
The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

author:Shu Chen's love for the taste

Hello everyone, I am Shu Chen, sharing a variety of home-cooked food here every day, today I will share with you the "potato stew chicken leg" that children like to eat.

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

Chicken thighs and potatoes are popular ingredients, especially for children. The combination of the two is just perfect. Chicken thighs are tender and fragrant, potato caramel still has the meat aroma of chicken thighs, and the soup can also be soaked in rice, which is the perfect meal. Let's take a look at the steps together and learn.

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

【Chicken thigh stew with potatoes】

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

Ingredients: Chicken thighs potatoes

Accessories: shallots, ginger, garlic, fragrant leaves

Seasoning: vegetable oil Salt, sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine


The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

1. Wash the chicken thighs with running water

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

2. Chop into small pieces, 4-5 chicken thighs, add water and soak for 40 minutes

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

3. Prepare the shallot knots, cut the ginger into ginger slices,

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

4. Cut the garlic from the middle and set aside

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

5. Blanch the chicken thighs in a cold underwater pot, add the shallot knots and ginger slices, bring to a boil to skim off the foam

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

6. Cook for about 10 minutes and remove with controlled water

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

7. Wash the foam on the surface of the chicken thigh again

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

8. Heat the oil, add sugar and sauté the sugar color

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

9. Sauté to a brownish brown, add the chicken thighs and stir-fry

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

10. Add the shallot knots, fragrant leaves, garlic and ginger to the color evenly, continue to stir-fry, and flow into the cooking wine along the edge of the pot

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

11. Add soy sauce and stir-fry

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

12. Add water evenly to the color, before the chicken nuggets, bring to a boil, pour into the prepared casserole dish and continue to boil

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

13. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes,

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

14. Peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces, add vegetable oil to the pot and pour in the potato cubes

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

15. Fry the potato cubes until golden brown, add the soy sauce and stir-fry well

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

16. Stir-fry a few times with white vinegar and salt

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

17. Pour the potato cubes into a casserole dish and continue simmering

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

18. Remove the shallot knots, fragrant leaves, ginger and other accessories in the casserole dish

The homely method of potato chicken thighs, chicken thighs are tender and flavorful, potatoes are not rotten, and the soup can make rice

19. Sprinkle with shallots before cooking, and enjoy the delicious taste

Tips: 1, chicken thighs chopped into small pieces with water soaked, soaked in bloody water

2, cool water into the chicken thigh blanching water, skim off the surface foam,

3. Continue to clean after blanching

4. Stir-fry potato cubes separately for better taste

Potato stew chicken thighs are made according to the above steps, chicken legs are soft and tender, potatoes are not rotten, soup is fragrant and soaked rice is too fragrant, and two bowls of rice are not enough to eat. You can try to do it, make sure your family likes it, and the kitchen white can become a chef in seconds. Potato stewed chicken thighs are nutritious and delicious, and I hope you can enjoy them.