
What would be the result if the left and right brains were split?


We have heard a word, that is, split brain, that is, the brain is split. Before we understand this, let's understand consciousness, so where does our consciousness really exist? Usually we think of consciousness in the brain. But theologians may have a different view. Theology generally holds that this consciousness exists alone, like a soul. It may indeed be in the brain when we are alive, but when we die, we will come out independently and go somewhere else. But either way, it shows that the brain is a very important organ for the existence of consciousness, and we do see a phenomenon that if our brain is affected by some physical impact, it has a certain impact on the meaning, just like after someone has a traffic accident, the brain is affected or damaged, and the person's temperament may change a lot after waking up. For example, a person who was originally very gentle will suddenly become very grumpy. Some people have become very intelligent geniuses. That is to say, this damage to the brain or this physical change has a direct impact on the person's consciousness. It can also be shown that meaning exists in the brain.

The brain is divided into left brain and right brain, the left brain and right brain are mostly physically separated, only a small part of the middle is connected together, this part will be called the callosum, the callosum has a lot of neural tissue. The person responsible for transmitting the signal is like a bridge, so the callosum is also called the "brain beam". So 100 years ago, people knew about the existence of this brain beam, and people thought about what would happen to people's brains if they separated this brain beam? What about consciousness?

So if we separate the brains, some people must think, isn't that person dead or become a vegetative person? This is not the case. Many people in many accidents have injured this brain beam, and the doctor has no way to cut it open. Or the accident itself has cut off the brain beam, and eventually these patients can recover like normal people, as long as they do not hurt the brainstem or some organs of the brain's blood-supplying tissue. People do not die directly. Then the separation of the left and right brains is called "split brain", and this split surgery is called "brain beam severance", also called "split brain surgery". So at present, one of the first doctors to perform this operation is the famous neurologist of brain surgery in the United States" William. Dr. Waganin. He was the founder and first president of the American Association of Brain Surgery. He made an example in the 1940s and was successful, but the purpose of the surgery was not to study the consequences of brain segmentation. In order to treat epilepsy, epilepsy is a disease that has existed in human society since ancient times, and the human body will have serious convulsions when it occurs. The real cause of epilepsy is that there are many signals in the human brain that are not there. And this signal kicks the ball between the left and right brains. The slithering caused convulsions in the body. As for why this signal is constantly scurrying between the left and right brains? It's not very clear. One of the earliest and most famous epileptic patients is the famous philosopher "Socrates" of ancient Greece. Then there is no clear cause of this convulsion due to epilepsy. So epilepsy patients are very dangerous, they may have epilepsy when they walk, eat and drive, so that they can't control their bodies. It is in a very dangerous state, in order to treat epilepsy, some doctors think. Since epilepsy is caused by signals scurrying between the left and right brains, we decisively cut off this brain bridge so that this signal cannot be channeled around. Whether epilepsy can be treated. Although this idea is dangerous, there is no better way to treat epilepsy so far. So many doctors, including this Dr. Wagenin, considered whether to do such an operation, and then happened to meet a very serious epilepsy patient, who simply could not live a normal life, so they agreed to do the operation. So when the first surgery was performed, the brain beam was not completely cut off, only a little cut. This clearly felt that the number of relapses in this patient was reduced. Later, a little more cut, the symptoms lessened again. Finally cut off completely. After cutting off, this person's disease was completely cured, and there is no epilepsy now, which is no different from normal people. So I made several cases, most of which were fine. There are very few special cases. To be honest, the fact that the suffering of split brains has returned to normal is unexpected by many neurologists and doctors. They thought something more serious was going to happen. But it doesn't. Then a question arises. If the brain can be separated and can be the same as normal people, then why are the brains connected in the first place? Is there anything we haven't found out there? Or some symptoms that are not visible on the surface. There is also a question of whether the patient who underwent this split-brain surgery has one consciousness or two consciousnesses? So how do these two brains work in harmony? How can you maintain a consciousness? There is no communication between them anymore? So in order to figure this out, they decided to conduct an in-depth analysis of these patients who had surgery, and this analysis experiment was called the "brain splitting experiment".

