
Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Author 丨 Du DuDu Editor | Yan Ruyi

This is the third time That Liu Xuezhou has appeared in news reports.

The first time, as a trafficked child, he openly searched for his biological parents on the Internet, and soon the parents were found;

The second time, 7 days after the reunion, he was abandoned again by his biological parents, and his father ridiculed him as a "network beggar" and "sold miserably successfully";

The third time, that is, this time, he swallowed a large number of antidepressants on the beach in Sanya and committed suicide, and the rescue was ineffective.

He left a long article in his Weibo, which told his short life and restored the truth of some netizens' concerns and arguments.

In just over a decade, it was full of blood and tears.

A boy abandoned by fate

For a long time before, Liu Xuezhou didn't even know how old he was, saying he was "born between 04-06 years."

Because when he was young, there were frequent changes in the family.

When he was four years old, a fireworks accident took away his adoptive parents.

Liu Xuezhou clearly remembered that he heard a loud noise that day, and his grandmother settled him and hurried away.

When I saw my mother again, she was lying in the hospital with severe burns all over her body. Later, his mother gave up treatment and lay in the charred room with hanging bottles, covered in blood, but she still told him to obey him well.

The official report of the accident is that two people were killed and one injured, and his father and mother were killed in the accident.

At home, the charred furniture was blown up, and outside the house, there were small blue school bags scattered with them.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Liu Xuezhou, who has lost his parents, went to school, and in the school, children without parents were almost "taken for granted" by other children.1

Liu Xuezhou said that he was robbed of stationery, pushed into the toilet, framed, the teacher did not listen to his explanation, even everyone would send an egg, he was deliberately ignored.

Because he was always bullied, he transferred 5 times in 6 years of elementary school, only playing with children in lower grades than himself, even so, he would be punched and kicked in the dormitory, and when grandma asked, he only dared to say "he fell by himself."

Some people in the village said that he was a "wild child bought by his parents from outside", but Liu Xuezhou did not care at the time.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

All his grievances, he only told his aunt. His aunt "hurts very much" him, and in Liu Xuezhou's view, his aunt is just like his biological mother.

But this little warmth also dissipated with the death of my aunt.

The heavy blow of fate always seemed to fall on this unfortunate boy.

After going to junior high school, Liu Xuezhou met a male teacher. The teacher deliberately approached him abnormally, instructed him to work, and even once molested him after drinking.

The teacher threatened Liu Xuezhou and asked him not to say these things.

When he was sad, the shadow of doubt accumulated in his heart, and he finally couldn't help but ask the old man in the family to know that it turned out that he was really not the son of the family.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Liu Xuezhou registered his information and entered the blood bank, but there has been no news of the search for relatives. He is like the protagonist of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, suffering and suffering, but still creeping forward.

Later, Liu Xuezhou was admitted to the secondary school, majoring in preschool education, he received a full honorary certificate, a full bed, and also worked as an epidemic prevention volunteer during the special period.

Liu Xuezhou said: "This is what I spelled out in the dark, one by one. ”

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

If you don't want to find your parents, maybe Liu Xuezhou will grow up like this, although fate continues to hit him, but fortunately, he is healthy and tenacious, growing like a weed.

Until last year, Sun Haiyang found his child who had been abducted for 14 years, setting off an uproar in society. Liu Xuezhou couldn't help it, and sent his own information on the platform, which received the attention of some netizens.

During that time, his grandparents told him that he actually had a vaccine book, and he found that the vaccine book said "Ding Jing" and his father "Ding**", so he followed the vine to find the melon, and he found his biological father through various searches.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

He dialed his biological father's phone, trembling and asking the other party if he had ever lost a child named "Ding Jing", the other party first said that he had made a mistake, quickly hung up the phone, and then called again ten minutes later, to add Liu Xuezhou's WeChat.

Two people did DNA identification and everything matched.

Liu Xuezhou finally found his parents.

