
Li Yuntian Tarot weekly zodiac horoscope 1.31-2.6

Li Yuntian Tarot weekly zodiac horoscope 1.31-2.6

Li Yuntian Tarot weekly zodiac horoscope 1.31-2.6

Copyright Author: Li Yuntian Tarot Card Authoritative Expert, welcome to reprint

Zodiac Rat: Li Yuntian Tarot Weekly Zodiac Horoscope 1.31-2.6

【Li Yuntian Tarot Card】 This week there are female nobles to help, and women have a relationship, you must grasp women well, no matter the career, big and small events, doing things independently will bring you success, full of energy, and do things start to be steadfast and serious. Suitable for being a mental worker, representing thinking, setting up program plans, office industry, etc. It represents success through inner strength. Opportunities or the help of noble people must be well grasped. Interpersonal and career initiatives and enthusiasm for others will bring you success. In terms of temper, you should control it well and pay attention to controlling your emotions. The reality of career goals, the maturity of personality, must be realistic to do things, can not be sophisticated, empty talk, etc., realistic, objective will promote your luck. 【Independent work】

Zodiac Bull: Li Yuntian Tarot Weekly Zodiac Horoscope 1.31-2.6

This week represents continuous efforts to achieve goals, but due to the high expectations of those around you, it is inevitable that you will be too anxious, which is something to pay attention to, which means leaving a small environment that suits you. 1, start to be anxious about some things, worried, impatient, do things rashly and imprudently. Any critical event must be dealt with carefully. 2, pay attention to the loss of fortune, money loss, do not invest. Cracking: Enter and exit carefully, look around, the home company must be anti-theft, synchronously put some paper skins at the door of the company to block theft. Also pay attention to substances such as mobile phones, personal belongings, etc. to prevent breaking or damage to lead to financial ruin, driving should also look around, parking to see if the location is safe after stopping and other preventive measures. Pay attention to quality problems and check the product and article number more. 3, the occurrence of things that are cramped (referring to the short and urgent [time] appears. 4. Careless action, pecuniary loss. Quality and service must be handled with care. Cracking: Pay attention to quality issues for yourself and others. Donating money to the public good and giving money to beggars can be reduced or dissolved. 5, criticized to appear. Pay attention to those you know and those you don't know, patience can get through. 6, missed a very good job due to lack of interest, pay attention to the people around you who hint. 7, do not invest and waste. 【Pay attention to quality and anti-theft】

Zodiac Tiger: Li Yuntian Tarot Weekly Zodiac Horoscope 1.31-2.6

This week is about conflict or loss, the theme is competition, which is inseparable from its fire characteristics, and if you escape like you will fail, implying that important news has emerged. 1, pay attention to legal issues, such as contracts, documents, lawsuits, fines, banks and other related events, cracking: more personally to fight the bank list, pay utility bills, observe the lawsuit, etc. can be reduced or resolved. 2, beware of deceivers, here there is no silver three hundred and two, deceived by others, but the other party deceived the denial, do not admit, all must be aware. 3, inner wars, troubles in the heart, interpersonal relationships appear arguments, debates, quarrels, cracking: ninja word mobile phone screensaver, always remind yourself. 【Pay attention to disputes and keep your mind calm】

Li Yuntian Tarot weekly zodiac horoscope 1.31-2.6

Zodiac Rabbit: Li Yuntian Tarot Weekly Zodiac Horoscope 1.31-2.6

【Li Yuntian Tarot Card】 Take the initiative to enter this week, this week has a beginning, indicating a new challenge - the challenge may succeed or fail, so we must have the courage and psychological preparation to face difficult challenges. And how to develop in the future is in your own hands. Represents the start of a start event or a schedule. 1, thinking must be rational, cautious, analytical, in order to succeed. 2, decisiveness, enterprising is very important, and there is great determination about the events of the week, the victory of strength, beyond difficulties and success, with initiative. Will overcome difficulties to win. 3, everything must have the spirit of initiative, that is, to take the initiative to make suggestions, plans and inventions, and to implement them, this is the spirit of initiative, initiative can bring you advantages. 4, interpersonal relationships should be less redundant, referring to excess repetition or rambling, to avoid interpersonal relationships to produce a state of boredom. 5, pay attention to surgery or injections, hanging needles and the like, prevent health problems in advance, pay attention to diet and sleep, cut more nails or donate blood can be resolved. 6, a new powerful beginning, a radical change in spirit and life. See what happened to lead to new beginnings and beginnings of events. It's also about changing the situation. 【Active can succeed, turn passive into active】

