
How to review the 2022 CFA exam? What does the CFA schedule look like?

author:Gordon CFA training

Registration for the 2022 CFA Level 1, 2 and 3 Exams has begun. According to the CFA Institute's learning recommendations: each CFA level requires more than 300 hours of revision time, a long journey, coupled with many uncertain factors in the review process, the preparation situation is already urgent!

How to review the 2022 CFA exam? What does the CFA schedule look like?

For the 2022 CFA candidates, you think there is still a long time to go, but it is not.

There are only 57 days left for the February CFA exam, and if you don't study for 2 hours a day, you'll only have more than 100 hours to take the exam. It can be seen that the CFA review has reached a state of urgency.

As we all know, there are 10 courses at the CFA level, including 01 Ethics, 02 Quantities, 03 Economics, 04 Financial Statements, 05 Corporate Finance, 06 Portfolios, 07 Equity Investments, 08 Fixed Income, 09 Derivatives and 10 Alternative Investments.

For the ten subjects of the CFA Level I exam, due to the different proportions of each subject in the exam, the order of review of the subjects will affect the efficiency of the candidates. In the preparation process, it is necessary to focus on reviewing and mastering certain methods.

How to review the 2022 CFA exam? What does the CFA schedule look like?

The official description of the revision time of the CFA exam is at least 300 hours, in fact, it is described here for people with a certain financial background. If it is a non-financial student may take about 500 hours, the battle line is preferably 4-5 months, and the daily review time is best controlled for about 2 hours; if it is a financial student, but the foundation is general, such students are recommended to review for 3 months, that is, 350 hours; For students with a good foundation, it is recommended that you review in accordance with the official standards of the CFA and review for 2 months.

2022 CFA Exam Schedule:

As we all know, the 2022 CFA exam has a total of four exam periods, which are in February, May, August and November. The CFA level 1 exam is held in February, May, August and November, the CFA level 2 exam is held in February, August and November, and the CFA level 3 exam is held in May and November. All three levels of CFA are in English and are tested on a computer-based basis; the 2021 CFA exam will be tested on a computer-based basis. For the 2022 CFA exam, there are currently CFA exams available for registration in May and August. The August CFA exam is still in the early registration stages, and the registration fee is only 700$.

February, May, August 2022 CFA exam dates have been determined:

February 2022 CFA exam time: February 15, 2022 - February 26, 2022

May 2022 CFA exam time: May 17- May 26, 2022

May 2022 CFA exam time: August 23, 2022 - September 6, 2022

The three levels of CFA exams are not on the same day, CFA candidates can see their exam time clearly before the exam, and don't miss the CFA exam because of their sloppiness. Be sure to keep an eye on your exam room and keep abreast of the exam process so as not to miss the normal exam for other reasons.

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