Before we understand this experiment, let's first understand how the brain works. Everyone knows that the right brain controls the left half of the body, and the left half of the brain controls the right half of the body. In fact, not only the body, but also the eyes. What the left eye sees will pass to the right brain, and what the right eye sees will pass to the left brain. Why is that? It's because our brain nerves, and the eye nerves, cross somewhere, and the brain crosses in the place where the brain and the spine are connected called "long brains." The face and the eye are crossed behind the eyeball. Why should the nerves cross? Isn't the left brain controlling the left body the end? Why does the left brain have to control the right brain? What is the reason for this question that is not known so far? But there are many hypotheses, and there are two of the most mainstream hypotheses: one is called the avoidance of danger theory. That is to say, our ancestors, for example, some mollusks like flat worms, they only have two ways to avoid danger, one is to shrink the body, the other is to swim, then the left brain controls the left body, and the right brain controls the right body. If the left brain finds danger, it controls the left body to contract, and swims to the danger, so it must be crossed, if the left side finds danger, the right body will swim away as soon as it contracts. There is also a hypothesis called two reversals, that is, we people are facing backwards before, after two reversals, each time reversed 90 degrees, and then changed to the front, this is not nonsense, you see we people are symmetrical left and right, but most of the internal organs are not symmetrical, for example, the heart is on the left side, the stomach is on the left side. On the right there are also some separate organs, why the outside is symmetrical and the inside is asymmetrical. Later, some biologists came to study our ancestors, that is, if according to the Theory of Evolution, we are talking about fish. It was found that the fish were symmetrical, with internal organs on both sides of the long eyes underneath. In this way, it seems that the middle is symmetrical, so he thinks that it is very likely that people will twist it once, so we imagine that if we turn our internal organs upside down, it will become symmetrical. So we twisted our nerves as we went from fish to man, and what did we observe? It is that flounders have two eyes on one side, just like us people have both eyes on the front. But why do the two eyes have to grow in front, and we want to see the back and can't see it? Juveniles found in flounders can be seen at 360 degrees on both sides with eyes long. But when you want to grow into an adult fish, you have eyes that grow to one side. That is to say, in the process of evolution, organisms may have produced various twists of this body. At present, it is believed that the head has turned 90 degrees and the body has turned 90 degrees in another direction. So the whole body turned 180 degrees, and the two nerves were intertwined. But neither hypothesis can explain why the eye crosses nerves. Your head is twisted, and your eyes have not changed to cross. Yu said that there are many hypotheses about eye crossover, that is, our biological evolution has been twisted many times, and after twisting and twisting, it becomes like me. Another point is that although my left and right hemispheres look the same, in fact, the functions responsible for are completely different. It is now known that the left hemisphere is mainly responsible for the logical function of language function and the function of daily life, while the right hemisphere is mainly responsible for image processing imagination intuition and some non-daily processing. This also shows why most people are right-handed, and 70% of people in this world are right-handed, because our left half of the brain is responsible for some daily work. And it was found that almost 99% of the right-handed people have language centers in the left brain, about 1% of people have their language centers in the right brain, and left-handed people have 70% of the language centers in the left brain, 15% of the language centers in the right brain, and about 15% of the language centers in both brains. Most of us have only one brain to talk. So why should our brains be divided into left and right brains, and can't one brain? As far as the current observations have been found, since the left hemisphere is doing daily work, it pays special attention to details, while the right hemisphere does some imagination or image processing work. It will be more holistic. Therefore, in the process of our biological evolution, after the environment is becoming more and more complicated, we have to pay attention to the details and the whole at a glance. So the brain must be dual-core, the single-core brain can not complete this thing, a glance at the past left eye to see the details, the right eye to see is the whole. Then all the information is processed at once, and it is known whether it is danger or food. Creatures only care about these two things, either dangerous or food. That is to say, our dual brain is designed like a computer's dual core. Its purpose is to make it more complex. These are basically the workings of the brain.

Many scientists have done split-brain experiments, and one of them is a very famous and video material is the famous American psychologist "Michael. Gazzaniga "did a split-brain experiment, his experiment is like this, put a display in front of the product with a small dot in the middle, he asked the patient after the operation to look at the middle of the small dot." Then the left and right sides of this little dot are displayed with some words and pictures respectively, so that the patient both answer what do you see? And draw it by hand what do you see? In the first experiment he showed a word "car" on the right side of this small dot in the middle, and then asked that patient what do you see? The patient replied "car" and he was right. Then he showed the picture on the right side again, and he asked the patient what do you see? The patient said grapes. So far it's been normal. Why did he show this picture on the right, because he let the person's right eye see this thing pass to the left brain, and the left brain can say it. He just answered correctly. Then he shows the word "pan" on the left, which means pan. The patient did not respond at all. He asked what do you see? The patient said I didn't see anything, and then he said you close your eyes and draw down with your left hand what you see, and he drew a pan on the paper with his left hand. He could see, but it said he didn't see. What does that mean? His left eye saw the pan, and this signal reached his right brain, which was sure to see the pan. But the right brain has no language center, he can't say it, when you ask him he can only use the left brain to answer, and there is no connection between the left and right brains, so the left brain says I don't see anything! Then let him draw with his left hand, because the right brain sees it, so the left hand can draw it, and the right hand can't draw it. The right hand did not see.

