
If Malone does not go, the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships who is the second single, against the German team will face a test

After the end of the WTT Macau Tournament, table tennis fans are most looking forward to the first event will be the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships in April, because of the cancellation of the Busan World Table Tennis Championships, four years later, the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships will be held, this time the national table tennis home battle, the team championship is inevitable, there can be no mistakes, after all, the team honor is more important, but with the acceleration of the upgrading of the national table tennis, the World Table Tennis Championships will encounter an unprecedented test.

If Malone does not go, the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships who is the second single, against the German team will face a test

After the end of the Tokyo Olympic Games, has entered the Paris preparation cycle, Ma Long, Xu Xin Liu Shiwen absent from the Houston World Table Tennis Championships, giving a clear signal, that is, let the young players carry the banner of national table tennis early, promote the replacement, Fan Zhendong won the men's singles championship, Wang Manyu won the women's singles championship, and the national table tennis won four championships, excellent performance. It also indicates the steady progress of upgrading.

If Malone does not go, the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships who is the second single, against the German team will face a test

From the individual World Table Tennis Championships to the team World Table Tennis Championships, the national table tennis needs to re-plan the layout, and there can be no difference in the pool, home battles, need to have a greater advantage in the platoon deployment, after all, the pressure from foreign associations will also make it not easy for this Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships to win the championship.

Fans in the prediction of the national table tennis participation list, in fact, Ma Long and Xu Xin have been excluded, after all, the Houston World Table Tennis Championships such a grand event has no chance to participate, it can be seen how strong the determination of the national table tennis replacement is, but then again, if Ma Long does not go, then Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships who is the second single player, against the German team, who is more sure?

If Malone does not go, the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships who is the second single, against the German team will face a test

At the Tokyo Olympics, the opponent of the national table tennis team is the German team, Fan Zhendong a single, Ma Long and Xu Xin doubles, and Ma Long is also a three-single candidate. In the team final, doubles wins, Fan Zhendong defeats Ochalov, Ma Long defeats Bohr, and the national table tennis team wins the Olympic team championship 3-0 against Germany. The rules for the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships and the Olympic Games are somewhat different.

Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships is a traditional event, each game is a five-set competition, it is a singles match, there is no first set doubles, if Fan Zhendong is a single player, then who will be a two-single player, this is the national table tennis need to consider the problem. In the foreign association, the strength of the German team is very outstanding, in the 2018 Swedish World Table Tennis Championships, the opponent of the national table tennis in the final is the German team, which was originally a trio of Ma Long, Xu Xin and Fan Zhendong.

If Malone does not go, the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships who is the second single, against the German team will face a test

After four years, the Squad of the German team will also change, according to the current strength of the German team, it will definitely send Ochalov, Bohr and Francesca three main players, will draw home and away, and the three main players of the national table tennis team if they meet the German team, who can become the second single will be crucial.

After all, the national table tennis is usually under great pressure, and when the German team encounters the national table tennis, it will let go of the baggage, lose normally, and win happily. So in a five-set, three-win game, it is best not to play the decider, because then the German team will have a huge advantage in mentality, and the last player to play will face a huge test.

If Malone does not go, the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships who is the second single, against the German team will face a test

If Ma Long does not participate in the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships, then with the existing national table tennis lineup, in addition to Fan Zhendong as a single, then the players of the second and third singles will be selected from Wang Chuqin, Liang Jingkun and Lin Gaoyuan. If you arrange the troops according to the national table tennis home field. So let's take a look.

Fan Zhendong vs Pol

Wang Chuqin vs Ochalov

Francesca vs Liang Jingkun

Fan Zhendong vs Ochalov

Wang Chuqin vs Pol

If Malone does not go, the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships who is the second single, against the German team will face a test

If Wang Chuqin is a second-single player, then the battle must end in the first four sets, otherwise in the fifth set, the confrontation between Wang Chuqin and Pol will be more glued, and Wang Chuqin will face a lot of pressure. In the same way, replaced by Liang Jingkun or Lin Gaoyuan as the second single, only rely on Fan Zhendong to get two points, other players to make up another point, I am afraid that the national table tennis will face a lot of pressure. But if Malone doesn't go, whoever acts as a second single is probably not safe.

If Malone does not go, the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships who is the second single, against the German team will face a test

If Malone does not participate in the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships, then this competition will be more than the Houston World Table Tennis Championships to test the mentality and ability of young players, after all, as a team project, the German team has a very big advantage, and the German troika is full of experience, super strength, especially in terms of mentality, it occupies a large advantage, the national table tennis belt does not have Ma Long, and it also needs to be carefully considered.

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