
The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

"Hello Human"

"I'm sorry, I seem to be causing trouble for everyone"

This is the voice acting that has recently gone viral, from a heart-wrenching video and a dog's tears.

If you want, maybe you will follow the video into "An Extraordinary Day"

It's a little role-play.

In order to experience the real travel life of blind people, a traffic police officer LiJie in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, tightened her eyes with a white strip of cloth, and in a chaotic world, there is only endless noise and darkness.

It is called "Taobao", a cute golden retriever, has been engaged in guide dogs for several years, and today it has been given a sacred mission by its owner to accompany and protect the traffic police sister all the way.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

But things happen quickly.

On the bus, they were met with harsh rejection and verbal abuse. "It's not a pet, it's my guide dog.

Guide dogs are available on public transport. ”

"What guide dog, don't say dog bird will not let on"

"What if this dog bites someone?"

"No, just ask you if you're down or not."

"Let you not sit still, you have to delay everyone's time....."

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?
The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

In the shot, Li Jie, whose eyes are tied with white veils, is dazed and helplessly pale and rebuttals.

In the invisible darkness, she couldn't see the faces of those people, she wanted to explain, she wanted to keep "Taobao", but she could only be annihilated in the scolding in all directions again and again.

It must be desperate.

So even it cried.

On the busy street, a dog who can't speak and a master who can't see.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

Dogs can't speak, and they know not to bark and hurt people;

Man cannot see things, but he can also understand the rules of this world.

As early as 18 years, public transportation has popularized the qualification of guide dogs.

As a bus driver, not knowing the rules of the industry is a dereliction of duty;

Indiscriminate insults to drive away the blind are immoral.

Get off the guide dog? Who gives you the right?

You're not blind, you really don't understand how hard the blind world really is.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

In this incident, what made Yan Yan most chilling was not the tears of the guide dog, nor the helplessness of the blind little sister played by Sister Li.

But when the incident occurred, there were so many onlookers that none of them broke the siege for Li Jie.

So many people, either bored of cold eyes, or harshly joined the condemnation, everyone is indignant, as if facing not a weak woman with an eye disability, but a virus that stinks incomparably and everyone avoids.

You see, this is still a premeditated exercise

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

Today we saw a blind man being harassed in the camera.

Off camera, there are thousands of guide dogs and their owners, still crying in the endless darkness.

The owner of "Taobao" is a "lone traveler" outside the camera.

In a person's long dark night, the guide dog "Taobao" was his only light. Now this light, too, has been extinguished.

"Taxis will refuse to board when they see us."

"I had a guide dog since 14 years, and I was pushed down by the bus driver several times at the door."

His words were few, so were his dogs, and the relative silence of the two figures became silent condemnations in the reporter's lens.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

In recent years, domestic incidents of humiliation of guide dogs have been frequently exposed.

Remember in 2017, just in front of a supermarket, a trembling blind old man was shamelessly reprimanded and pushed by the supermarket owner.

His guide dog felt the fluctuation of the leash, and immediately protected the owner, and was beaten by the supermarket owner and the people around him, screaming and screaming.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

There is also a doctor who was diagnosed with corneal lesions 4 years ago and lost vision. It was his adopted guide dog dog that helped him travel on a daily basis and even helped him run errands to receive guests.

However, after each return, the dog's state and walking style are extremely wrong, and there are moans from time to time, and the doctor installs a camera on the dog and shows the video to a friend before cruelly discovering it.

Every time the dog dragged him out, passers-by maliciously threw stones at them, poked the guide dog on the back with an umbrella when queuing, and deliberately kicked the dog

And all this happened silently under his eyes.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?
The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

There are about 17 million blind people in our country, and one in every 100 people is blind.

But the chance of you encountering a blind person on the road is less than one in a thousand.

They are like aliens who have nowhere to hide, banished by this rapidly expanding world of high-gluten cement, discarded by the noisy dogs and horses of day and night, and finally shrunk into the black hole of a window and a house, listening to the bustle and acting like a ghost.

They are blind in the shadow of the city, like a drop of the most intense black, deepening the undertone of the city that the light cannot illuminate.

The sense of companionship, loyalty, and professionalism of guide dogs is obviously the last tenderness that our world can give them.

Some people use discrimination and ignorance to make this light a burden.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

We always cry out for empathy as human beings, and sin happens before our eyes, but we turn a deaf ear and turn a blind eye.

You tell me, who is blind?

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

Do you know?

You dismiss the shouting and scolding guide dogs, in the number of dogs in the country, less than 200.

There are 17 million blind people in China, and the rarity of guide dogs is comparable to that of the national treasure giant panda.