Zodiac Dragon: Li Yuntian Tarot Weekly Zodiac Horoscope 1.31-2.6

【Li Yuntian Tarot Card】 Mental tiredness into this week. 1, there is a change in the situation, life, career, or heart, etc. 2, interpersonal relations are unstable, pay special attention to emotional problems, hide shadows in joy, the surface is good in fact, it is not good, there is suffering and self-knowledge, you must find the most trusted person to talk to get help. 3, the physical condition into a state of regression, pay attention to good rest, tired. 4, interpersonal relationships are unstable, and uncoordinated opinions must be adjusted. 【Pay attention to emotional interpersonal relations】

Zodiac Snake: Li Yuntian Tarot Weekly Zodiac Horoscope 1.31-2.6

[Li Yuntian Tarot Card] This week's major events are not appropriate. Representation disputes, very hurtful, disputes make the situation worse and worse, in the process is likely to unconsciously hurt others, and the hurt person will lose confidence in you, meaning that if you want to succeed, you need a new way of communication skills, be careful impulsive and straightforward. Phone screensaver Words are discreet, and you can always remind yourself. 1, a lot of things fail, receive criticism and humiliation, do not say the wrong thing and do the wrong thing. 2, a lot of unpredictable event news appears, difficult, difficult. Oppression, oppression, distress. 3, the current event or something has a confused, uncertain outlook (outlook refers to the prediction of the future of development). 4,70% may have unfortunate accidents that have happened to friends, relatives, others, etc., or have news of funerals, illnesses, etc. Pay attention to the health status of the elderly around you and prevent it in advance. 5, trouble failure, setbacks, need to overcome difficulties, this week's major events are not appropriate, and pay attention to beware of bad temper and temperament, take a step back from the sea and the sky. 【Major events are not appropriate, pay attention to words and deeds】

Li Yuntian Tarot weekly zodiac horoscope 1.31-2.6

Zodiac Horse: Li Yuntian Tarot Weekly Zodiac Horoscope 1.31-2.6

【Li Yuntian Tarot Card】 Many things this week are wrongly decided, judgment is very poor, we must find others to refer to the opinion, do not make a decisive decision on your own. 2, material losses, broken wealth or product quality problems lead to losses, cracking: put some paper skin or empty bottles at the door to wait for others to steal the file to break the fortune, synchronously break their own commonly used things deliberately break the damage can replace the loss caused by the quality of the product of the big thing. It is appropriate to give money to parents to block the fortune. 3, do not control but weaken physical strength, pay attention to fatigue and physical weakness. Temperance and balance and drink more water Increased sleep quality can be resolved. 4, not suitable for publishing plans, what you think is a ridiculous, stupid plan, and cause confrontation, disagreement, controversy. Cracked: Postpone this week until next week if you want to negotiate or publish plans! 【Pay attention to interpersonal disputes】

Zodiac Sheep: Li Yuntian Tarot Weekly Zodiac Horoscope 1.31-2.6

This week represents the end of things or the end of an experience, and the prophetic meaning represents the sweeping away of old things and the new ideas. New opportunities give way to more space. If you can accept this change, you can live a fuller life, but if you resist because of fear, these fears may cling to life, no new energy is added, and then the old energy, nothingness, is another form of death. 1, the two sides of the relationship have a deep gap or there is a situation of different places, in the feelings, you will have a profound change, everyone will start a new stage, accept the fact that you will have a better journey. 2, healthy disease, cut a nail or foot nail once in three days, cut hair diligently, synchronize the hall on all four sides of the flower plants, put five pots of flower plants in the north, and raise 7 small fish at home, such as flowers withered or yellow withered immediately replaced, animals died immediately to make up, which is to block the disease transport, reduce or dissolve. If you accidentally scratch it, it is also a file. 3, do not go out, otherwise it is a trip that is not worth the loss. 4, not suitable for doing any big thing, will fail. 5, many events are in a state of stagnant, continuous damage, trading stopping, stopping the situation. 6, boring life, taste like chewing wax life, you can watch movies and TV series to survive. 7, if there is a career then career you will give up some of the benefits you get and get a whole new opportunity for development. If there is a new business or something related to the cause of success, you must give up the existing things, such as the emergence of new customers, you must give up the old customers, such as the emergence of new cooperation, you must give up the old cooperation, such as employees, you must give up the old employees and other examples, that is, if you want to get the old things must lose the existence of the old things. It can also represent a change in business. 8, pay attention to the loss situation, you can give some senseless money others can break the loss of luck, such as beggars, public welfare, donations and so on. Pay special attention to products to prevent losses, such as mobile phone repair, use of unnecessary money, etc., deliberately break some money can break the loss of transportation. 【Major events are not appropriate】

