
After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

author:New set

After more than 3 months of film collection, 1 month of judging, the final award results of the 5th NEW VISION Graduation Season Film Exhibition were released!

Although the event has ended, these young filmmakers who have just left the campus or entered the next stage of study have just begun their real film creation!

NEW VISION is an emerging creative force in the image industry, and it is the first step for the younger generation of film and television creators to enter professional video creation from campus.

Today we are here to announce these young and powerful new image creators, congratulations on their awards!

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

Time flies, the graduation film exhibition has been 5 years, looking back at the past 5 sessions of NEW VISION, from the first few dozen films, to each new edition to add 200 or 300 uploaded works, now the fifth year of NEW VISION in only 3 months to collect 830 works.

This year is also the year with the largest number of university groups in history, a total of 52 university zones have been established, covering a total of 24 provinces and regions at home and abroad, and the creative power of Chinese students studying in the mainland and overseas has been truly tapped!

Come and see who they all have?

Jury Best Picture

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

This animated short film is from Liu Maoning, a 2018 undergraduate graduate of the School of Animation and Digital Arts of the Communication University of China, and this film not only won the best film of the jury of the 5th NEW VISION Graduation Season Film Exhibition, but also was shortlisted for the "Oscar of animation" - the student unit of the 2019 Annecy International Animation Festival in France.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

The creation of the story is very smooth, the author said that he almost smoothed out the entire logic and framework of the story at one time, and it took only one night to set the general direction and complete most of the images and elements in it. Stylistically, he referred to the European and American animation Torill Kove", "My Morton Bike and Me", and finally he combined the feeling of oil painting and gouache to build his own animation art style.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me
After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

The full composition and thick colors seem to suck the audience into the time and space of the film, faintly telling the past that can never be returned, gentle with sadness, slowly and leisurely, but can feel an inexplicable firm force.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

Best Director and Best Feature Film

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

The story of "Parasitism" is set in the "one-child policy" of family planning in the last century, especially many public officials and others who want to have a second child but can only secretly have a child through some means of relationship, or for example, "transfer" foster care, and many years have passed, with the development of the times, the "two-child policy" has gradually loosened and popularized, and the children who have been "transferred to foster care" have returned to the biological family, but a series of problems have arisen.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

The contradiction between the biological parents' family and the foster family, the child's inability to accept, the lack of security, the sense of belonging, and the knowledge of their own origins at the sensitive age of youth, increase more panic and pressure, and convey the helplessness and bitterness of ordinary people in the torrent of changeable times.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

The film slowly tells the story of an ordinary family, without attempting to preach, and each character has its own contradictions. The contradiction of feelings brings out the tension of the story and the details are rich. The actress's acting skills are natural and delicate.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

As a work of social reality, the most important thing is realism, and it is very characteristic of the times. But it also reflects the common expression of human nature and emotion.

Best experiments

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

The coup pigeon egg sniper Red was shot after a mission, but was not injured. In the sniper mission that follows, Red prepares to shoot and kill the target Bruce, but at the moment of shooting, bruce experiences his life. Since then, Red has put down his sniper rifle and left the battlefield.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

The film uses a dramatic assassination story to see the ruthlessness and human struggle of the entire war, and the beginning of the film reviews the bloodiness and heaviness of World War II with a mixed cut of the nostalgic style of the airwaves, and the depressing music of the gray and cold tones shows the cruelty of the war.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

With the four parts of blues, red sun, black heart and broken shell, the wartime assassination is fully interpreted in flashbacks, and the two main perspectives of Bruce and Red's assassination target and assassin vividly show the re-unrest at the end of the peace.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

Best Animation

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

This is a pencil animation work from Nortel student Zhao Lin. The director's clever metaphor for the problems that consumerism brings to society and the individual.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

The story structure is neat and tense, and the director said that the pig is the protagonist of the film because: if viewed from the perspective of a person, the sense of distance between the animal and the pig is more appropriate, and neither sympathizes with it nor hates to fear it.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

This animation has a rough texture, and it is close to the truth in distortion and deformation, and has a relatively keen capture and grasp of the representation and essence of consumer society. The film was also selected for the short film corner screening at this year's Cannes Film Festival, and has been shortlisted and awarded at many international film festivals and short film festivals.

Best Documentary

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

Whether it is "BBC" or "ABC" is just a label, about growth, about culture, about the world we see, is the nourishment for our growth, as long as we know ourselves, accept ourselves, we will eventually grow into a wonderful and unique person.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

In the form of character interviews, this film tells the story of gradually finding their own identity, cultural identity and professional identity in the process of their daily lives and exploration of artistic creation, which has unique social significance and cultural significance.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

At the same time, the film also touches the hearts of viewers in details such as sound effects, light and shadow.

Best Cinematography

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

The impact of remarried families on children is always reflected in various details, and this film makes people deeply and truly feel the inner struggle of a teenager in a remarried family with delicate performances, relaxed rhythms, and vivid camera voices.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

The teenager finally decided to go to his biological father to ask for tuition but was heartbroken. Back at home, watching the stepfather who had been worried about the family finally put his heart at ease and called out "Daddy". The childhood memories interspersed in reality are the inner portrayal of teenagers from nostalgia to hesitation and then to relief.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

This film is extremely good in photography, the lens is calm, the style serves the content, the photography and art and lighting are very coordinated, and the color grading is also very mature. A large number of alienated perspectives and depth of field shots are used, and dynamic composition is used to reflect the inner ups and downs of the characters, reflecting a more delicate photographic strategy.

After watching their debut work, I was dumbfounded except to worship me

This year's NEW VISION, whether it is the winning works or the shortlisted works that have been collected, has a high quality, diversified style, pioneering and experimental works. This also makes everyone see the hope of Chinese films!

Perhaps, the future master is hidden among them!

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