
Sting, you should know this

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Yang Qian Correspondent Wang Wenting Picture from CFP

March 5, Sting.

Sting is the third of the twenty-four solar terms of the year, which means that the weather warms up and the spring thunder begins to sound, waking up the insects that hibernate underground. In the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, it is said: "In the spring and March, this is called Fa Chen. Heaven and earth are born, and all things are proud. Lie down at night and get up early, walk widely in the court, and wear your hair slowly to make Zhisheng. "It means that in the spring, when everything recovers, you should go to bed early and get up early, take a walk slowly, which can make your spirit happy and healthy." This summarizes the basic points of sting health in terms of living.

Man and nature are closely related, heaven and man are corresponding, must respond to the time of day, suitable for the season, pay attention to health care. So, how should this festival be eaten? How to maintain health?

In this regard, The deputy director of the Hangzhou First People's Hospital, Master Dazhi, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, cracked the sting health law for everyone one by one.

Spiritual recuperation

Sting, you should know this

During the sting season, the weather gradually warms up and the spring thunder begins to ring. At this time, the liver and yang qi will also gradually rise, and people are prone to anger. At this time, we must conform to the laws of nature and the human body, and loosen the liver and rational qi, otherwise it is easy to lead to emotional instability, depression, and irritability. Therefore, we should keep the spirit happy and the qi and blood and smooth, if the meridian qi and blood are running normally, then we can achieve physical and mental health.

Therefore, we should pay attention to strengthening self-cultivation and develop the habit of calm and composure. Respect the Master, choose good friends, and listen to more beautiful music.

Get more sun

Sting, you should know this

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that people should avoid the cold in winter, while in spring and summer, it is just the opposite, and it is necessary to pay attention to cultivating yang qi. To be "tireless in the day", that is, to bask in the sun in the spring and summer, each time not less than fifteen to twenty minutes. This greatly improves the hardiness of winter.

In Jiangnan, the phenomenon of "pouring spring cold" continues until the last few days of the sting, while the cold climate in the north takes longer, so "spring cover" is very important in this festival. Especially for the elderly, in this solar term, do not reduce the clothes too little due to the warm weather, and appropriately increase or decrease clothes with the climate.

Pay attention to physical exercise

Sting, you should know this

Physical exercise should be strengthened in the spring, and walking, jogging, tai chi, five birds play and other projects can be taken. Sunbathing and air bathing are also indispensable methods of strong and strong Sun Protection.

Stretching the waist can relieve fatigue, wake up, increase strength, and live limbs, so it is recommended to get up early in the spring to stretch the waist.

During the sting season, it is recommended to fly a kite when the weather is good, which can not only be pleasant and nourishing, but also very helpful for strengthening the body and preventing and treating diseases.

Pay attention to sun protection

Before and after the sting, especially in the afternoon, the sun is too strong (ultraviolet rays are very strong), it is easy to sunburn the skin, and prepare the necessary sunscreen or sun umbrella.

Pay attention to sleep

After the sting, the weather became warmer and warmer, and the "spring sleepiness" also struck quietly. Choosing a 20-minute lunch break during this season is a good choice.

Sleep at night should also be treated well, and drinking a cup of hot milk is a great way to promote sleep.

Beware of pollen allergies

Sting, you should know this

Spring flowers begin to bloom, friends who will have pollen allergies should pay attention, especially newborn babies, before not knowing what is his allergen, it is best to go to these pollen-rich places.

The park is a relaxing place, but in the spring, this sowing season, the pollen gently flutters with the breeze, and friends who have had pollen allergies before are better to bring the usual medicine with them at any time.

Diet should be light

During the sting season, the body's liver and yang qi gradually rises, and the yin blood is relatively insufficient, and at this time, the intake of a large amount of fat will increase the burden on the liver. At this time, the diet should be light, sweet and alkaline food should be increased, and the main diet principle is to protect the liver and moisturize the lungs and spleen. The sting represents the revival of all things, and at this time you can hear all kinds of insects and birds. Therefore, using what the human body lacks can conserve the yang qi of the human body and enhance the body's ability to resist bacteria and viruses.

In folklore, there is a saying that the sting eats pears. During the sting season, the temperature is still low and dry, so in the spring, you should also eat more raw and lung-moisturizing foods. Pear cold taste sweet, has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, suppressing cough, nourishing yin and clearing heat.

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

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