
Why would a man who is almost 30 years old be with a post-00s? By virtue of being able to make money, being capable, and having talent. Dawei is not a 93 that I saw in a post today that said it was a 93

author:-Dawei is not me-

Why would a man who is almost 30 years old be with a post-00s?

By virtue of being able to make money, being capable, and having talent.

- Dawei is not me

I saw a post today about a '93 man who married a woman who was still a junior in '01, and then I watched the comments section explode. The question that a lot of people are concerned about is – will there be no generation gap in your communication? And so on.

That is to say, the problem that most people care about is not the problem of having money or not, but some insignificant problems in life. What communication is not communicated is what is the problem of what a few hands. What is there a generation gap, men have money, even if there is a generation gap, women will understand.

What about different aesthetics?

What about even if you're in your junior year? Don't you know that when milk tea sister and Dong Ge met, they were also in school? It is a very simple logic, because men have money, out of money, age gap is not a problem. The problem is that he has money in his family, and he has enough money himself.

Many people look at problems from a very strange perspective - what fits together can't come together, and if you have money, you can get everything together. If you don't have money, you can't get along. It's that simple. You have money, you are paralyzed, you fart, and no one else will say that you put it, but he put it himself.

The problem that most people encounter in finding a partner is not a problem, but a problem of having money or not having money. Some men are ma bao men, some women are ma bao women, whether it is ma bao women or ma bao men, it is not a good thing, because there is no money. So there will be problems with whoever you are with.

Just like an adult, you can't educate, you can only let the other person fend for himself - you can stay away from him.

If you encounter a ma bao man and a ma bao woman, you will automatically stay away - if you are not far away, it can only prove that you are a type of person. You are also a mother-in-law, a mother-in-law.

You believe you can succeed and you won't be with people who fail. If you believe that you are a loser, then you will be with the loser. Your choices already show what kind of person you are.

Many people have proposed that the so-called '93 man and the woman in '01 are not what the problem is not - where does this man come from, how much money does he make in a year. Problems like that. Of course, in fact, you will not say it if you comment on it.

Because they all have their own privacy, what do you mean by saying that these are useful, people can't give you her husband.

So you see a lot of poor people asking others questions not to ask the point, but to knock on the side, to see if you are happy, to see if you have a generation gap, and to count on the breakdown of your marriage.

Happiness is not happy that is not very important, although it is definitely happy - because people are exposed. It's all been sun-dried, and it's certainly happy. Then there is no point in you asking others questions.