
Shifting focus? The Johnson government canceled most of the epidemic prevention measures, british media: want to get rid of the "party door" crisis

Source: Global Times

[Global Times special correspondent in the United Kingdom Ji Shuangcheng] The United Kingdom of England has lifted most of the new crown pneumonia epidemic restrictions since the 27th, including the need to wear masks in closed places, and vaccine passes are no longer required documents. Some British media believe that the Johnson government wants to divert public attention by creating an image of "successful epidemic prevention" and get rid of a series of political crises such as "party doors".

Shifting focus? The Johnson government canceled most of the epidemic prevention measures, british media: want to get rid of the "party door" crisis

British Prime Minister Johnson Infographic

According to the British "Guardian" reported on the 27th, according to the latest regulations, from the same day, the English people can not wear masks in any place, enter nightclubs and other crowded places do not have to show health certificates, the government's suggestions for corporate employees to work from home are also invalid. The requirement for infected people to self-isolate for 5 days has not changed for the time being, but Johnson said a few days ago that this requirement will also be relaxed. In the UK, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the epidemic prevention policy is generally formulated by the local government. Similar to England, most of the restrictions are being lifted in succession.

The number of hospitalized and critically ill patients in the UK has recently fallen, and the number of new confirmed cases in a single day has fallen from more than 200,000 at the beginning of this year to about 100,000 at present. The British "Times" reported on the 27th that although the mandatory requirement for the public to wear masks in England has expired, many national chain supermarkets will continue to require customers to wear masks, and train companies will also continue to require passengers to wear masks in the carriage to show courtesy to other passengers.

The Johnson administration's decision to relax the epidemic prevention policy at this time was considered by some British media to be trying to get out of the personal political crisis as soon as possible. Since December last year, Johnson has been embroiled in a scandal within the government suspected of holding a party in violation of epidemic prevention regulations, and has faced calls for stepping down. Gray, a senior civil servant in the Cabinet Office, presided over the investigation into the incident. Britain's "Daily Mirror" said on the 27th that Gray has obtained photos of Johnson sitting in front of a table full of wine bottles, and the London police will also investigate the illegal party held by the Prime Minister's Office, and Johnson's days at 10 Downing Street are numbered. On the 26th, Johnson reiterated in parliament that he would not comment on the relevant incidents until the investigation report was received, and said that he "absolutely will not" resign. Britain's "Daily Mail" said on the 27th that Gray's report may not be released until next week.

In addition to the "Partygate" incident, Johnson was also revealed to have approved the preferential evacuation of animals from the local area during the Afghan Taliban's takeover last year. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) quoted the latest exposed documents on the 26th that in August last year, the british soldier Fassin asked the British government to help himself and the employees and animals of the animal shelter he operated in Afghanistan to evacuate the country, johnson personally authorized the evacuation of more than 170 cats and dogs from Afghanistan, but the Afghan employees of the Fassin team were refused to enter the airport for unknown reasons and failed to leave the country. Johnson and the Prime Minister's Office have previously denied the allegations.