
A woman pregnant with Rokko, who wants grace and not temperature, wears a short skirt to the bar and bungee

Pregnant in October, she gave birth. When it comes to pregnant women, I believe many people will think of hard work, suffering, suffering, greatness, these words.

In the process of this ten-month long pregnancy, pregnant women are also suffering in all aspects of their bodies and minds, and the shape of their bodies and the gestational spots on their faces have endured too much in order to make the baby healthy and safe.

For pregnant women, the boring and tedious process of pregnancy has become the norm in their lives. However, not every pregnant woman can endure a boring and tedious life.

A woman pregnant with Rokko, who wants grace and not temperature, wears a short skirt to the bar and bungee

On January 26, 2022, some netizens broke the news that there was a woman in Guangdong who could not stand a boring and tedious life and wanted to be graceful and not warm, and wore a skirt to a bar during pregnancy.

Witnesses recounted that the woman's husband came to the bar and tried to take her home, but she was reluctant to follow her husband back, so the two quarreled in the bar.

Listening carefully to their conversation, I learned that the woman was a dance teacher and was in perfect shape. After pregnancy, for the sake of the fetus in the womb, she cannot continue to dance, so she often strictly controls her diet in order to maintain her figure.

Dancing is her hobby, but also her profession, but also her need to lose weight, helpless since she became pregnant, for the safety of the fetus in the womb, her family strictly requires her not to dance again.

So, in order to stay in shape, she can only control the amount of food she eats.

A woman pregnant with Rokko, who wants grace and not temperature, wears a short skirt to the bar and bungee

Later, she couldn't stand the boring and tedious life, and when her family went to her relatives' houses to drink happy wine, she went out shopping with her girlfriends and did not come home until the evening.

Some of her girlfriends asked her to go to the bar to dance, and she followed her to the bar and danced with her three girls.

When her husband came home and didn't see her, he called her and heard music on the phone before he knew she was running to the bar to dance.

Her husband came to the bar to find her, hoping that she would go home to rest for the sake of the child in her belly, but she did not want to go home, so the two had a quarrel.

In the end, it was her three girlfriends who persuaded her to go home with her husband before she would leave the bar.

A woman pregnant with Rokko, who wants grace and not temperature, wears a short skirt to the bar and bungee

Xiao Qin's opinion

Everyone in the family goes to a relative's house to drink wine and feel bored at home alone, so it is completely understandable to go shopping with girlfriends.

However, when going out, you should wear more clothes, you should not be graceful and not warm, and you should not go to the bar with friends to dance after shopping, and your husband is not willing to go home to pick up, which is too irresponsible.

Not only is it irresponsible to yourself, but also to the children in your belly, but also to your husband's entire family.

After all, she is pregnant with Liujia, even if she does not consider her own health, she should also consider the child in her belly, because the child in her belly not only belongs to her, but also belongs to her husband.

Children are related to the future and happiness of the whole family, so you should not take your children to dance, because in the bar, everyone is dancing, it is inevitable that there will be collisions, and playing a lot of music will have an impact on children.

After this experience, Xiao Qin suggested that this lady, endure for a few months, and after the child is born safely and healthily, someone will help take care of the child before going to dance.

Don't take chances, on a whim, you will stand up and dance, in case there is a mistake, how to explain to your husband?

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