
Chasing dreams and vocalizing is very powerful, which makes real sense!

In the previous period of time, Wei Shao's play was very bad, but fortunately, Wei Shao's state began to pick up recently, but just recently, the league rumored that Wei Shao and Rocket Wall were swapping, and this news obviously made the Warriors player who was recuperating from the injury noticed Dream Green, who chose to speak out in support of Wei Shao.

Chasing dreams and vocalizing is very powerful, which makes real sense!

Dream Green said: "I saw the rumors of the deal between Wei Shao and Wall, and I don't know the inside story. From a fan's point of view, I don't think the deal should happen. As for whether I think this transaction needs to happen? We haven't seen a fully healthy Lakers team yet. I also don't like voices that blame all the mistakes on Westbrook because it's impossible. How could one person mess up everything on a team? ”

Chasing dreams and vocalizing is very powerful, which makes real sense!

Indeed, the statement of chasing dreams is very reasonable, because the current Lakers' record is lower than expected, on the one hand, because this team has not been able to maintain health, and Wei Shao's own state is indeed very poor, but it will not let the team lose consecutively, before the Lakers coach's platoon deployment also has a big problem, and the current thick eyebrow brother has returned, the Lakers also defeated the Nets in yesterday's game, it seems that everything is developing in a good direction, so it is unreasonable to blame the Lakers for losing all the problems on Wei Shao.

Chasing dreams and vocalizing is very powerful, which makes real sense!

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