
Hu Gang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Renshou County CPC Committee, supervised the management of centralized isolation sites

author:Meishan News Network

Sichuan News Network News (Luo Shengtao reporter Li Tian) On the morning of October 25, Hu Gang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Renshou County CPC Committee, supervised the implementation of the county's centralized isolation site for new crown pneumonia. Yan Yi, president of the county people's court, accompanied by relevant responsible comrades of the political and legal committee of the county party committee and the county public security bureau.

Hu Gang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Renshou County CPC Committee, supervised the management of centralized isolation sites

Hu Gang and his party successively went to the Dongpo Pastoral Garden and the Xiangyin Dream Grain Valley to inspect and understand the control of isolated personnel, safety and security work, logistics material support, and disinfection and disinfection of places.

Hu Gang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Renshou County CPC Committee, supervised the management of centralized isolation sites

Hu Gang pointed out that strictly doing a good job in centralized isolation is responsible for the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control of the county party committee, and it is also responsible for the people. All relevant departments and units stationed on duty should attach great importance to conscientiously implement the work of nucleic acid testing, liaison and communication of personnel during the isolation period, strengthen spot checks, supervision and control efforts, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of out-of-control phenomena such as leakage and de-management of isolated personnel.

Hu Gang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Renshou County CPC Committee, supervised the management of centralized isolation sites

Hu Gang stressed that the first is to strengthen epidemic prevention and control measures. We must always remain vigilant, implement the relevant requirements of epidemic prevention and control to the letter, so that the handling is rapid, the control is strict, the decision-making is decisive, and the safety net for epidemic prevention and control is resolutely woven. The second is to strictly perform the duties of the post. It is necessary to further improve the isolation site and personnel management system, refine and implement the special responsibilities of each link and each point, and ensure that all work is done carefully. The third is to do a good job in humanistic care. Adhere to strict control and humanistic care, do a good job of personal protection and health monitoring, timely disinfection and disinfection, optimize service guarantees, strictly prevent cross-infection, and ensure that the isolation work is scientific, standardized, efficient and orderly. (Courtesy of the Political and Legal Committee of renshou county party committee)


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