The third experiment is even more amazing, he shows a picture of the "saw" on the left side of the dot and a picture of the "hammer" on the right. Ask this patient what do you see? He said I saw the hammer, he said you draw it with your left hand, he drew a saw. What did you draw on his patients? He said Oops Saw, he asked the patient what are you seeing? The patient speaks of the hammer. This experiment proves that the two brains really operate completely independently, and that the person does have two consciousnesses. And this patient was completely unaware that his left and right hemispheres were working separately before he did the experiment. He didn't realize that he thought he was normal, and this experiment shocked himself in particular!! Why is this happening, saying and doing things differently!! This experiment shows that the left and right brains have no way to share information, the right brain sees things that only the right brain knows, the left brain sees things that only the left brain knows, and bluntly say that the person's left brain and right brain are two different consciousnesses, independent consciousness. Then in this field of split-brain research, there is a particularly authoritative person, this is the famous American neurophysiologist called "Roger. Sperry", who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1981 for his lifelong work on split-brain. This Roger believes that there is an independent consciousness in the left and right brains of people, but we average our normal people's two brains are connected to each other and share information with each other, so they work in coordination. Let us not realize that it has two consciousnesses. But once separated, they each return to their original state. In addition to this split-brain experiment, there is another disease that can prove that there are two consciousnesses in the human brain, this disease is called "xenophthalism", that is, people sometimes suddenly cannot control their hands. This disease is mainly caused by problems with left and right brain coordination. Then the different hand is usually the left hand, and this is the uncontrollable hand of the left hand, because our right brain is responsible for imagination, intuition, so this left hand always wants to do whatever it wants. The left brain controls the right hand is to do some daily work, so the right hand is absolutely no problem. There is also a fact that there is no language center in the right brain, so when the right brain wants to express itself, there is no way to express it through language, it is mainly expressed through body language, so it will move wildly. It is precisely because the right brain has no language center, so these people look normal, there is no problem in speaking, the logic is clear, and they never say too wrong with themselves. Most of the people who have this heterotethemia or have done this surgery, the main reason for the normal performance is also in this right brain, because the right brain is "non-daily brain", usually not very working, so most people with heterotexy do not often show it, and occasionally show it. The more serious example is like the left hand is tied when the right hand wants to unbutton, and you can tie as much as you want, and you can't control it yourself. For example, buying the east in the supermarket puts the east in the shopping cart with the right hand, and the left hand takes it out. Left and right hand fights.

So when you meet someone, he talks and does things differently? You can observe that if his right hand is different from what he says, then this is a liar. However, if the left hand does not do things and speaks differently, it may be heterotexy, because the controlled brain is different. Speaking is always controlled by the left brain. Then later, after further research in this medicine, it was found that in fact, the brain not only has only two consciousnesses, it is possible that there are many consciousnesses, they are all independent, but before there is no division, they are all working well with others. From this point there is an explanation for multiple personalities, that is, in fact, each of us may be multiple personalities, but we are well coordinated. And some people have problems with the coordination part, and this multiple personality is manifested. This also explains why the memory of multiple personalities is discontinuous. The memory of the left and right hemibrains of people with split-brain surgery is discontinuous, the memory of the left brain is unknown to the right brain, and the memory of the right brain is not known to the left brain. We normal people are sometimes forgetful. If you don't remember what you did yesterday, it's possible that you switched personalities at that time. It's short-lived, but you're doing the job with another personality. And then switch back to the original personality, that memory is gone. Unless you have another chance to reactivate that part, you will not remember about that ministry. This also explains the question of why we can't remember our dreams. Because the person in the dream may not be the same person as you. He was another man, and he was in charge of dreams. It wakes up when you sleep, so everything you do in the dream is what he wants to appear, but as soon as you wake up and the personality switches, you don't remember that period.

This also shows why people with different personalities behave differently, because the functions of people controlled by different areas of the brain are different, so it is very likely that each of us has multiple personalities in the body, but we control it very well, and the performance does not appear. Each person's personality is still different, some are more positive, some are more negative, some are more cheerful, some are more depressed, some have a temper tantrum, and some are very gentle. The most important thing for us is not how to control the most sunny, the kindest and most positive, this personality as our master personality to control, control you are such a person, if you can't control it, you may go in another direction. So if you feel a little depressed, or if you feel that you are in a bad mood recently, it is also a good choice to try to change your personality, we all have a good side deep inside, you are not born depressed, you have experienced some things, experienced some blows and become depressed. It is very likely that at the time of that blow, your brain suppressed your master personality in order to reduce the damage. Activated the not-so-good personality. Therefore, when encountering this situation, we must find a way to get our master personality back.

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