
Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

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Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

Version 11.3 Heroes changed the preview, and the new heroes were weakened as soon as they were launched

Recently, the news of changes to version 11.3 began to come out. It is reported that the new hero Zeli will face the first weakening after the launch, let's take a look at the specific situation together

Hero boost

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

Lilia: [R] Sleep time increased from 1.5/2/2.5s to 2/2.25/2.5s

Quinn: [W] Attack speed bonus increased from 20/30/40/50/60% to 28/36/44/52/60%

Brand: [Passive] The ability regenerates mana after killing an enemy

【R】 Priority catapults to attack nearby enemy units

Heroes weaken

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

Zeli: [R] Hurricane Split Attacks no longer trigger chain lightning bolts

Xena: [Passive] Reduced black mist drop rate for killing creeps from 10% to 2.777%

Catherine: Base Attack Power Growth weakened to 3.4

Q: Damage to subsequent targets is reduced to 50%

Ammu: Base armor growth weakened to 3

【E】Damage reduction up to 50%

Couch: [Passive] Explosive Pack refresh time increased by two minutes and cooldown by one minute

Akshan: [Passive] Single Shot Flat A Movement Speed Bonus is reduced to 20-75, and the Triple Ring Bonus Damage is reduced by 10 points across the board

What do you think of the changes to the new version?

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

Sofm revealed the best way for TS to fit into the team: let him play on his own

In yesterday's WBG and V5 matches, WBG was controlled by the V5 team in the first set and fell into a passive situation. In the case of the V5 team going down first, the WBG made timely adjustments, and the members also stabilized their mentality. In the next two games, Sofm controlled the rhythm of the whole field with an absolute advantage, and Sofm also successfully cut the MVP of the two games. In the post-match interview, Sofm also mentioned the correct way to open the TS.

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

Sofm said in an interview that after the first game, it was found that the V5 team had been deliberately targeting TS, so in the later games, the team changed the route of hero selection and brushing the wild, and directly chose to give up on the road, so that TS alone could resist the pressure. After giving up on the road, relying on the down road duo to play an advantage, TS can play the greatest role as long as it plays alone. What do you think about the tactical layout of WBG?

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

Foreign media selected the five major auxiliaries of the LPL, and the champion assistance only ranked third

Since the start of the spring tournament, the main members of each team have basically appeared, and the strength of the players in various positions is also in the eyes of everyone. Recently, foreign media Invenglobal selected the five strongest auxiliary players in the LPL. The specific rankings are: TOP5-Hang, TOP4-Lucas, TOP3-Meiko, TOP2-Crisp, TOP1-Ming. In this list, the top three candidates are basically recognized by everyone, but many people feel that the ranking order should be readjusted, and most people feel that Meiko is more qualified to rank first.

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

The reason for supporting Meiko as the first assistant is actually very simple, he is the only Grand Slam player in the LPL, who has made the history of the LPL, and as a newly won championship assistant, he has maintained his form very well in the new season, and should be the strongest presence in the division. Although Ming and Crisp are also top assistants and have good performances in the new season, they are still inferior to Meiko in honor, and Meiko is also one of the oldest auxiliaries in the LPL. What do you guys think about that?

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

The LPL strength leaderboard has been updated, and the TES team has been reduced to T2 level

Before the start of the spring season, teams in the LPL division were rated once. At the beginning, TES, as the newly won German Cup champion team, was unanimously considered to be the existence of T0, except for EDG and RNG, the ratings of other teams would be slightly inferior. However, after the start of the spring tournament, the state of the TES staff continued to be sluggish, and they continued to be upset in the game. Recently, in view of the current play of each team, a version of the team strength ranking has been re-released, let's take a look at the specific situation together

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

In this leaderboard, the ratings of each team are divided into four levels. The T0 teams are EDG and LNG, and the two top teams are basically competing for each other's championships. This was followed by BLP, WBG, V5, RNG and FPX locked in T1 levels, essentially already qualifying for the playoffs. The TES, which was originally evaluated as the top, only ranked in the T2 position this time, and the high probability was that it could only fly at a low altitude. What do you think of this list ranking?

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

Korean media selected the top ten players of LCK, and DK Nakano is still the peak

Both the LPL and LCK divisions are in full swing for spring, and so far the LCK division has completed all of its second week's fixtures. The players in the LCK division have also shown the strength and status of the new season, and in response to their performance in the first two weeks, the Korean media has compiled a list of the top ten players in the LCK. The list is: TOP10-Kiin, TOP9-Ruler, TOP8-Doran, TOP7-Bdd, TOP6-Faker, TOP5-Gumayusi, TOP4-Keria, TOP3-Chovy, TOP2-Canyon, TOP1-ShowMaker.

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

In this ranking, Nakano of the DK team took the top two places. Since the debut of the two players, they have maintained excellent performances, and the cooperation between the two is also very tacit, even if the DK has been completely disbanded, but with Nakano sitting, it has still achieved a good performance in the new season. Chovy, who is unanimously optimistic in the new season, is also in third place in this ranking, and the Great Demon Faker is in sixth place. What do you guys think about this list?

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak
Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

LNG beat FPX to maintain a winning streak, and WBG let one chase two win

Yesterday in the two games were very exciting, LNG and FPX two strong teams have shown amazing playtime play, and WBG is after being crushed by V5 in the first set, timely adjustment of the battle plan to achieve a counter-fight, the process ups and downs, very exciting. The following is yesterday's specific results report:

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

LNG vs FPX 2:1

WBG vs V5 2:1

At present, LNG has temporarily surpassed EDG to become the top of the table in the standings, and WBG has also achieved a huge improvement in rankings in an instant. Today's two games are still the highlight, TES will go out again, and RNG and BRG will usher in a strong showdown, becoming the finale of the year, let's wait and see

Tiger Lady Daily: Zeli online ushered in a weakened LNG to maintain a winning streak

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