty - Li Li

Live up to Shaohua's excellence is endless

Relying on a high degree of enthusiasm for work and a rigorous and meticulous work attitude, she has maintained "zero mistakes, zero errors, zero complaints" in her work for a long time, and the team members have been rated as "Silk Road Stars" by the Provincial Wuwei Office for many times. Due to her outstanding achievements in the promotion and handling of ETC, she herself was rated as "ETC Issuance Pacesetter" by the Fee.