
Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?

author:One Reading

The pharmacy went to the more diligent than the hotel's one-read Jun 丨 彤子

Pharmacies are key places in our lives. Working to the point of near blindness, Yi Yuejun often goes to the pharmacy to buy eye drops to "continue his life" for his vision, but what comes into his eyes is the hand-painted posters of "Viagra" and "Xi'aili" in the pharmacy window.

"Viagra" scientific name Sildenafil, commonly known as Viagra, and "Xi'aili" is the same as the "medicine", but the "medicine" force is different.

Even if you have never eaten "Viagra" and "Xi'aili", everyone can guess their mysterious effects. That's right! They are drugs that treat erectile dysfunction (ED).

Words such as "our store is in stock" and "arrival notice" are often used in the window of pharmacies, as if these are sought-after products that are empty at the store.

So are there such a shortage of these drugs that specialize in ED? Why do these posters "grow wildly" in the windows of most pharmacies in China? How much do Chinese men need them?

The "Pawnshop" in pharmacies

Selling drugs in pharmacies is also a business, and doing business is to promote turnover. In order to increase sales, pharmacies need to use a series of operational methods, the most important of which is to attract the attention of customers.

There is a "magnet point theory" in marketing, "magnet point" is the place where the entire store can attract the most attention of customers, mainly distributed near the gate, end frame, cash register and other locations, the purpose is to attract customer attention, awaken customers' desire to buy.

Near the store door is the main battlefield of the "magnet point", which directly determines whether the customer will enter the door, so it must be put in the store's best-selling "Home Flower Dan", so ...

Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?

The head of this shop, Hua Dan, has two people, "Viagra" and "Xi'aili"

So what are the sales of "Viagra" and "Xi'aili"? Do you deserve to be the pawn in the pharmacy?

Distribution! Substantial distribution!

According to public data from the medical and health information platform "Minnenet", the total sales of sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Xi'aili) and valdenafil in China for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in 2020 exceeded 3.5 billion.

Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?

Of course, the sales of medical institutions and physical pharmacies are only the "tip of the iceberg", and most thin-skinned comrades have long maintained their "strong" image through online shopping.

From the front-end sales data of Jingdong Pharmacy, hundreds of thousands of comments and a praise rate of more than 97% can be seen in the domineering spirit of Wan Ai Ke and Xi Aili.d'ai.

Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?

ED drugs are not the "exclusive favorite" of Chinese men. In March 1998, when Viagra first entered the market in the United States, it sold more than 100 million pills, quickly becoming the best-selling drug in history.

With such brilliant performance, it is no wonder that some pharmacies want to put their posters on the most conspicuous "magnet point", but the more important reason why they are "worthy of the responsibility" is that they effectively cut the male pain point and effectively solve this pain point.

Trade secrets of the top of medicine

Fan Deng, a former CCTV program host, mentioned in "Low-risk Entrepreneurship" that there is a key step in low-risk entrepreneurship - to find the pain points in users' lives.

Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?

However, some issues are not appropriate for language

Erectile dysfunction is undoubtedly the "hidden male words" and "pain in pain" of the majority of men, because "impotence" is the biggest "enemy" of men.

This "enemy" has become more and more powerful with the changes in the lifestyle of contemporary people: extreme fatigue, poor sleep, alcohol and smoking (including second-hand smoke), taking blood pressure or sedative drugs, etc. may cause erectile dysfunction in men.

Most importantly, the "prevalence" of erectile dysfunction in men gradually increases as they age:

The prevalence of youth aged 20+ in mainland China is approximately 15.1%, in the 30+ age group is 29.6%, in the 40+ age group is 40.6%, in the 50+ age group is 54.3%, and in the 60+ age group.

The objective law of nature's development is: men, sooner or later, they must be "paralyzed".

Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?

"Viagra" and "Xi'aili" accurately cut this "pain point", but "Viagra" did not intend to cut this "pain point" at the beginning.

We all know that "Viagra" originally came out with the "dream" of treating angina. However, doctors found that it was ineffective in the treatment of angina, but it was sought after by male patients because of its "helper sex". As a result, the secret of Viagra's "assistive sex" was discovered by the doctors, and Viagra's ability is not limited to "assisting sex"...

A multi-functional "Viagra"

On December 6, 2021, a paper published in Nature, the world's top academic journal, showed that taking Viagra (sildenafil) helps prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease, and was identified as a "drug candidate" for Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?

Note: "Candidate" means "informal"

Alzheimer's disease, commonly known as "Alzheimer's disease", is a degenerative lesion of the central nervous system commonly found in old age and pre-senia. Clinical manifestations include memory impairment, aphasia, agnosia, impaired visual space ability, impaired abstract thinking and computing power, and personality and behavioral changes.

According to the International Alzheimer's Association, one person is diagnosed with AD every 3 seconds, and it is expected that by 2050, there will be more than 150 million people with AD worldwide. At present, the number of alzheimer's disease patients in the mainland has exceeded 10 million.

The study screened candidates for alzheimer's disease through computer network medicine, and the results showed that Wanai could stand out with excellent "scores" from drugs such as diltiazem, glimepiride, losartan and metformin.

The study also conducted a retrospective cohort analysis of a database of insurance records of 7.23 million people and found that vancilation was significantly associated with a reduced risk of alzheimer's disease.

Of course, the research team pointed out that the direct causal relationship between the two has not yet been established in the study, and further demonstration is needed through randomized controlled trials.

Please do not try it yourself

The efficacy of Viagra on Alzheimer's disease is not established, but it is significant for "pulmonary hypertension".

Pulmonary hypertension, also known as "cancer in cardiovascular disease", can cause patients with inadequate pulmonary circulation and lack of oxygen, making the patient's lips blue-purple, and in the absence of effective treatment, the average survival time of patients is only 2.8 years.

There have been girls who suffer from "pulmonary hypertension" and go to pharmacies to buy sildenafil in large quantities, which has aroused public concern.

Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?

Clinical studies have confirmed that sildenafil has the effect of dilating pulmonary blood vessels, which can improve the clinical symptoms and improve exercise tolerance in patients with "pulmonary hypertension". It also has the advantages of convenient use and few adverse reactions. Even Academician Zhong Nanshan has called for WanAi to be included in medical insurance.

Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?

Flowers are not red.

No matter how powerful Wan Ai ke is, it will also be affected by the new crown epidemic, and the "exclusive throne" in some pharmacies has also been replaced by the "health treasure QR code" and epidemic prevention policies.

Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?
Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?
Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?

HUANG Zhenhua. A new drug for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension——Sildenafil[J]. Chinese Journal of New Drugs and Clinical Practices, 2009(5):3.

[1] Endophenotype-based in silico network medicine discovery combined with insurance record data mining identifies sildenafil as a candidate drug for Alzheimer's disease[J]. Nature Aging.

Why do you have to post "Viagra has arrived" at the door of the pharmacy?