
If I left, would you still remember me?

author:The breeze comes and goes
If I left, would you still remember me?

There is much separation in the world, and there is much sorrow in separation.

Where is life not separated? Do you remember the partings that made it hard for you to let go? Do you remember the people who lost their lives because of parting? Are you still grieving because of your parting?

From the beginning of the tears of parting, to today's laughter to parting, you must have experienced countless partings. As a result, you have tempered your heart that was once extremely soft and sentimental.

Now, even if you don't give up, you will laugh and wave your hands; even if you are sad, you will pretend to be indifferent.

Seeing this, what is the scene that flashes in your mind? Who and who is it about? Was it you when you were young or you who went through vicissitudes?

If we were to separate, would you say goodbye to me? Is it a sincere goodbye and then leave, or a wordless goodbye? And that's how our story ends?

Have you ever had a casual wave of the hand that became a goodbye forever and caught you off guard?

A few days ago, a friend I knew because of writing said goodbye and left. He wrote a moving farewell essay, which made me feel sour after reading it. Because it seems to represent a kind of eternal goodbye.

We know each other in words, intersect in words, our connections are all carried by words, and our communication is mostly from the comment area. Even if we add each other's WeChat, we don't talk much. And now, this is different, or forever.

We can no longer rejoice in building buildings and rejoice in the same vision as each other. Because his avatar will never show updates again.

Many people on the watchlist have not changed for a long time, and perhaps they have left silently and uninstalled the APP. And I walked around from time to time, convinced that they would come back one day.

No, not back, because there was no goodbye, why did you leave? And this is really just my self-deception, they have long left, and our story is over.

Have you been saying goodbye? Also busy saying goodbye? Say goodbye to this place and leave, and when you get to that place, you just put it in your heart, and you have to say goodbye and leave.

The most memorable farewell I remember is the goodbye to my grandfather when I was young. It's really not a goodbye, because I didn't see the last side of him, I didn't hear his advice when he left, the eight-year-old girl played outside with her own care, and when she returned home, she felt that it was already a year, and everything had changed. I lost the man who hurt me the most, and I lost the opportunity to say goodbye to him.

So from then on, whenever I think about this experience, my heart will be sour.

So from then on, I learned to say goodbye. Strive for a formal separation, let us have no regrets.

Separated from many friends, it is too late to see the last side. From then on, the strange roads of the end of the world did not meet.

We never saw each other again, we never knew each other again, we lost in each other's lives, I don't know if you lost me or I lost you.

All I know is that from now on, you are you, I am me, and there is no intersection. I wonder if you are raising a child, struggling with soy sauce and vinegar tea or walking on the road you crave with a travel bag?

I often think about that snowy winter, if I hadn't gone away, if I hadn't said goodbye without saying goodbye, if I had found your serious goodbye, if I had left contact information for you, if I had left a commitment to each other. So what do we look like at this time? At least it won't be a stranger. I don't know if you remember me at that time, we were at that time.

Death does not make me regret forever, and life and separation make me extremely painful.

Your departure makes my heart and mind unable to let go. What if I leave? Will my departure make you unforgettable? Will my silent turn make you forget about the dust or seal your memories and occasionally remember them?

If you're leaving, please let me know. I'm going to send you. If I'm leaving, I'll tell you and say a word of appreciation to you! There is a fate in the rivers and lakes, thank you for meeting.

If I left, would you still remember me?

If I could, I wish I could experience parting less, and I wish someone could say to me that we only had to die and not to live.


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