He said: "I was so happy, so happy that I was in tears. ”

From meeting, to blocking

I thought that finding my biological parents who had not been seen for 17 years would be the most satisfactory ending of the story, but I did not expect that this was only the beginning of the accident.

After Liu Xuezhou contacted his biological parents, although his parents called and videoed with him, they did not immediately want to see him.

The biological father told Liu Xuezhou that he and Liu Xuezhou's birth mother had been separated, and his current wife was not aware of Liu Xuezhou's existence for the time being, and asked him to give himself some time;

Her birth mother was also spitting, because although her current husband knew, he did not allow her to meet Liu Xuezhou's biological father.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Obviously, he has confessed, but he still can't go home.

In the patchwork of the words of the people around him, Liu Xuezhou discovered how much blood his life was:

When Liu Xuezhou was sent away, it was his father who saved the bride price.

In the live broadcast, Liu Xuezhou said that the two parents of the birth were pregnant before marriage and gave birth to Liu Xuezhou. But the birth mother's family wanted a bride price, and the birth father could not afford to give it, so after the two people sent the three-month-old Liu Xuezhou away, they took the money and married and gave birth to a son.

Later, the marriage of the two was interfered with by a third party, and the birth parents divorced and had children each other.

Before marrying Mama Liu, Mama Liu had already had two marriages and had a son; Mama Liu also had a marriage.

The father was married four times, the mother was married three times, and the children were born a bunch, but Liu Xuezhou was the most special because he wanted to save the bride price and could be "sacrificed" to the object.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Of course, his biological parents did not consider this to be a "human trafficking." Only to say that the adoptive parents want this child, they just "give" to each other, and the other party only gives a few thousand "nutrition fees".

A week after the recognition, the biological father came to Hebei to meet Liu Xuezhou once and had a meal together, which was reported by the news at the time, and everyone raised a glass to celebrate, a happy and harmonious scene.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

However, the brief affection did not last long, and the father left the next day after eating.

The first time Liu Xuezhou saw his birth mother was many days later, at his brother's birthday party. The birth mother told Liu Xuezhou that her brother was going to have a birthday and invited him to a birthday party, while Liu Xuezhou had only had two birthdays in the previous 17 years.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

But Liu Xuezhou still rushed to Datong, where his biological parents lived, to attend his brother's birthday party.

Half a day in advance to Datong, the biological father was afraid of being known by the current wife, did not take him home to rest, but arranged for him to rest in the house outside, after the party, Liu Xuezhou was sent to the birth mother's house by his father.

After living with his brother for two days, he overheard a call from his mother's sister, complaining that her mother had brought him home.

I have confessed my relatives, but I still have a home and can't go back.

Desperate, Liu Xuezhou returned to Shijiazhuang overnight. However, the school was already closed, and Liu Xuezhou had no place to go, so he could only live in his aunt's house.

At this time, Liu Xuezhou had nowhere to go.

After that, many people know, the mother told the media that Liu Xuezhou asked himself to buy a house for him at that time, and Liu Xuezhou said in the live broadcast that what he said at that time was, "It is good to have a place to live, and it is okay to buy a house and rent a house."

In the suicide note, Liu Xuezhou described in detail the conversation at that time.

He told his mother that he wanted a home.

As a result, my mother said, you are forcing me to die.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

But now displaced, homeless, who caused it in the first place? Liu Xuezhou asked her back, but she did not expect her mother to say:

"Why don't you ask your adoptive parents, they don't hug (buy), and someone else's home, good hug (buy) you." 」

After the fight, Liu Xuezhou was blocked by his mother.

The abandonment of the boy looking for relatives in Hebei soon fermented, but his father said in the circle of friends: "People set up packaging, sold tragic success."

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Liu Xuezhou, from beginning to end, wants a home.

But it's so hard.

In desperation, he began to receive orphan subsidies again.

How ironic, Liu Xuezhou, whose biological parents are still alive, actually wants to receive orphan subsidies.

The last straw that broke the camel's back

Liu Xuezhou live-streamed his experience, but soon appeared not sympathy and comfort, but questioning and online violence.

