
Thirty and standing, what stands


Many years ago, an elder asked me: What do you think is standing at thirty?

I thought about it for a long time and couldn't find a precise answer.

He told me that standing at thirty is not a superficial family or a career, but a mature mode of thinking, an independent and in-depth thinking ability.

Until I walked through thirty years old, hit walls, shed tears, took the wrong path, loved the wrong person. After a hundred turns and a thousand times, I really understood this truth.

We are too accustomed to "take-ism" when we are young. As soon as the problem appeared, I immediately wanted to greet a few people who came over and gain a bunch of experience. As soon as the emotion was frustrated, he immediately turned to a group of girlfriends and gave a thousand solutions. At that time, we always looked forward to taking the experience of people to guide our lives, always hoped to enlighten our wisdom with famous sayings and aphorisms, and always too eager to borrow external forces, too easy to rely on foreign aid. We only lack the ability to be self-aware and self-using.

You are your own person. The tears that have flown through it will become a river that crosses you. The suffering you have suffered should illuminate your way forward in the future. At this time, pain can become wealth, and aging can be regarded as growth. The years really haven't spared us. And we can't live up to the years. Every step you take is your own way.

Thirty and standing, what stands