
5 sentences to expose human nature: Parchment scrolls tell us: women are nothing more than two things for men: one is the spiritual pillar, the other is the economy, if you have nothing, no woman lacks ancestral ghosts

author:Haruko Hatsu

5 sentences to expose human nature:

The parchment scroll tells us that women are nothing more than two things for men: one is the spiritual pillar, the other is the economy, if you don't have anything, no woman lacks ancestors

Oniguzi tells us: Don't bully honest people, he may be a person behind him that you can't afford to mess with

The wolf way tells us: Once a man is poor, the woman who loves him appears, once a woman is poor, the man who protects her appears, and once a person falls, the people around him and ghosts appear

The weakness of human nature tells us that hatred cannot hurt the other party's hair, but it makes its own life into purgatory.

Murphy's Law tells us that when people are confused, they are not pitiful, and not knowing that confusion is the most pitiful

10 years ago, I read the above 5 books for the first time, and I read them very seriously against the gimmick of the best-selling books, but I didn't have any special feelings after reading them. And after reading it again 10 years later, I found that this set of books is simply tailor-made for adults over the age of 30.

Although "Parchment Scrolls" tells the personal experience of successful people from all walks of life in the United States, the power contained in the book has changed the lives and destinies of millions of people around the world, from the secret of making money to the true meaning of happiness, each theme is worth reading carefully.

The book "Ghost Valley" uses a strategic story to teach us how to understand the situation, identify people's hearts, and grow from students who do not hear things outside the window to mature social people with thoughts and strategies.

Starting from the characteristics of wolves, "Wolf Road" extends step by step to the survival of human beings, guiding us to use the "wolf road spirit" to fight against the difficulties in life and create a new world in the workplace.

If you are not good enough at interpersonal communication, you must not miss the book "The Weakness of Human Nature", which starts from the essence of human beings, introduces various weaknesses of human nature, guides us to know ourselves, know others, and then deal with interpersonal relationships.

Murphy's Law is a witty and interesting analysis of more than 200 psychological laws, and reading any one of them can help us explain the principles behind life's inexplicable weird things, such as "Why are you afraid of what's coming?" ”

Nowadays, people are more and more aware of the importance of reading, but it is difficult to draw nourishment from books to help them change the status quo.

One of the reasons is that you don't know how to choose a book that suits your age group.

Just like me 10 years ago, when I first left school, I had no life experience and social experience, so naturally I couldn't find the classics of the above set of books.

However, 10 years later, I have been in society for seven or eight years, understanding the dangers of society, the complexity of human nature, and being impressed by the mistakes I have made or the successful things I have done.

When you see the above 5 books involving ways to make money, human strategy, workplace promotion rules and simple psychological principles and other knowledge points and cases, I was immediately attracted, while reading, while taking the views in the book and my own life experience two contrasts, some places are the pits I have stepped on, and some places guide how to correct themselves, which can be said to be a great benefit.

And this is the biggest appeal of an ordinary person reading books - to provide real help for their own lives.

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5 books to read in life

5 sentences to expose human nature: Parchment scrolls tell us: women are nothing more than two things for men: one is the spiritual pillar, the other is the economy, if you have nothing, no woman lacks ancestral ghosts

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