Behind every uniformed guide dog is the painstaking efforts of countless people and countless days and nights of cultivation. They are no easier than a well-trained warrior, but they carry too much responsibility and contempt.

Their meekness, rarity, and training became the source of their misfortune.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

Liang Jia, the assistant director of China's first guide dog training base, in an interview with Southern Weekend, repeated to the camera over and over again:

"Guide dogs are not aggressive."

"They're not pets."

By the end, I was choked up.

Liang Jia said that there are two kinds of aggression in dogs, one is hereditary and the other is affected by the conditioned reflex of acquired behavior.

Each guide dog is selected from three generations of breeds without aggressive records, and then through two to three years of extremely intensive training, it completely smooths out aggression.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

The completed guide dog has amazing tameness and endurance.

The most extreme case is that in August 2014, in Japan's Saitama Prefecture, a Labrador guide dog named "Oscar" was stabbed in the waist by a sharp object on the way to the work site, but still did not say a word, relying on high endurance to deliver the owner safely.

At the Dalian Guide Dog Training Base, there is also a must-visit project for tourists - dark experience.

Liang Jia said she especially wanted to invite the subway staff to come and ask them to face the users of the guide dogs to experience themselves.

"Only by truly walking through the darkness will one truly experience why guide dogs are the eyes of a blind person.

"Instead of living in their own imagination, imagining what dangers a guide dog might be."

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

Have you seen Guide Dog Q?

A middle-aged man with his star-bright "eyes".

If you have seen it, can you understand a pure and beautiful life, for the fragility and inadequacy of human beings, year after year to adhere to the mission.

Will you also be touched by such a loyal affection, preferring to release some small kindness, rather than disturbing this pair of souls who depend on each other?

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

No one is born to deserve it.

There are still tens of millions of blind people waiting in line for their warm "eyes", and there are several guide dogs that are sticking to their fate and mission.

Don't bring our able-bodied people back to the edge of darkness because of their narrowness, selfishness, and ignorance.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

Finally, Yan Yan wants to talk to some people:

Whether it is Taiyuan's cold-eyed bus crowd;

Or are the mobsters whose dogs are inferior to kicking and injuring guide dogs;

Or those exquisite egoists who "life is more expensive than heaven" and "born against all things".

I would like to ask them:

"Why is this world only yours?"

Some dogs are alive and create value for the world;

Some people walk in passers-by like clowns in human skin, and people and dogs pass by, and they will be disgusted by him.

Yan Yan remembers watching a news about guide dogs last year.

Master Wang, the bus driver of Taichung No. 12 Road, happened to meet Betty, a guide dog who was working, on his own car, and shouted excitedly all the way: Finally let me pick it up!!!

For the next forty minutes, Master Wang was happily driving the radio to popularize the knowledge of guide dogs with the passengers on the bus, such as:

"The little cute guy who just came up is the guide dog!"

"Now it's just enough to let everyone know that guide dogs have red vests, blue vests, or guide saddles." Don't be afraid or touch it, it's working."

"They don't look at traffic lights, they rely on traffic and visually impaired judgment." Everyone sees that don't interfere. ”

"He loves to be clean, don't think he's dirty, they're trained and clean every day"

Such a warm-hearted bus master, really now that I think about it, I am full of gratitude.

You see, all the questions have been answered correctly

Where there is nothing rare and strange, kindness is obviously the only answer

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?
The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

There is also a little sister on Twitter who shares a little knowledge about guide dogs:

From the moment they take up their jobs, guide dogs are the eyes and ears of their owners, they are highly professional, and every judgment and action they make at a critical moment is crucial.

If you see a uniformed guide dog suddenly running towards you with its owner not around...

It is very likely that its owner had a problem and needed help.

Please also lend a hand or find a passerby to help.

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?
The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

I know that there are still many imperfect systems in this world, and people's hearts that are not good.

I also know that the popularity and situation of guide dogs is still facing many difficulties.

But Yan Yan has always believed in the power of every article, every word, and it will eventually echo countless times and become the loud consensus of our world.

You really won't know which tomorrow or accident will come first.

But help for people with disabilities, kindness to all living beings, can always be practiced today

The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?
The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?
The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?
The guide dog was violently besieged, and the blind man collapsed and cried: Please tell me, who is blind?

you guys, cute big ears friends.

It's hard to take care of humans

We'll come together later.

Every boy is his mother's weakness and armor.

Raise a smart and gentleman, raise a lot of trouble and labor.

Regarding the dry goods of raising boys, there are all here;

We all know the bittersweetness of raising boys.

There are boys at home, pay attention to insights under the account @ boy pie ,

Our story begins...

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