
northland. Love

author:Zhang Zijian

The Love of the Northland

Text/Zhang Zijian


Put the longing that fell silent for a winter

Place in a red-hot furnace

Touch the piping hot fire

Forge a green world


Put a poet

Kidnapped onto rocks deposited over time

Cut open his romantic chest

Let the sad rhyme slip down with the leaves


Pick up those sad pieces of music

Put the holy soul

Butterflies that dot into white

Sent away the vicissitudes and evils of the world


It was the first first kiss of a teenager

It fell on the lips of the girl dancing with green silk


Love is the season of budding

My dear

I stand in the north of these four distinct seasons

Let the wind blow

Carrying my blood

Go through every year of your acacia


Flowering and fruiting

Never wither
