
Re-reading Exodus, how many misinterpreted secret Jews in Jewish history originated? How exactly did the indigenous Palestinians disappear? When the Jews were expelled from Egypt

author:Liu Chaoshun said history

We may all have heard the story that a long, long time ago, the Egyptians oppressed the Jews (also known as the Hebrews), the Jews were oppressed, under the leadership of the national hero Moses, broke through the Blockade of the Egyptians one after another, and finally came to the ideal land of Canaan, and after a long struggle with the invaders Philiptin, finally under the leadership of another national hero David, won national independence and established the Kingdom of Israel.

Re-reading Exodus, how many misinterpreted secret Jews in Jewish history originated? How exactly did the indigenous Palestinians disappear? When the Jews were expelled from Egypt


This story is taken from the Old Testament exodus of the Bible, and we will not say that the Bible itself is a book on religious subjects, and it is not a very reliable history book at all. Moreover, the Bible itself is written by the Jews, and its position and ideas are completely on the side of the Jews, so the account of this book is naturally questionable.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="6" Where did > the Jews originate? </h1>

According to the Bible, the Old Testament, Genesis, Jews and Arabs share a common ancestor, Abraham, who is said to have been born in Nepal and whose father was a royal priest of your Third Reich. In this way, the origin of the Jews was not only determined in the Two Rivers Valley, one of the birthplaces of human civilization, but also related to the mesopotamian civilization, the advanced civilization of the world at that time, which seemed to tell the world that the Jews were God's chosen people and the embodiment of civilization from the beginning.

Of course, such a story should only be listened to as a story, after all, there are too many suspicious points in it.

Re-reading Exodus, how many misinterpreted secret Jews in Jewish history originated? How exactly did the indigenous Palestinians disappear? When the Jews were expelled from Egypt

Abraham, the common ancestor of Jews and Arabs

So far, in all the archaeological documents of the Mesopotamian civilization unearthed, there is no figure of Abraham and his tribe, which makes it difficult to prove the authenticity of its history. After all, just because the word "Xia" is not found in the current oracle bones, so many people directly regard the history of the Xia Dynasty as a forgery of later generations, and the history of the origin of the Chinese nation is scattered.

The only proof of Abraham's and Jewish origins, genesis, is written in an unknown date, which is highly likely to have been processed by later generations, and it emphasizes the antiquity, civilization, and sanctity of the Jewish people and its legitimacy in Palestine, in which religious nationalism and Zionism are not unexplorable.

Personally, I suspect that the book of Genesis will not be written earlier than the time of King David, and that the Book of Genesis that we see today should still be far from the ancient book of Genesis in terms of content, and its historical fact will not be higher than that of the Book of Shang, the Book of Poetry, and the Bamboo Book Chronicle.

Re-reading Exodus, how many misinterpreted secret Jews in Jewish history originated? How exactly did the indigenous Palestinians disappear? When the Jews were expelled from Egypt

Ancient Jews

Personally, I think that the origin of the Jewish people is most likely further south of the Arabian Peninsula, which received little attention before Muhammad, so that we can explain why Abraham is absent in the Mesopotamian literature.

In addition, Abraham is also considered to be the ancestor of the Arabs, if the Abrahamic tribe really lived in the Two Rivers Valley, and the Abraham family really served as a noble royal priest in your Third Reich, then why can we hardly find a shadow of Sumerian civilization in the Arab nation, especially the cuneiform script symbolizing civilization.

Locating the location of the Abrahamic tribes on the Arabian Peninsula is, in addition to being more logical, there is a certain basis for ancient history and legend. For example, the legend of King Solomon and queen of Sheba, and the location of the kingdom of Sheba is generally located in the Arabian Peninsula, which means that it is worth studying.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="50" > how did the indigenous Palestinians disappear? </h1>

Now that the Jews have established their origins in the Arabian Peninsula, who are the indigenous peoples of Palestine?

Re-reading Exodus, how many misinterpreted secret Jews in Jewish history originated? How exactly did the indigenous Palestinians disappear? When the Jews were expelled from Egypt

Ancient Canaanite ruins

The Jews themselves admitted to this question that they were not indigenous to Palestine, not of course the Egyptians, arabs, and Philiptins. According to the Old Testament and archaeological confirmation, the indigenous people of Palestine were Canaanites. But on the question of how the Canaanites disappeared, the Jews themselves gave a very ridiculous answer, saying that the Canaanites had sinned against God, and that God had promised himself the land of Canaanites and allowed Himself to destroy the sinful Canaanites on God's behalf.

