
In life, people who are truly "wise and foolish" often carry these qualities and are superior to others

author:There are deer in Shushan
In life, people who are truly "wise and foolish" often carry these qualities and are superior to others


Lao Tzu has a saying: "Generous and boundless, large instruments are late, big sounds are loud, and elephants are invisible." ”

The most square things in this world are without edges and corners; the greatest instruments need to be completed at the latest; the greatest music is soundless; the largest images are often shapeless.

Lao Tzu's words are actually full of dialectical thinking. At the same time, it also shows that what we see on the surface is unreal.

When you see that the surface of this jade is full of dirt, you think it is dirty. But when you cut it open, you will find that it is actually the purest thing in the world.

There is a saying that says it well, jade is dusted but does not hide its purity, and people are humiliated without hiding their talents.

The jade that is affected by the dust will not become dull after all. And those who are insulted by others will not become untalented because of this.

Why do we often say, "You can't judge people by their appearance"? It is because from a person's appearance, it is difficult for us to see what kind of person he is and whether he is talented or not. And only by going deep into the heart can we find out the details of this person.

In life, some people are stupid on the surface, but in fact they are superior. Such people are wise and foolish people, and they often have these qualities and are not inferior to others.

In life, people who are truly "wise and foolish" often carry these qualities and are superior to others


Wise and foolish people often know how to "low-key integration" into the group.

People survive in the jianghu, if people are too "high-profile", then this person is easy to be targeted and excluded, thus becoming a member of the corner.

However, many people in this society like to show off their talents, show off their abilities, and are eager to tell others their deeds.

Such an approach will only harm oneself. You know, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, if they are sharp everywhere, they will be "knifed" sooner or later.

On the contrary, those who are "wise and foolish" know the basic principle of being a human being, that is, to protect themselves. Therefore, no matter what kind of environment they are in, they will be low-key and smoothly integrate into the circle.

Take the sand monk in "Journey to the West", he has certain skills and his own wishful thinking, but he has always pretended to be thick and honest, so that others will take him lightly and will not target him.

It can be said that in the team of Journey to the West, Sun Wukong has the greatest ability, but his temper is also the most proud. Such a person is easy to be suppressed in life, and it is difficult to say that there is more room for development.

Although the Eight Precepts of the Pig are weak, they are OK as human beings and are a social material. However, his habit of picking things up is easy for people to resent him.

The sand monk is different, he is neither provocative nor proud. In this way, he is the object that many people need to learn. Therefore, people like Sha Monk are generally able to live in peace until old age.

In life, people who are truly "wise and foolish" often carry these qualities and are superior to others


Wise and foolish people do not say "inappropriate" things.

There is a clear difference between Chinese society and Western society, that is, Westerners speak directly. And Chinese talking, they are used to making things up and turning left and right.

In life, we should pay attention to the way we "speak". Speaking, that is a particularly important thing, because success and failure are related to a person's speech.

Talkative people, they can naturally save themselves. A person who does not know how to speak, even if his career is successful at this moment, the next moment, he may ruin his career because of "words".

How should people talk in the jianghu? That is to say "appropriate" things, but not to say "inappropriate" words.

Some people are partial to evil and do not believe in evil, and always like to say some "inappropriate" truths in front of others. At this time, the calamity of this person will come, the light will be targeted, the heavy will be calculated, and the disaster of imprisonment will be punished.

These people who like to tell the truth of "inopportune times" are not, from a personal point of view, intelligent people, but stupid people who do not know how to protect themselves.

On the contrary, people with great wisdom and foolishness will try to speak as "smoothly" as possible under the premise of protecting themselves, knocking on the side, not only not to let others lose face, but also to warn others and play a certain effect.

Speaking, after all, is a kind of wisdom. Whether he knows how to speak or not determines whether this person can mix for a long time.

In life, people who are truly "wise and foolish" often carry these qualities and are superior to others


A man of great wisdom and foolishness is honest and loyal on the surface, but behind the scenes he is accumulating strength.

"Zhou Yi" has a saying: "A gentleman hides his instrument in his body and waits for the time to move." ”

In ancient times, after the defeat of Huijishan, the king of Yue went to the state of Wu as a slave and became a servant of King Fuchai of Wu.

In front of Fu Cha, Gou Jian showed a look of submission and stupidity, no matter what Fu Cha did, there was no complaint, no objection, but shouted thanksgiving.

When Wu Zixu thought that Gou Jian was "quite deep in the city government" and could not be removed, Gou Jian chose to preemptively attack people, use his mouth to taste the excrement of Fu Cha, and finally gain the deep trust of Fu Cha.

From that moment on, the hook had already won. Because the power he had accumulated behind his back had already evaded Fu Cha's surveillance, he dispelled Fu Cha's suspicions.

In this way, after a few years, Gou Jian achieved the feat of "three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu".

In fact, people who are wise and foolish are the best at "hiding" their true side and not letting others easily discover it. In their view, only by confusing others on the surface and then accumulating strength behind their backs can they achieve their own purposes and ideas.

If the great wisdom is foolish, the "foolishness" in this is used to confuse others. The real "wisdom" is hidden behind it.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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