
5 Ways to Tell If You Have Bad Breath? The second method is very simple

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

With the improvement of quality of life, more and more people have greatly changed their living habits, and they have paid more and more attention to personal hygiene and will care about what others think of themselves. However, there are some people who are bright and beautiful in appearance, but they are still excluded by people, why is this?

5 Ways to Tell If You Have Bad Breath? The second method is very simple

The reason is bad breath. No one wants to communicate with a person with bad breath, say a word, exhale a breath, it is almost fatal! I am embarrassed to bring it up and hit the self-esteem of others. Some people are about to ask, do you have bad breath that you don't know? Of course, I wouldn't know, because the breath was all spewed out, and I couldn't smell it at all!

So how to judge whether you have bad breath and what should you do? The specific judgment methods are as follows:

5 Ways to Tell If You Have Bad Breath? The second method is very simple

1. Saliva judgment method. First wash your hands clean, do not leave any other taste, and then use your tongue to gently lick the back of your hand, wait for about 10 seconds after the saliva is dry, use your nose to approach the place where there is saliva to see if there is a strong odor, if there is a bad breath.

2. Breathing judgment method. Directly exhaling the breath with the nose can not smell any taste, so this method is to cover the nose and mouth with your hands at the same time, and then exhale the breath, so that you can easily understand your breath condition.

3. Tongue judgment method. You can wipe the base of the tongue with gauze or a cotton swab, and if the wiped gauze or cotton swab is yellow, you may have bad breath. Or stick your tongue straight out, the tongue always appears yellow, or it may have bad breath, or some other oral problem.

5 Ways to Tell If You Have Bad Breath? The second method is very simple

4. Mirror observation method. Using a mirror to observe the color of the tongue, if there is a white discharge on the inside of the tongue, this indicates bad breath.

5. Floss removal method. The method of flossing to remove dirt between teeth is to flow into China from abroad, and in the past, Chinese people only used traditional toothbrushes to clean their teeth. But in addition to removing dirt, floss can also use floss to determine whether you have bad breath, first use floss to clean the gap between the teeth, if the floss has a taste, this shows that you have bad breath.

5 Ways to Tell If You Have Bad Breath? The second method is very simple

After judging whether there is bad breath through the above methods, certain measures can be taken to treat it. There are also many causes of bad breath. For example, stomach problems, accumulation of food, stomach ulcers, etc., stomach diseases can be good or bad, so it is necessary to pay attention to it, and when the cause of bad breath is not determined, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a stomach examination.

Another reason is not to pay attention to oral hygiene, brush your teeth at night after eating, and then do not rinse your mouth and sleep directly, which will lead to oral ulceration and thus form bad breath for a long time.