
In June 1910, he participated in the 3200 km International Rally in Kiev at the Emperor Nicholas II Award СофьяАлексевнаДолгорукая(Д

author:Hall of Glory of Weapons

In June 1910, he participated in the 3200 km International Rally in Kiev at the Emperor Nicholas II Award Софья Алексевна Долгорукая (Долгорукове) Sophia-Alexeyevna-Dorgrukaya (Dolgrukova)(1887.12.12-1949.12.12),是 Алексей Александрович Бобринский ( 19.5.1852 – 2 September 1927) Daughter of Count Alexei-Alexandrovich Boblinsky (the favorite minister of Empress Ekaterina II, Г.Г.Орлов Orlov's great-grandson), the only woman among the 48 participants, drove the Delaunay-Belleville 18 CV car. He became interested in aviation and received his pilot's certificate in June 1914. First husband Сергей Александрович Долгоруков Sergey-Alexanderlovich-Dorglu Prince Cobh (1872.5.15-1933.11.11), divorced in 1913, second husband Пётр Петрович Волконский Prince (1872-1957)

In June 1910, he participated in the 3200 km International Rally in Kiev at the Emperor Nicholas II Award СофьяАлексевнаДолгорукая(Д

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