
See the world with your own ideas. The naked eye can see that it has grown taller, as if it was bought a month ago, and when it came, it was like three garlic heads, ugly looking. I put these three seeds in a pot, and I am

author:Star Emotion Hall

See the world with your own ideas. The naked eye can see that it has grown taller, as if it was bought a month ago, and when it came, it was like three garlic heads, ugly looking. I put the three seeds in the pot, and I put them evenly, but it didn't grow as long as I expected.

I found that people really like to add their ideas to other people or things, and even if I planted a flower myself, I hoped that these three seeds would grow well in my place.

And all things should be free, how the flower wants to grow is its freedom, and what other people do, as long as they do not offend others, is also free.

In order to understand the world, we name all kinds of things, label all kinds of people, and judge its value and meaning in our minds.

This kind of classification analysis and judgment will slowly form inherent patterns, some of which are useful and some of which may be harmful.

Like our wording, when we complain about others, we say, you always do. But is this really the case every time? Not necessarily. Will the other party have any reason this time? Before I understood clearly, I prejudged that the other party was not doing well.

So often jump out to see if you fall into your own inherent thinking mode and enter the automatic driving mode.

See the world with your own ideas. The naked eye can see that it has grown taller, as if it was bought a month ago, and when it came, it was like three garlic heads, ugly looking. I put these three seeds in a pot, and I am
See the world with your own ideas. The naked eye can see that it has grown taller, as if it was bought a month ago, and when it came, it was like three garlic heads, ugly looking. I put these three seeds in a pot, and I am

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