
After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

author:Ah Zheng said anime
After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

Lolita attributes have always been one of the cute points in the second dimension.

Soft voice, ignorant eyes, petite body, anyone who looks at the heart will melt.

So, if Lori is paired with a gun with a violent color, soft and rigid, what kind of story will be derived?

Today's introduction for you is a lao fan that perfectly integrates Lolita and the gun -

The Sharpshooter Girl

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

The story is set in a modern Italian city, where a young girl is tragically killed.

The gangsters took advantage of the night to break into the girl's home, slaughtered the girl's five relatives, and then ravaged her all night next to the corpse.

When she was found the next day, the girl had been seriously injured, her spirit was also severely damaged, and she had no will to survive.

The hospital was already difficult to provide medical assistance in this situation, but fortunately, the Italian government agency "Social Welfare Commune" offered to participate in emergency medical support, taking in the poor survivor and promising to treat her.

The hospital was relieved to hand over the patient to the welfare commune, unaware that this move pushed the girl into another tragedy.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

Ostensibly a welfare institution for the treatment of seriously injured and disabled persons, the Commune of Social Welfare is actually a special intelligence agency that carries out secret missions for the government.

They mechanically transformed the girls they took in and brainwashed them with drugs, and finally trained them as violent weapons against terrorists.

In order to use the weapons that control the killing more effectively, they are equipped with an auxiliary officer for each girl, and the girls are absolutely obedient to the auxiliary officer, and the auxiliary officer has to take responsibility and cooperate with the girl to complete the task, this combination is called "brother and sister".

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

Yes, the girl in the opening chapter was taken away without any medical treatment.

Instead, she underwent a full-body transformation and drug brainwashing, and when she woke up, she lost all her memories, even her name.

Assistant Officer Joseph gave her a new name, Horrietta.

Since then, the lone girl who has endured the massacre of the Gate of Destruction has disappeared and been replaced by a commune prosthetic body called Lotus Tower.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

Holietta, who had just arrived in the commune, was taciturn but had excellent training performance.

She followed Joseph's instructions to shoot without using a sight in actual combat, and could hit the center of the human body at close range.

However, since the conditions accepted by Holietta were too low, there would be cases of acting without orders.

Conditional payment means that some instructions are prescribed in advance on the prosthetic body, so that they can unconditionally comply, but the increase in conditional payment will shorten their lifespan.

Assistant Officer Joseph only made Holietta accept the minimum conditions, and he cared more about her health than obedience.

In fact, it was Joseph who originally chose Holietta as a partner at the hospital.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

Among the assistant officers, Joseph was a different kind.

He did not use Holietta as a tool, but truly loved her as his sister.

He would buy nice clothes for Holietta, show her the constellations, teach her the violin, and give her gifts from time to time.

Joseph's love was naturally conveyed to Holietta, who was no longer a simple killing machine, but began to have feelings.

As long as she can be with Joseph, Holietta will feel the supreme joy.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

However, Joseph's older brother John disagreed with his younger brother's approach.

John, who was also an assistant officer, thought the so-called siblings were ridiculous.

He never saw these lovely girls as sisters, but as props.

As a prop, the most important thing is to completely obey the master's ideas and give priority to the task.

If you are disobedient, or if you are broken, then there is no pity, and a new one is.

He never poured out his feelings, only gave orders.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

John's partner is a young girl named Rico, who is optimistic and cheerful and loves life in the Welfare Commune.

Li Ke was originally born with a paralysis of the limbs, and could only lie in bed and rely on his parents to take care of him.

For this reason, parents often quarrel, shirk responsibility from each other, and no one wants to continue to take care of Li Ke, who is unable to take care of himself.

In the end, they followed the doctor's advice and signed 17 documents, handing over Li Ke to the Welfare Commune.

After being transformed, Li Ke finally has a free body, and she feels extremely at ease, and the first thing she does when she wakes up every day is to confirm whether her limbs can move.

For her, there was nothing more desperate than a life in bed that could not move.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

Compared to the other sisters in the commune, Li Ke was the most obedient and always perfectly carried out the tasks assigned to her by John.

She was afraid of being abandoned by the auxiliary officer and losing her limbs again.

Having said that, Li Ke is not an expressionless doll.

Because he has little contact with the outside world since he was a child, Li Ke's personality is extremely simple, he has a strong curiosity about things, behaves more like a boy, and rarely has a wayward and delicate side.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

The opposite of Li Ke is Triyera, who has her own independent thinking, and the relationship with the auxiliary officer is neither a brother and sister, nor a master and a tool, but more like an equal partner with the auxiliary officer.

