
Rodrigo: I want to play for Real Madrid forever Ancelotti has been helping me grow

Rodrigo: I want to play for Real Madrid forever Ancelotti has been helping me grow

Live bar January 26 news Recently, Real Madrid striker Rodrigo was interviewed by the Spanish media, and Rodrigo expressed his hope that he would always play for Real Madrid.

Rodrigo: "Ancelotti is very important to me. He's talked to me a lot since preseason. He's been helping me and I know I have to build up. I accept constructive criticism and if I do a good job, he always congratulates me. I knew I was going to grow with him. ”

"My dream has always been to play for Real Madrid and I don't think about anything else. I want to stay at Real Madrid for many more years. For our match against The Greater Paris – a duel that could have been played a little later, they had some of the best players in the world and we knew it was a difficult game, but it was the collective effort that gave us the chance to get through. The match against Neymar will be special. ”

'For the rumors that Mbappe will come to Real Madrid, I think Mbappe is a very strong player and I will be happy if he comes, he will come to help the team.

"For Modric, when we were talking, he found out that my father was only a year older than him. Since then, he has become my 'father'. It was a pleasure to play with him and we had a good relationship. I want to win the trophy in 2022, preferably the World Cup. ”

(Bear & Raspberry)

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