
Late at night, the coolness will become clearer

Late at night, the coolness will become clearer

"Rainy Day" | text: Yi Wei

"In the middle of the night, the coolness will become clearer"


This rain usually falls in the early morning and at night. Open the window, warm and melting, you can smell the wet grass.

Out of the unit door in the morning, silver and lightning. Unwilling to open an umbrella, let it slowly seep into my hair.

Brushing past the rose vines, take a glimpse. With a feminine, there are always flower branches along the path, which protrude from the gaps in the bamboo hedges, uneven. These pink, burgundy flowers really belong to April alone, and in May, they will grow old, but they still retain the heart of a girl.

Yes, they are flap by flap, and they are really the appearance of the heart. They are also stained with rain and dew, and the silky geology is soft and beautiful, and the national color is fragrant.

The handbag contained a palm-sized copy of "Three Hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty", that is, it was filled with the deliciousness of petals: page by page, the book was opened, the petals were laid out in various postures at will, and the book was gently closed.

So my book is densely covered with the beauty of the Tang Dynasty. I use them to dot the days when I'm slowly moving forward. How many such states of mind can be encountered in the world, I can't say a word, you should also know my thoughts.


At night, the night sky seems to render the sound of the rattling rain. They flicked the eaves, swept the leaves, and even drifted into my open windowsill. The breeze comes, with the fragrance of earth, reminding people of the swaying and weak flowers in the field, the ripples in the pond, and the grass that can soak the shoes and socks with one step. Only on a rainy day can you rejoice so much and want to breathe deeply in that green realm.

Late at night, the coolness will become clearer. Leaning against the window to listen to the tranquility of the rain curtain is a release of freedom.

There was silence, the lights of people in the distance were dotted, and the potholes of the road reflected the dim light on the left and the right. At this time, under the shade of the trees with low branches, there must be few cars and few people. Just look at the past like this, idyllic and endlessly comfortable.

Recognize the rain, it is merciless, always make the flowers scattered, Gu Ying self-pity. But the rain, and a lot of emotions, especially the rainy day without the hustle and bustle, just laid out shallowly, as if I was waiting for the jasmine blossom to bloom, plain and sweet.

Image source network, invasion and deletion


Pen name: Yi Wei. I hope to use warm words to bring spiritual beauty to everyone.

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