Triella is a victim of the International Child Trafficking Organization, a clever mind, proficient in Chinese, and a caregiver big sister in the commune.

Perhaps because of her slightly older age, she always appears mature and rational, but when she meets her assistant officer, Hilsha, she occasionally shows a shy and willful side.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

Her assistant officer, Hilsha, is a German and originally a policeman, who was fired and came to the welfare commune, which is very humane.

Hilsha cares about Triera and doesn't want to add too many conditions to bind Triera, but he is not good at expressing himself and is sometimes misunderstood.

Hilsha initially treated Triera as a child, and then gradually saw her as an important partner, and the two established a deep trust, and even a love sprouted between the two.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

The above three pairs of partners get along differently, but the work they do is much the same.

Eliminate all people or organizations that endanger the government.

The protagonists of the game's story are primarily hostile to the Commune of Welfare, a terrorist organization known as the "Fifth Republican", which has been using terror as a weapon to demand independence from Italy.

Naturally, the Welfare Commune could not allow the terrorist organization to grow, and they gathered intelligence while cleaning up the terrorists.

In addition, the commune would accept other unsavory work assigned by the government, assassinating politicians, purging the mafia, and so on.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

As both disguise and weapon, the children of the welfare commune always carried pistols with them, often carrying large piano cases in disguise, containing weapons such as rifles, light machine guns or submachine guns.

Who would have thought that the weak and harmless girls were cold killers who could take people's lives at any time?

The prosthetic transformation not only gave the girls a complete body, but also increased their strength to more than five times that of adults.

Childlike appearance, beyond the lethality of adults, the Welfare Commune is simply invincible with this secret weapon.

However, problems arise.

The transformed righteous body will identify as its master, that is, the auxiliary officer, but there are multiple auxiliary officials, and when there is a dispute between the auxiliary officials, the righteous bodies of each other will not sit idly by, and they will subconsciously attack for their own auxiliary officers.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

In order to ensure the safety of actual combat, the girls learned all the killing techniques in the commune, and they could not distinguish between the heavy and the heavy, and they did not have the sense of enemy and self of ordinary people.

If they kill each other because they misunderstand the behavior of the auxiliary officers, the consequences are absolutely tragic.

It is therefore of the utmost importance to teach them when they need to act, otherwise the Commune will kill itself without the need for foreign enemies.

At the same time, the side effects of prosthetic bodies should not be underestimated.

High-intensity training and frequent injuries can lead to damage to parts of the body, coupled with the unstable control of the mind by drugs, immature techniques related to prosthetic bodies, and other reasons.

The lifespan of the prosthetic body is actually very short, death within a year or two is common, and it is a miracle that it is still alive after five years.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

Some argue that the young girls adopted by the Welfare Commune were originally seriously injured, disabled, or dying, and that their life expectancy was like a candle in the wind, and that it was not unfortunate for them to be transformed into a righteous body, but to contribute to the country.

Indeed, almost all of these chosen girls have a tragic past, and if they are not transformed by the Welfare Commune, I am afraid that they will not be able to maintain even a year of life.

But if we think that the welfare commune is right, we will think too highly of the commune.

The Commune has always told the children that what they are doing is just, killing bad guys to protect the country.

What's actually going on?

Perhaps the original purpose of the Welfare Commune was indeed to dismantle terrorists and protect national security.

But in the future, the commune is more like a weapon of violence set up by the government, only following the government's instructions, shooting and killing people without any formalities, and anyone who has doubts about the commune or wants to leak information will be secretly solved.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

The Welfare Commune, which was not allowed to be publicly or supervised, became an eagle dog that killed the government in the name of justice.

Children are the most obedient and terrible weapons of the sort.

Their bodies were altered without permission, and for the rest of their lives they could only kill or be killed.

The harsh reality is whitewashed by the love of drugs and hypnotic brainwashing, and the girls love the auxiliary officer, charging in the rain of bullets and bullets, ready to throw their lives to protect the auxiliary officer.

They gradually lose themselves in the illusion of love, consume themselves, and finally destroy themselves.

In the end, the prosthetic transformation that can be called the effect of reviving the dead did not save the girls, but only accelerated their slide from one tragedy to another.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

Sadly, however, in reality, some areas can manipulate children and push them onto the battlefield of man-eating without the help of a miraculous body of righteousness.

It is shameful for self-interested adults to involve ignorant children in wars and killings, no matter how noble the reasons.

In the end, they will also pay for this behavior,

Whether in a comic, or in reality.

I sincerely hope that every child can bathe in the sun, play freely, and meet the future with a smile.

After the girl was tragically destroyed, she was brainwashed into a killer, and the heroine of this work was also too miserable

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