
Dear teacher and dad

The afternoon sun shone through the window, there was a faint warmth, and a smell of missing quickly caught me, and I was overwhelmed by the thought of missing, which was an inexplicable thing. The memories are all running in the brain, where is it, and can't go back to the past, everything seems precious and confused, can't be grasped, wants to grasp, wants to go hysterical, wants to hug you.

You say the family goes out to eat at noon? Bring your children and daughters with more energy. I said, don't go, make dumplings. I asked, what do you eat? You say, it's dumplings too, just like you. At noon, I was alone with noodles, cutting vegetables, cutting meat, and chopping together, it took two hours, and it was more than two o'clock, so patient, I made it for two hours. Looking at the minced meat, my heart was full of joy. Isn't that what the days are? Cook, eat, cook again, eat again. Three meals a day simply passed the time, to always have a joyful heart, so that life will be very leisurely, relaxed, very day-like, with the smell of fireworks. The usual radish also feels cute, juicy and watery, and sweet to eat, cut a slice and put it in your mouth, chewing its original taste. With the meat and together, fused together, the taste is more beautiful, sweet and fragrant with the fragrance of meat, taking a photo is also very wonderful.

If you fall in love with cooking, you fall in love with life, and such a life is called life. I said, I want to go to your house to eat dumplings, you say, you come, I don't eat, wait for you. I still didn't go, but I wanted to go consciously. Listening to you talk about the sweetness and sourness of life, one charming word after another is like the fruit of all things, which can be hung in the air, and like a balloon, which broadens my horizons. The joke you say is also very funny, the shape of the shrew, I don't know why, what you say is like the wind, but it provokes a pool of lake water to ripple with laughter, which can make a piece of air lively. You say that every festive season, you think of kissing, and then there is the expression of hugging. I'm the same, except I don't say those two words lightly. I don't want to panic, I don't want to chase the memory in my brain. I don't know that I have hidden this part of my mind, as if I only want to live in silence, bring joy to myself and others, and then everything else is blocked. Even if I miss it, I can't say it on my lips. You said let the world be full of love, I jokingly said that the whole world revolved around you, you said, I fainted. You're like an innocent child, and so am I, especially when talking to you. What I want to say and say is completely different. I said, I especially love beautiful clothes and food, you say, you go to the united states, I have a class. Knowing you're busy, I can't bother you anymore. In fact, you are so enthusiastic, so hot, completely a child's eyes to see the world, I am also, also hot, also flawless, but also love the world. You boldly convey love to the people of the world, I am more cold-loving, lazy, is watching passers-by from the side. So the people around you revolve around you, and you are like a big sun, glowing and radiating, bringing energy and joy to all things. In fact, when I met you, you became hot. Your warmth has been passed on to me, and I have been blessed by you and attracted to you. You are the land, and I am the little flower that you have conceived. Whatever you want to say, it's all I'm going to say, and it's always inextricably linked to you. I love you, my dear teacher and father, but I am always like a cat, with an unforgiving mouth. I'm like a hurting cat, I obviously love you, but I say something that doesn't make sense.

Find a comfortable position to be with you, to be with the world, to become softer, to be tougher, until it grows into a tree. Try to root down and be a useful person to others.

Dear teacher and dad
Dear teacher and dad

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