Zodiac Monkey: Li Yuntian Tarot Week zodiac horoscope 1.31-2.6

[Li Yuntian Tarot Card] Lending luck is partial to fortune into this week, this week's representatives are uncertain, but also told to maintain flexibility, in the case of idling, it is the easiest to lose themselves at once, but do not give up on themselves, go in the direction of degeneration, must act decisively. Career financial opportunities mean paying attention to opportunities hidden in everyday life. 1, put into a new plan or project on the worry, do not worry about the actual process. 2, there are interests in the cause of cooperation, cooperation, barter (refers to the use of their own goods / services with others to exchange for other people's goods / services). 3, there is a loan luck, you can borrow money, etc., basically very smooth, noble people help each other, every murder is auspicious. 4, the fluctuation of money will affect the development of the project, indicating that two important businesses or projects need to try to balance. 5, not suitable for too much legitimate income to obtain wealth. 【Take advantage of life opportunities】

Li Yuntian Tarot weekly zodiac horoscope 1.31-2.6

Zodiac Chicken: Li Yuntian Tarot Weekly Zodiac Horoscope 1.31-2.6

【Li Yuntian Tarot Card】Noble Fortune entered this week. 1, there are noble people to help. 2, there is a trusted person to give advice, have a good object of consultation, get spiritual satisfaction, and do things to follow the rules. 3, gentle, fraternal, trustworthy, valued, excellent work, outstanding contribution, from the flow of good and get benefits. 4, it is suitable to contact the religious auspicious, you can go to the temple, the Taoist temple to worship the gods or join the church. 5, with the elderly opposite sex have a relationship, there is a communication luck appears, you can use more than you older men to negotiate business or emotional communication. 6, will get inspired to think through or think about the events of the week. 7, there are noble people to help get the rescue of this week's event. Patience is a must. 8, too much external pressure at work, so that you have the feeling of being bound. Finding new ways of working, despite the great resistance, will prove worthwhile. 9, have a relationship with religious affairs, and contact with religious auspiciousness. 【Use all the noble people to succeed】

Zodiac Dog: Li Yuntian Tarot Weekly Zodiac Horoscope 1.31-2.6

[Li Yuntian Tarot Card] Villain Luck entered this week. 1, the person's motives are not pure, there is a betrayal situation, pay special attention to the commitment, the events at the time and the events in the career, you must pay attention to who is ready to appear, leave a hand. 2, with the assistance of ulterior motives, be careful of being used by people, if you feel that you also have interests, you can calculate, if you think that you have no interests, you can not use this kind of person, especially flattery, send business, help you and other such people, if he proposes his own interest sharing, it is this kind of person. 3, lack of vision, lack of leadership, must be based on long-term vision, but also to control the partners and colleagues around. 4, pay attention to the regurgitation of the person, the other party's commitment problem must not be faithful, the loss of assistance, temporary changes, temporary situations. 5, should not go out, travel, business trip will be unexpected, possible obstacles, such as not smooth, unexpected, received unfavorable news, etc. [In the event of a betrayer, you must prepare in advance.] Not allowed to go out]

Zodiac Pig: Li Yuntian Tarot Week zodiac horoscope 1.31-2.6

[Li Yuntian Tarot Card] Negotiations entered this week. Most of the time there is a very good omen in terms of fortune and career, whether it is investment, partnership, job search, salary negotiation, negotiation, you will get the material success you seek, prompting you to be confident that you can bring success. 1, family luck appears, relatives and family members gather together. 2, there is wealth luck or benefits to obtain, rich, safe, family prosperity, income affluence, access to security, intact. 3, or have a domicile or property, material, sale and other inheritance or topic. 4, all businesses and events are profitable, and communication becomes the basis for profit. 【Eloquence wins for you】

Li Yuntian Tarot weekly zodiac horoscope 1.31-2.6

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