
Susan Miller_ January 26, 2022 Horoscope Aries Monday, Mars enters the area of your status and direction of life, you may have stayed in your profession and world

author:Astrology culture

Susan Miller_ Horoscope of January 26, 2022


On Monday, Mars enters your territory of status and life direction, and you may have the motivation and endurance you need to make a mark on your profession and the world. Due to the presence of Venus and Pluto in this region, you may have a magnetic aura that highlights your confidence and strength. You should have the ability to be a major influencer in your industry, and if you haven't been promoted to a prestigious position, you may soon be promoted to a prestigious position.


You may feel some career-related tensions, as restrictive Saturn's house in your profession and public status will be inconsistent with the approaching sun. You may take on a role that requires more work and discipline, and with the Taurus lunar eclipse last November, you have the potential to become a parent or spouse. At some point, you seem to be taking on a new role in your life that requires you to take full commitment and responsibility to others.


Now is a good time to adjust your finances. Whether it's sharing resources with your buddies or the money you borrow, such as credits and loans, it would be wise to take advantage of the help of Venus and Pluto, now entering your eighth financial house. You can make lasting changes in this aspect of your life. Mars is also in this area, and he tends to increase your spending, but he may also help you develop strategies to make your financial goals a reality.


Since your partner's palace has a row of powerful planets, the relationship may now be front and center. Both Venus and Mercury start in December (and earlier this month), so you may have a special opportunity to reconnect with someone special and correct any mistakes in the relationship. There may be a person who you just can't erase from your mind and your heart, and this time, he or she may accept you.


You might make a big commitment to someone special in the space of a week. The current planetary influence will encourage you to address any discordant details so you can build solid business or personal relationships. Work can be a major burden on your shoulders, and you may need to revisit the project and communicate with colleagues to get the project back on track. The same advice applies to relationships, as communication can be rewarding.


You seem to be spreading love because there are too many planets lighting up your fifth house children, creativity and true love. The challenge may be how to get these important groups to accept your offer. You may want to prove to your ex that you've changed and that things will be different this time, but be aware of how this plan will affect your child's well-being. In other words, you may be inspired to invest in someone seriously and you will show it financially.


The dramatic changes and needs of families are likely to continue to attract their attention. Mars and Pluto, representing noise and architecture, are in your home palace, indicating that your home is likely to undergo physical changes. If you are considering a renovation, this will be the perfect time. The final result should satisfy you and significantly increase the value of your house. Be prepared to review your decision as financial impacts can fluctuate.


Next month, your life may get busy, and in many cases there may be a sense of urgency. Be prepared for a few excursions, as Mercury is retrograde and you may encounter traffic challenges. Tune your car, put bus or train schedules at your fingertips, and all your flight information is readily available. It is best not to arrange travel during this time. Or, before sending an email or making a phone call, make sure to double-check all communications.


You may have plenty of opportunities to control your resources, as many planets are now emphasizing your financial areas. You may have the potential to increase your net worth and income. The presence of Mars in this area will also increase your propensity to buy, and you may spend more money on children, love interests or hobbies. You may also consider buying a very meaningful gift for someone you are very important or close to.


Now may be a good time to perfect everything you've put into action since the beginning of December last year. A major planetary lineup will infuse you with strength, confidence and charm that no one can resist. Mercury Retrograde, Venus Retrograde, Mars and Pluto are all in Capricorn right now, which will give you a unique opportunity to capture the heart, mind, and financial support of anyone you want. Such a powerful planetary influence is a good sign that lucrative business and personal relationships may be coming to you.


As the Sun approaches Saturn, you may be approaching an important commitment, although you may have many reservations. There will be several planets that might activate things in your behind-the-scenes department. Someone might give you a very special and expensive gift, or a VIP might discuss how to elevate your role in the organization. Whatever the situation, you should soon find out that, despite the heavy responsibility, you may soon be "ecstatic."


You may soon have amazing energy to start a new business or reimagine the financial aspects of an existing business. Planet's emphasis on your commercial income palace suggests that you need to do some research to make your release a success. This may be the best time to decide what you need to invest in to achieve your financial goals. Mars may require some expense to achieve this, but you will most likely succeed.

#Susan Miller ##Daily Horoscope##星座运势 #

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