
Nineteenth-century French literature – poetry, drama and literary criticism

author:The frog at the bottom of the well looks at the world

Andre Chenier (1762-1794), the beginning of French Romantic poetry, unfortunately died at the age of 32 on the guillotine.

Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869). Meditations poetiques, Nouvelles Meditations, Graziella

Hugo was the king of poetry at that time, occupying the throne for more than 50 years. Works: Les Feuilles d'automne (Autumn Leaves), Les Rayons et les Ombres (Light and Shadow), Les Contemplations (also known as Meditations), Les Chansons des rues et des bois (Song of the Street Shade), La Legende des siecles (Legends of the Ages)

维尼(Alfred de Vigny, 1797-1863)。 《狼之死》(The Death of the Wolf)

Musé (Alfred de Musset, 1810-1857). A French talent with full Parisian style, he does not do anything all his life, indulges in alcoholic women, and consumes life and feelings. 【Anecdote】Once with George. Sang fell in love and was very bitter after separation, and wrote a lot of lyric poems for this purpose. In addition, he admired Byron.

Theophile Gautier (1811-1872). Mademoiselle de Maupin, Emaux et Camees. Gautier came up with the slogan "Art for Art's Sake", ending the Romantics and creating the Gophers (also known as the "Barnas"). He went to Paris as a painter, but became a poet.

morality. Leconte de Lisle (1818-1894). Poemes antiques, Poemes tragiques, Le Parnasse Contemporain

Sully Prudhomme (1839-1907). La Justice, Le Bonheur. French philosophical poetry began with him.

Jose-Maria de Heredia (1842-1905). Les Trophees

Francois Coppee (1842-1908).

Shire. Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867). Les Fleurs du mal (The Flower of Evil), The Melancholy of Paris

let. Jean Richepin (1849-1926). Chanson des gueux

Paul. Paul Verlaine (1844-1896). Jadis et naguere (Present and Sunset), Art Poetique (Poetry)

"There's not a single line here that isn't life."

"If you want, then go together. If you don't want to follow, then I will go alone. ”

"Art doesn't have to be clear, it doesn't have to be theoretical, it doesn't have to be witty, it has to be musical."

[Anecdote] Verlaine met Rimbaud, and the two ran into a catastrophe together. Rimbaud came out of the country and sent a poem to Verlaine for an appointment. Verlaine discovers that Rimbaud is still a big boy and becomes a good friend. Weerlen loves Rimbaud, abandons his wife and Rimbaud and runs away, the two swim to Britain and Belgium, But Rimbaud repeatedly offers to leave, Weerlen shot Rimbaud in despair, Rimbaud did not die, after Verlaine went to prison, Rimbaud withdrew the lawsuit, Verlaine was released from prison, but since then depressed, died in his fifties.

Maramé (Stephane Mallarme, 1842-1898). Pages

Rimbaud (Arthur Rimbaud, 1854-1891). Le bateau ivre, Une Saison en Enfer, Illuminations.

Symbolist poets Jules Laforgue, Remy de Gourmont

Nineteenth-century French drama

Alexandre Dumas. Henri III et sa Cour (Henri III et Sa Cour),


Victor Hugo. Hernani, Ruy Blas

Vigny. Chatterton


Alexandre Dumas Fils (1824-1895). La Dame aux Camelias

Henry. Henry Becque (1837-1899)

Andre. Andre Antoine (1858-1943)

Morris. Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949)

Eugene Brieux


Here are the literary criticisms:

Le Globe, founded in 1824

Abel-Francois Villemain


Sainte-Beuve (1804-1869): Causeries du Lundi (Monday Review), Portraits litteraires (Portraits litteraires)

Danner (Hippolyte Taine, 1828-1893): Histoire de la litterature anglaise (History of English Literature)

Ernest Renan (1823-1892): Vie de Jesus (Son of Man), Histoire des origines du Christianisme (The Origin of Christianity)

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