
Global wired | unmanned hotels, artificial intelligence experience streets... Feel the "future life" in "Cloud Valley"

Have you ever wanted to live your life in the future? The Recent Opening of the Yungu Innovation Park in Hefei, Anhui Province, may provide some answers.

As the first achievement industrialization base of Anhui Science and Technology Market, the park has built an unmanned smart hotel, an immersive artificial intelligence commercial street and a science and technology innovation enterprise incubation community, in which driverless cars pass through, satisfying people's imagination of eating, wearing, living and traveling in the future.

Global wired | unmanned hotels, artificial intelligence experience streets... Feel the "future life" in "Cloud Valley"

Located in the park' artificial intelligence commercial street "Cloud Street", the artificial intelligence commercial street layout is arranged with a variety of scenes such as the quantum science popularization scene experience area, the artificial intelligence product experience center, and the media-free imaging home experience hall, displaying more than 20 scientific and technological achievements, allowing citizens to feel the smart life in the shopping.

Text reporters: Wang Haiyue, Ma Shurui

Video reporter: Zhang Duan

Editor: Lu Ye

Xinhua news agency to the outside

Xinhua News Agency, Jiangsu Branch


Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

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