
Low sense of well-being? Who is in charge of your happiness?

author:Jinglei said

What is happiness? Different people's pursuit and understanding of happiness at different stages is different.

In the movie "Please Praise Me" starring Fan Wei, it is said that "happiness is that I am hungry, and when I see someone else holding a meat bun in his hand, then he is happier than me; when I am cold, he is happier than me when he sees others wearing a thick cotton jacket; I want to go to the hut, just a pit, you squat there, you are happier than me." ”

Low sense of well-being? Who is in charge of your happiness?

There is a line in a classic love movie that is "There is a person who misses, that is, happiness";

The great Marx once said that "those who bring happiness to the majority of the people are the happiest people";

Some people say: Appreciating others is a kind of respect, and being appreciated is a kind of happiness;

Happiness in Lin Yutang's eyes: one is to sleep in his own bed, the second is to eat the meals made by his parents, the third is to listen to his lover to give you love words, and the fourth is to play games with his children.

Different people have different understandings of happiness at different stages of life. Using Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it is possible to more clearly understand the nature of people's different understandings of happiness.

Low sense of well-being? Who is in charge of your happiness?

Fan Wei's classic line represents the level of people's physiological needs. For a hungry person, you let him pursue self-realization and pursue more spiritual happiness, for him, it is far more practical than letting him live a full and warm life. For a person who does not worry about the basic material needs of food, clothing, housing and travel, there will be more energy to pursue a higher level of happiness. 可能很多人不理解,为什么有些人在事业获得了很大的成就或‬在别人眼里看来,已经是家庭事业双丰收,却还那么拼? Maybe it's the happiness he's after that isn't the happiness you understand.

Some time ago, a video on the Internet "Doctoral middle school teacher, is to smash the Tsinghua Peking University brand?" Moral kidnapping must not "provoke a lot of attention and comment." Many people support the choice of doctor, and some people do not understand. 我们不去讨论大家的观点,也没有实际去了解博士‬老师个人的真实想法。 但‬小编‬认为‬中国的基础教育需要更多高质人才,一名优秀的教师创造的价值不是用学历和收入来衡量的。 因为培养出来更多高精尖人才的价值是‬不可估量。 当博士‬老师选择做一名中学教师的时候,其实就在说明他的选择在某些因素上满足其内在需求。 Maybe that's happiness for him.

Low sense of well-being? Who is in charge of your happiness?

The pursuit of happiness is not only one level, nor is there only one demand, it changes according to change. 不过一般‬情况下,基本是‬从‬生理需求、安全需求先‬满足‬的‬。

Don't lose the ability to actively perceive happiness

自媒体时代,很多人把‬幸福晒在了朋友圈,抖音里。 When we envy each other, we often lament why our happiness is so low. In the public account read an article, written that the hostess of a family can always see a pair of lovers living opposite the picture of laughing and kissing each other, while envying, complaining that their husband does not understand the taste of life, he is around the pot every day in addition to the two children who play around every day, life in addition to the plain is a chicken feather. Suddenly one day I found that there was only a lonely figure of the girl left on the other side, depressed. Once they met occasionally downstairs, they couldn't help but ask the girl why, it turned out that a year ago, she learned that her lover was terminally ill, and the girl tried everything to make the boy happy. In the end, the boy left this world. At this moment, the hostess of the family felt how happy she was. 丈夫的每日陪伴和叮嘱变得那么温暖,孩子每天的嬉戏打闹让生活变得真实、快乐‬。

Low sense of well-being? Who is in charge of your happiness?

It turns out that we are not unhappy, but lack the ability to actively perceive happiness. So cultivate your own happiness perception ability

1) First learn to love yourself.

If you don't even have the ability to love yourself, how do you love others? So no matter what, we must learn to love ourselves and know self-discipline. A person who knows how to love himself is more self-disciplined. Li Yundi's prostitution incident is known to everyone, in the final analysis, he does not cherish himself, if he knows self-discipline, he can manage his body, and will not take his own future.

For ordinary people, a healthy diet, self-disciplined exercise, and the practice of thought are all manifestations of loving oneself.

2) Appreciate yourself, improve yourself, and make yourself a person with rich connotations.

首先先要懂得自我欣赏,同时不断提升自己的魅力,无论是形象气质上还是精神世界,从外到内、从内到外,让自己变得更自信,而‬自信可以带来‬自我认同,幸福感也会相应增加。 Moreover, arming one's brain with knowledge, there is a saying that "a person can never earn money beyond his own cognitive range." In the same way, only by expanding your cognitive boundaries and filling your own thoughts, when you meet a better self, you have the ability to give more to those around you.

3) Stay away from the negative magnetic field and establish your own positive energy circle.

Everyone has their own magnetic field, and you will find that there are often such people around you, always self-pitying. Don't complain about the people and things around you for nothing, complain about people or have great emotional ups and downs, it is difficult to get out of negative emotions when you are depressed, there are many emotional troubles, and the negative magnetic field he outputs will be contagious like a cold. For negative magnetic fields that always cause you interference, either you have the ability to change them, or try to stay as far away as possible.

On the contrary, for those who can bring you happiness and happiness, he himself is very positive, that is, he has the ability to control his emotions. Even if you encounter something big, you will think of all ways to solve it, and at the same time, you will quickly heal yourself. If you have such a person around you, don't miss it.

这让小编‬想到‬了华为‬的任‬老爷子‬,人们‬经常说‬,一个企业的灵魂就是企业家本身,想想任正非当年创建华为之前,工作丢了,家庭没了,内心承受了怎样的困苦和压力。 If it is a person who has no strength in his heart and cannot quickly heal himself, how can you see today's powerful Huawei. If the person who looked ordinary at that time could no longer be ordinary, if he did not have enough energy field, how could he attract talents who started his career with him. So, reject the emotional annoyances and focus on the right things. Constantly expand their positive energy field, attract and establish their own positive energy circle. Let your energy circle affect you all the time to become stronger. Think about it, a person who can dominate his emotions and have strong energy, can't he dominate his own mind?

4) Know how to choose and choose.

Some people think that simplicity is a kind of happiness, some people feel that accepting challenges is a kind of happiness; some people feel that being as comfortable as a cloud is a kind of happiness, some people feel that success in the rapids is a kind of happiness; some people think that children are happy under the knees, some people think that it is a kind of happiness to let children fly higher and go farther; there is no right or wrong, only choice, the more you know how to choose, the easier it is to obtain happiness. 苦恼从来不曾多,幸福从来不曾少,只是我们不曾懂得‬取舍,所以,要知道幸福由我们来定义。

Low sense of well-being? Who is in charge of your happiness?

Enhance the creative ability of happiness, give life and work more sense of experience and ritual.

In a fixed life and work mode, people often feel that life is boring and bland. Because I am used to working in a step-by-step, mechanized mode. The possibility of not thinking about creating more happiness for life weakens the ability to create happiness.

You may wish to change your mood, ignite the passion, longing, and yearning for life, and create more beautiful experiences. 例如,爸妈该过生日,精心准备一份有意义的小礼物,把一直不曾开口说出口的“爸爸/妈妈,我爱你”,用自己独特的方式表达‬出来,也许父母会为你的这个举动幸福感动好多天;


Wedding anniversary is coming, maybe no goblets, grand parties, 999 roses, high-class gifts, just you spend a little thought, do some romantic moves, let him be happy.

The ritual of life is to restart your ability to actively create happiness and make life full of rhythm. Be a master of happiness! Remember, no one can dominate your happiness except you!

Low sense of well-being? Who is in charge of your happiness?

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