We can use this view directly as a one-sided statement of the Jews, and to know the real reason for the disappearance of the Canaanites, we have to bring about another important Asian people, the Hyksos.

Regarding the origin of the Hyksos people, there is no conclusive academic consensus at present. What we know is that this people fought a war with the Hittites in southeastern Turkey around 1535 BC and was severely damaged by the Hittite king Murcili I, whose control of northern Syria was also taken by the Hittites.

Re-reading Exodus, how many misinterpreted secret Jews in Jewish history originated? How exactly did the indigenous Palestinians disappear? When the Jews were expelled from Egypt

Hyksos dynasty

Under great pressure from the north, the Hyksos began to change the direction of their expansion, actively seeking to go south, targeting the relatively weak Canaanite tribes. However, the Hyksos were sparsely populated, and in order to effectively control the land of Canaan, they attracted a large number of Jews as their allies, conquering and slaughtering the Canaanite tribes. Later, the Hyksos took advantage of the internal chaos in Egypt to conquer lower Egypt, and the Jews followed them into Egypt, enslaving and oppressing the Egyptians with them. For this, the Old Testament Exodus says that "flee to Egypt" is simply black and white.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > when the Jews were expelled from Egypt</h1>

Around 1575 BC, the Egyptians, led by their national hero Jahmos I, successfully overthrew the brutal rule of the Hyksos and established the most powerful Eighteenth Dynasty in ancient Egyptian history. Subsequently, Jahmos I and his successors, in the spirit of "it is advisable to chase the poor and the poor", drove the chariot into Asia, completely eliminated the Hyksos, and incorporated the Palestinian area into the Egyptian Empire.

Since then, the Hyksos have ceased to exist at all, but when the Jews were expelled from Egypt has been a mystery for eternity.

Re-reading Exodus, how many misinterpreted secret Jews in Jewish history originated? How exactly did the indigenous Palestinians disappear? When the Jews were expelled from Egypt

Map of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt

First, exclude the Eighteenth Dynasty period. We know that the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt was the peak of ancient Egypt, when Egypt not only occupied Palestine and Syria, but also maintained covenant relations with the powerful kingdoms of Mitanni, Babylon and Minoan, as if it were the hegemon of the Middle East world. If the Jewish tribes of this era directly confronted the Egyptian Empire, let alone occupied Palestine, it was almost impossible to get to the Sinai Peninsula alive. In addition, the founding of Judaism by Moses was clearly influenced by the Reformation in Ehnaton, at least after the exodus from Egypt, Pharaoh of the late Eighteenth Dynasty.

At present, most people (including the movie "Pharaoh and the Gods") prefer the era of Ramses II of the Nineteenth Dynasty, but this time is not personally reliable. We know that Ramses II was another brilliant pharaoh after Thutmose III, and his Egyptian Empire not only made expeditions to Syria and defeated the Hittite Empire of Iron, but also further strengthened its military presence in Palestine. In the face of such an opponent, the probability of Moses' success is also very low.

I personally prefer the mid-to-late Twentieth Dynasty, although Egypt was also strong at the beginning of the Twentieth Dynasty, but after the death of Ramses III, Egypt's national strength was weakening day by day, and domestic contradictions were fraught with contradictions. At this time, a large number of Jews who did not agree with the Egyptian state began to stir, and the Egyptians could not bear it, decided to calculate the new hatred and the old hatred together, and carried out an iron-blooded suppression of the Jewish tribe. The skinny camel was bigger than The horse, and Moses could not resist the Egyptians, so he had to take his people to fight in Asia, where the Egyptians could no longer rule.

Re-reading Exodus, how many misinterpreted secret Jews in Jewish history originated? How exactly did the indigenous Palestinians disappear? When the Jews were expelled from Egypt

Moses' Road map of the Exodus

At this time, the international situation suddenly changed, and the great invasion of the sea people dismembered the once powerful Hittite Empire and severely damaged the Egyptian Empire, so that there was a power vacuum in Palestine. However, another group of invaders, Philidines, also took a fancy to this treasure land, and they became the most feared enemies of the Jewish tribes for hundreds of years until King David completely destroyed them, monopolized Palestine, and established the kingdom of Israel.

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