
Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

author:CPA Certified Public Accountant

The internal documents of the China Annotation Association have been exposed, and the CPA exam schedule and exam change predictions for 22 years have been freshly released! The most surprising thing is that it is necessary to limit the pass rate of the exam?

On January 26, the China Certified Public Accountants Association released the latest issue of China Certified Public Accountants magazine, and so far, the 12 issues of the 2021 journal have all been released. Gordon CPA jointly checked the 12 issues of the journal and found that in the relevant content of the CPA exam, it can be connected to the annual schedule of the internal work of the CPA in 2021! And surprising exam directions!

Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

It turned out that in addition to the usual exam notices, there was so much hidden information and direction in the journal.

At the same time, combined with the notice issued by the China Annotation Association, the release time of the 2022 CPA exam schedule, including the outline, brief chapters, etc., is also clear at a glance; these schedules, placed in the third part, also need everyone's special attention.

Next, let's take a look at part by part!

Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

The 2022 CPA exam may change, increasing the content of the exam and controlling the pass rate

In the latest issue of China Certified Public Accountants Magazine, Gordon CPA saw an article closely related to our CPA exam - "Analysis of the Influencing Factors of CPA Practice Independence"!

In the article, the authors said that the independence of cpas accountants is still affected by both external and internal factors, so he makes two suggestions.

These two suggestions are not only closely related to our exams, but more importantly, they are not empty, they have been mentioned in other documents, and they have been incorporated into the important factors of future CPA exam reform.

First, add professional ethics related content and scores to the content of the examination

First, in order to improve the professional quality of certified public accountants themselves, the author proposes: It is recommended that the associations at all levels increase the education of certified public accountants, increase the content and score of professional ethics in the content of the examination, and have reached the point of controlling the construction of professional ethics in the entry link.

Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

Regarding the topic of professional ethics, the relevant documents of certified public accountants have been repeatedly mentioned in recent years, and this is also the first time in official documents, which directly and unabashedly mention it together with the content of the examination.

As for whether the opinions, if they are adopted, will they be added to the political review link, or will they be added directly to the content of the examination, or will they be added to the third volume for the comprehensive stage? We'll see!

Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

Second, it is recommended to raise the threshold for entering the industry and scientifically formulate the pass rate of the examination!

The second point is about the pass rate of the exam. The CPA has never mentioned whether to limit or balance the annual pass rate of the exam. However, from the real data, we can see that the average pass rate of each subject of the China Annotation Association remains at about 20%.

In the article, the author conveys that the current independence of certified public accountants is affected, which is related to the market environment, which requires us to check on the entry threshold. Then proper control of the pass rate is undoubtedly a good choice.

"We should raise the threshold for entering the industry, scientifically formulate the pass rate of the CPA exam, strictly control the design and audit of new accounting firms, and control the industry at a reasonable scale."

Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

Seeing these suggestions, in addition to pinching a handful of sweat for the difficulty of the exam, I also have to sigh: the gold content of certified public accountants is getting higher and higher!! Scarce things are precious, exams are rigorous, thoughtful as the cornerstone of continuous prosperity and development, when the entire industry is desperately rushing in a good direction, for those of us in it, it is Baili.

Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

The annual schedule of the China Annotation Association was exposed, and the release of the examination went through three major stages

In addition to the direction of the exam change, in conjunction with the 12th issue of the journal, Gordon CPA also compiled a detailed schedule of 21 years, we can draw several very important time points:

1. The specific timetable can be summarized as:

November to December: Audit results, review, listen to the next year's examination schedule

February: Determine the examination outline, registration guidelines, examination arrangements, etc

April: Registration for the exam is closed, and the implementation of the machine seat is carried out

June: The registration and payment of the examination was successfully completed

August to September: National unified examination and post-examination legal seminar were held

From September to late November: Examination papers; verification and handling of examination irregularities; convening of examination committees to audit the results of irregularities and examination evaluation results

Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

2. The revision and preparation of teaching materials, according to the time arrangement, may be discussed in different subjects before the year

3. Regarding the important events of the examination, it will generally go through the three stages of "pre-stage: meeting and discussion - mid-term: audit passing - later stage: official release".

If you take the exam in April or August, you will quickly arrange a meeting of the exam outline and registration guidelines after the end of the year.

The following is a detailed schedule and specific matters:

Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information
Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

22 Years CPA Exam Schedule, these times will be advanced!

Combined with the internal schedule of the 21-year China Annotation Association, we found that compared with 21 years, the overall pace of examination arrangements in 22 years has an overall forward trend!

The Spring Festival holiday in 2021 is from February 11 to February 17. The meetings of the China Annotation Association on the arrangement of the examination are arranged at:

In early February, that is, before the New Year, the examination arrangements, syllabus, and guidelines were deliberated and passed;

On February 23, the fifth working day after the Chinese New Year, the examination outline and registration brochure were officially released.

You know, that time was the results announced after December, and the whole schedule was more compact. So for the 2022 exam syllabus and registration guidelines, we have reason to believe that even after going to work on February 6, the review meeting is held, so it is reasonable to speculate: the outline will be announced in late February at the earliest, and the outline will be announced in early March at the latest.

Regarding the timing of the syllabus, the China Annotation Association also mentioned in the announcement of the arrangement of the examination time: Please pay attention to the registration brochure issued in March for the specific arrangement.

Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

Therefore, regarding the "22-year Note Exam Schedule", Gordon CPA has also been scheduled for everyone, of which the exam time is confirmed 1 day in advance!

7 important time nodes, please pay attention to marking on your calendar, don't miss it!

Released by the China Annotation Association! The CPA changed again: time advance, content increase, and this hidden information

Therefore, the New Year is really like a watershed, the atmosphere of the exam is rendered more and more intense, and we must also prepare as soon as possible and enter the state of formal review.

Time flies, carefully cultivate the growth of each branch of flowers, I believe that in august exams, November when the results are announced, we will no longer pass by the flowers, but will be fruitful and "smashed" by the joy of harvest!

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