The spread on the Internet is always one-sided, and what he said at the beginning of "buying and renting a house can be rented, want a place to live", was cut into "Liu Xuezhou wants his mother to buy a house", and "blocked by his mother" together.

He was twisted into an unscrupulous person who "asked his mother to buy a house in January, only to be blocked".

He suffered an overwhelming amount of malice.

Some questioned his purpose in searching for relatives. Saying that you will buy a house when you look for your parents is also too deep.

"Are you looking for your parents or a house?"

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Some people say that he has no backbone, after all, he can brush dishes to support himself, and he has to ask his parents for a house, and he simply has no will to struggle for himself.

"Let's not talk about the ruthlessness and injustice of these parents, your child wants a house, you must also want to nibble on the old, right?"

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Originally, there was still a little sympathy for the homeless Liu Xuezhou, but how could a poor boy looking for relatives grow tall and white, and ask his parents for a house?

Sympathy immediately turned to extremes, and misery turned into misery.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

However, if they turned forward, they would find that Liu Xuezhou had already said that he had no place to live, that he had nowhere to go after confessing his relatives, that it didn't matter if he bought or rented a house, that he just wanted a shelter where he could live.

The source of this disaster lies in being abandoned by his biological parents, and some righteous people who stand in the light do not care about his experience.

They just said, look, he just wants to borrow a house, no wonder he was blocked, he deserved it, I look down on him.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

However, even if he took ten thousand steps back, he was asking his parents for a house, so what?

He is only 17 years old, his adoptive parents have passed away, he has a hard time finding his own parents and mothers, these people first abandoned themselves, and then do not want to meet again, these people who have parenting responsibilities to him, should not do their part?

But Liu Xuezhou did not. He was much more mature than most people thought.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

He said he "also has a small amount of money" and told reporters that he did not need his biological parents to help him start a family, and that he could do it himself.

Because of the poor conditions at home, Liu Xuezhou worked outside very early, helped in the print shop when he was in middle school, worked as a tutor in college, worked as a waiter in a restaurant, and found a temporary job during the winter vacation.

Over the years, he has been quietly saving money, and since the second half of 21 years, he has not asked the family for money.

After confessing his relatives, he once went to Sanya to relax and posted photos of his travels on the platform, but this turned out to be his original sin:

Why do you have to go to Sanya when you don't have the money? Why do you have money to say that you are bitter? Are you selling miserably?

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Liu Xuezhou was so disturbed and in great pain that he wrote on social platforms: "Hahaha was born to atone for his sins. ”

But whose sin is this? Abandoned, abandoned twice, why let him bear the consequences?

His private messages are full of "cordial greetings" from strangers; the comment area of his account is a group of Internet mobs that spew out as soon as they send microblogs.

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Liu Xuezhou once resisted, he repeatedly said that the media reports that "his mother borrowed money to let him go out to play" and "insisted on buying a house immediately" were not true, and also sent a recording to testify that his aggressiveness was forced to be helpless for another reason.

But there are still people, hiding behind the virtual ID, fanning the flames, standing in the holy light and pointing.

They said, "I look down on you if you don't commit suicide." ”

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Finally, under the mixture of multiple voices, Liu Xuezhou swallowed a large number of antidepressants and never woke up again...

It's a sad black farce.

On December 16, Liu Xuezhou found his biological father.

On January 17, he was blocked by his mother.

On January 24, Liu Xuezhou published a suicide note and left this world forever.

However, even if people are gone, the noisy sounds will not disappear....

Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, was a short but disliked life

Before finding his parents, Liu Xuezhou once said:

"My dream is to finish my studies before the age of 30, stand on the three-foot podium to teach and educate people, teach children with an optimistic attitude, thank you, I want to try to live my own life (heart)"

However, before the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, Liu Xuezhou had already left.

Not to mention 30, he didn't even wait for his 18th birthday.

In the last time, Liu Xuezhou shared a song, the lyrics said, just get old, don't wake up when you're lonely.

The song is called "Ideal Thirty."