
The five elements are dry, and there is too much soil, which will lead to which is not good

The five elements are dry, and there is too much soil, which will lead to which is not good

Easy to learn numerology Tang teacher/book

Partial dryness means more. Withering is the meaning of withering and lacking, the fate game is composed of gold, water, wood, fire and earth, five different elements, but some fate games, not the five elements are complete, for example: some people have too many individual five elements, and some five elements are missing, numerology is called five elements dry, let's talk about what is bad about hitting too much soil. Note (except for special orders).

First, unfavorable to the cause

In numerology, if there are too many earth five elements, then the other five elements will be missing. Circulation can produce wealth, and if the circulation of fate is not smooth, people's fortunes will naturally be hindered. In particular, if the original situation is excessively dry, such as the appearance of: soil is more water-scarce, soil is more buried, soil is more wood folding, etc., the level of fate is not high, because the five elements are unbalanced, the cause is hindered smoothly, and the fate of a lifetime will also fluctuate.

Second, do things hesitantly

Earth, Faith. Moderate earthiness, sincerity, consistency in doing things, generosity in others, and fruitful in words and deeds. But too much soil is jealous of God, too realistic, insufficient flexibility, poor eloquence, not good at expression, not good at communication, hesitant to do things, easy to think rigid, introverted and quiet, temperamental, unable to understand things, do wrong things but do not know how to reflect.

Third, it is not conducive to health

Too much soil is taboo: soil represents the skin and stomach in numerology. It shows that the gastrointestinal function is relatively weak, easy to have gastrointestinal and digestive and absorption problems, if it is a soil and water, light skin dryness is not good. Heavy kidneys, urinary system parts of the disease, if it is the soil fire decay, easy to lead to the heart, poor vision, if it is more buried in the soil, it is easy to lead to poor respiratory system, if it is the soil more wood decay, easy to lead to liver and gallbladder and so on.

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