
If life can go smoothly in life, when encountering a calamity, remembering the three sentences, you can reverse the first, encounter the reversal without anger two, be changed without being alarmed three, and be very slanderous without arguing

author:Calligraphy net

Li Bai said: It is difficult to walk, it is difficult to walk, how many wrong roads, is it safe today?

If life can go smoothly in life, when encountering a calamity, remembering the three sentences, you can reverse the first, encounter the reversal without anger two, be changed without being alarmed three, and be very slanderous without arguing

How can life be smooth and satisfactory?

Just like the mountains and mountains, ups and downs are life, when there is a high, there must also be a day of falling into a trough, life is a practice, with the ups and downs of the hardships to temper us, so that we continue to grow.

When we are in a trough and depressed, how can we change the status quo?

As early as the Warring States period, the brilliant strategist, Oniguzi, told us what to do in three proverbs:

In the face of rebellion, do not be angry

The ups and downs of events are not alarming

When the very slander is not argued

If life can go smoothly in life, when encountering a calamity, remembering the three sentences, you can reverse the first, encounter the reversal without anger two, be changed without being alarmed three, and be very slanderous without arguing

With these three proverbs, when encountering changes, you can easily resolve them, and the road of life is getting wider and wider.

<h1>First, do not be angry in the face of rebellion</h1>

When encountering unpleasant things and unreasonable people, we must not complain or get angry.

How can life be satisfactory, we will inevitably encounter unpleasant things, if we complain and are irritable, it will expand the problem and promote our own bad emotions, to know that complaining can not solve any problem;

Therefore, when we encounter unpleasant things, we must keep ourselves calm, and when we are calm, we can calm down and understand the origin of things, and then find a way to solve the problem.

If you argue with him, get angry and impulsive, in fact, it is yourself who suffers losses, and nothing can be solved.

The truly intelligent person understands the principle of "not arguing with fools about their strengths and weaknesses", and in the face of unreasonable people, it is up to him to meditate in his heart: I do not worry about fools.

If life can go smoothly in life, when encountering a calamity, remembering the three sentences, you can reverse the first, encounter the reversal without anger two, be changed without being alarmed three, and be very slanderous without arguing

Summary: The first proverb exhorts us to control our emotions, rather than being led by emotions, optimistic to face problems, life is naturally happier.

<h1>Second, when things change, they are not alarmed</h1>

When encountering sudden changes, we must not panic and be calm.

We have been saying that no one's life is smooth sailing, and ordinary people and rich people will not live this life smoothly and smoothly.

A person's ability to react to changes in the face of events largely determines his future height.

If life can go smoothly in life, when encountering a calamity, remembering the three sentences, you can reverse the first, encounter the reversal without anger two, be changed without being alarmed three, and be very slanderous without arguing

Let's take a look at two very different endings:

Liu Qiang, a legend in the Chinese futures industry, once went bankrupt due to a high-level multi-period index and capital allocation to buy stocks, and in the end, he chose to end his life, jumping down on the top floor platform of the China Trade Center Hotel and ending his life.

Shi Yuzhu of the Giant Building, due to improper investment, led to bankruptcy, burdened with 250 million yuan, and then chose to lie down and try his courage, pay off debts, and return to the rich list.

If life can go smoothly in life, when encountering a calamity, remembering the three sentences, you can reverse the first, encounter the reversal without anger two, be changed without being alarmed three, and be very slanderous without arguing

In the face of sudden changes, two mentalities create two different endings and destinies.

The two generations of emperors in the late Qing Dynasty, Weng Tonggong, once said this: Every time there is a big event, there is calmness, and I do not believe that there are no ancient sages in this day!

It is intended to exhort the people of the world that the more we encounter earth-shattering events, the more we must keep our hearts as calm as water and not be alarmed; when we encounter sudden changes, we must calmly cope with them and slowly cultivate a strong heart.

If life can go smoothly in life, when encountering a calamity, remembering the three sentences, you can reverse the first, encounter the reversal without anger two, be changed without being alarmed three, and be very slanderous without arguing

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" > three, when the extraordinary slander is not argued</h1>

When confronted with slander and slander by others, be unafraid.

In life, the most difficult thing to unify is people's thoughts and qualities, we can't live like everyone, it is inevitable that we will be commented on by others, and even sometimes we will be slandered, satirized and slandered by others.

If you get angry with them and argue with them, it will only get darker and darker, and it will be difficult to change their stubborn thinking.

Therefore, the best way is to face these slanders, take the method of not explaining or arguing, and be frank in your heart, then the rumors will not be destroyed.

If life can go smoothly in life, when encountering a calamity, remembering the three sentences, you can reverse the first, encounter the reversal without anger two, be changed without being alarmed three, and be very slanderous without arguing

As we all know, Wang Yangming is the first perfect person in the ages, and such a powerful person has also suffered from the discussion and slander of others, some people are jealous of his power, and some people are dissatisfied with his teachings.

But Wang Yangming did not care about this at all, he was well aware of the way of "turbidity is self-turbid, and the pure person is self-purifying", and he is more concentrated on doing himself well.

In summary, when we encounter bad times, if we can always remember these three proverbs and always introspect ourselves, we can get ourselves out of the predicament and turn things around. —Editing by Baguio

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