
Reporter: Juve is seriously evaluating the possibility of bringing in Nandes

Reporter: Juve is seriously evaluating the possibility of bringing in Nandes

Live Bar January 25 News According to Juventus and team reporter Romeo Agreti, Juventus is evaluating the possibility of bringing in Cagliari player Nandez.

Juventus are not only trying to sign Vlahović this summer, they are also seriously evaluating the possibility of bringing in Nandez.

Nandez is 26 years old and can play in multiple positions, his best position is midfield, and he can play as a midfielder, wing-back, front and back.

This season, Nandes has made 18 appearances for Cagliari, including 16 starts and two assists. Previously, some media said that Naples was also interested in introducing Nandes.

(Iron Fist)

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