
Man, do not be too exhausted; things, do not be too clear

Man, do not be too exhausted; things, do not be too clear

In the twenty-four solar terms, there are "small cold, big cold; small summer, big summer; small snow, heavy snow."

There is only "Xiao Man", and there is no other corresponding solar term called "Big Man".

This is because the heavens and the earth have rules, and the personnel have a degree, and if they pass, they will perish.

As the saying goes: "When the water is full, it overflows, and when the moon is profitable, it loses." ”

Some things, once they get to the top, go to the other extreme.

Therefore, people must not be too exhausted, and things must not be too clear.

If everything is too exhausted, fate is bound to end early.

Be a person, leave some room, in order to calmly turn around.

Doing things, only up to seven or eight points, there is a good taste.

The part that has not yet arrived is the great wisdom of life that we have left.


Cheap is not to be taken advantage of

Chen Jiru of the Ming Dynasty also said in his article "Cautionary Tales": "What is the pride of the glory and wealth in front of the eyes?" What is the greed to get cheap and lose the cheap? ”

We always hear people say that "greedy and cheap eat big losses", no matter how small the cheap is, there is a price, you think you don't need to pay for the cheap, often need you to pay a greater price in the future. You can't be greedy, and you can't do things. There is a folk proverb "eat your own meat, others drink soup", when encountering good things, do not monopolize yourself, learn to share, let benefit others.

Eating meat yourself and not giving others soup will not only make enemies for yourself, but also is not conducive to your long-term development. An extremely selfish person, who seems to take advantage of everything, but can't make a true friend, and a person without friends is not far away.

It is precisely this truth that Drucker, an American master of management, ranked the pursuit of high profit margins at the top of the fatal factors of enterprises in "Five Deadly Crimes of The Fatal Enterprise". Mercenary, only concerned about their own interests, will push themselves to the precipice.


Clever, not exhausted

"Dream of the Red Chamber" said: The organs calculated too cleverly and mistook Qingqing's life.

There are people outside the people, there are days outside the sky, you think you have exhausted your calculations, but you don't know that people who are stronger than you have already laughed at you in secret.

If a person is too self-righteous and shows his cleverness everywhere, he will eventually cause others to be jealous and lay the foundation for himself.

As the saying goes, "Wood is in the forest, and the wind will destroy it." ”

Don't be strong in everything, and at any time, don't be too sharp.

Truly intelligent people, who know how to hide the front and guard the clumsiness, not only give others face, but also let themselves retreat from the rapids and protect themselves.

Heard a fable:

Two geese and a frog became good friends.

Autumn is coming, the geese are going to fly back to the south, and the three friends are reluctant to separate.

The geese said to the frog: If only you could fly up into the sky, we could be together often.

The frog made a clever move:

"If you two hold on to a branch and then I bite the middle of the branch, we can fly up to heaven together."

So the three of them migrated south together. ”

The frogs on the ground saw it and clapped their hands in envy: "Who is so smart?" ”

The frog was afraid of missing the opportunity to perform, so he shouted, "This is what I came up with!" ”

Before he could finish speaking, it fell out of the air.

Although the frog is smart, he loses in fear that others will not see his cleverness.

Being a low-key person is long-term, and being a generous person is a wide road.

As the saying goes: "The water is deep and slow, and the people are expensive and late." ”

The more powerful people are, the less they need to prove anything to the outside world.

Because their confidence comes from the inner riches, not from the outward show-offs.


Blessed, inexhaustible

In the "Vegetable Root Tan", it is said: "Where the path is narrow, leave one step and walk with the people; when the taste is strong, subtract three points for people to eat." ”

"Everyone is for me, I am for everyone."

This world is not a one-man world, and all the benefits fall on a man's head.

Life has an end, but love is priceless.

Let a profit, you can get a love.

To learn to give profit to others is to give way to others.

Being able to "let" means that we are rich, so why not enjoy it?

Generous people, when others are in difficulty, will never fall into the well, nor will they sit in the well and watch the sky, but dare to lend a helping hand to help him.

Generous people, when others succeed, will never be jealous, nor will they be sad, but will offer sincere blessings to the icing on the cake.

Between people, it is just that you are true to me, and I am true to you.

Cherish the hard-won fate and treat each other with a grateful heart in exchange for the companionship that will not be abandoned.

Zeng Guofan once advised his descendants that "the family is too prosperous, the blessings cannot be enjoyed, the power cannot be exhausted, and everyone must remember these two words." If you can't enjoy the blessings, you must cherish the present, and don't have to look forward to Shu.

People should cherish blessings, know how to be grateful and content. Life is like a bottle with a gap, and because of this gap, the water does not overflow. Cherish the imperfections in your life, don't take advantage of the cheap, don't use up the wisdom, and the blessings can't be enjoyed.

Eat a penny, and receive immeasurable blessings. Take advantage of less, get more blessings. Play a little less clever, get a little more people's hearts. Less desire, more moments of purity.

Your generosity towards others is actually paving the way for yourself.

By restraining yourself, you are accumulating blessings for yourself.

Don't let others be embarrassed, but also don't let yourself be embarrassed, leave a road for others, you will not fall into a desperate situation.

Instead of having more heart, it is better to have fewer tendons; instead of red eyes, it is better to smile and forgive.

Bury wisdom deep in the heart, be simple, do things in a low profile, and speak in proportions.

May you and I be able to hide in our hearts, leave a little confused, a little sober, and wander freely in the rolling red dust.

Click to see, may you and I all step out of the comfort zone, recognize ourselves, overcome ourselves, and reach a new height in life.

"If the mountain doesn't come, I'll go over"

Changing yourself is far more practical than changing your environment.

Be brave enough to make changes, break through yourself, and improve yourself.

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