
Reporter: Eagles & Kings become Grant's strong suitors The former is actively looking for a new home for Collins

Reporter: Eagles & Kings become Grant's strong suitors The former is actively looking for a new home for Collins

According to open-air stand reporter Jake Fischer, multiple sources revealed that as the 76ers continue to ask for Ben Simmons highly, and there is a possibility that he and Harden will sign a trade, the Hawks and Kings have become strong suitors for Pistons forward Jeramie Grant.

Fischer said that in addition to the Hawks and Kings, teams such as the Lakers, Trail Blazers, Knicks, Jazz and Timberwolves are also interested in Grant.

Several sources revealed that the Bulls want to continue to explore ways to get Grant without sacrificing second-year striker Patrick Williams.

Multiple sources said that while there is no clear indication that the Hawks are pursuing Grant's trading framework, they have become more aggressive in finding a new home for John Collins, who and Grant can be matched in salary.

The Kings are said to have excluded Fox and Haliburton from any ongoing deal negotiations, though Bagley continued to attract the Pistons' interest in him.


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