
Shiping Village "Metamorphosis"

author:Changle is talking

Stinking cattle and sheep pens

Transformed into a small and exquisite village park

Land that has been abandoned for many years is planted

White radish, oil tea and other special agricultural products

Villages that were once heavily outpopulated

Now it has become the pride of the villagers


Shiping Village "Metamorphosis"

Shiping Village, Hangcheng Subdistrict, Changle District

Find the integration point between party building work and rural revitalization

Stage a beautiful rural "Metamorphosis"

Former cattle and sheep pens Now Asami Park

Shiping Village "Metamorphosis"

In recent years, Zhang Deguang, a villager in Shiping Village, has walked with a straighter waist and a louder voice. Every holiday, his farm business is booming, and the family is too busy to go into battle. Good business brings good days, and good days are naturally full of confidence. However, Zhang Deguang sometimes thinks that if it were not for the good transformation of the village in recent years, this good business would definitely not be a play, "In the past, cattle and sheep, firewood, mud, and feces were everywhere in the village, and the house was smelly. After the improvement of the appearance of the village, the inside and outside of the courtyard are now clean, the walls are neat, the environment is more and more beautiful, and our days are getting sweeter and sweeter."

The transformation does not happen overnight. Taking The natural village of Zhangzhu in Shiping Village, which has nearly 40 villagers, as an example, in order to dismantle the dirty and messy sheep pen and cattle pen in the village and rectify it into a park for the villagers, the village party members and cadres have worn out their lips. "In the face of the initial incomprehension and support of the villagers, we insisted that the branch lead the way and the party members lead the way, and mobilized the village's elites, prestigious elders, and co-construction units to go door to door to do the villagers' ideological work." Chen Zhenxiang, former secretary of the party branch of Shiping Village, said.

"In the past, we pushed the villagers to rectify, and the village became more and more beautiful, but now the villagers take the lead in maintaining the environment in the village, and we cherish it more than all." Chen Zhenxiang quipped that every time he heard the villagers and other villagers introduce that "our village has changed a lot, and the sheep pen that was 'contributed' before is still worth it", the hearts of the party members and cadres in Shiping Village are sweet.

Characteristic agricultural products "grow" out of the way to riches

Shiping Village "Metamorphosis"

As the "highest village in Changle", the white radish and beef and mutton in Shiping Village have to be mentioned. In autumn and winter, a pot of fragrant radish goulash beef stew has become an unforgettable taste bud memory for many people who go to Shiping Village. The white radish in Shiping Village is known for its "crisp, sweet and fragrant", and the high altitude gives the crops plenty of light and heat, and the breathable sandy soil and sweet and clear water source give the radish the best moisture.

"Adapting to local conditions and differentiated development is the key to the development of agriculture with rural characteristics in Hangcheng Street, and we compared the white radish grown in different areas and found that the white radish in Shiping Village was of the best quality and yield." Chen Faping, the third-level chief section officer of Hangcheng Subdistrict, who is responsible for rural revitalization, said that he vigorously promoted the cultivation of white radish in Shiping Village and encouraged party members to take the lead in planting demonstrations. Last year, Chen Zhenxiang's family had a bumper harvest of white radish, and the supply exceeded demand. Seeing the "sweetness" of the villagers have planted white radish, the land that has been abandoned for many years in the village has gradually become "sought-after", and special agricultural products such as oil tea and sweet potatoes have been planted at the same time.

 Benefiting from the high altitude is not only white radish, but also thousands of cattle and sheep in Shiping Village based on mountain grasslands, which also bring tangible benefits to the villagers. Chen Zhenzu, a villager in his 70s, has more than 60 cattle and sheep at home, and the old man usually has work, earns money at the end of the year, and is full of energy, and everyone must recommend the beef and mutton in Shiping Village. "Nowadays, relying on animal husbandry, the villagers' annual income is as little as 50,000 or 60,000 yuan, and as much as 200,000 yuan, and their lives are getting better and better." Chen Zhenzu said happily.

Special correspondent Yu Shaolin trainee reporter Mu Fangting

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