
Wuhan lawyer shot dead: His client, who had received death threats from suspects, was cooperating with the investigation

author:Overseas network

Source: The Paper

Wuhan lawyer shot and killed: His client has been threatened with death by the suspect and is cooperating with the investigation

Hubei Wuhan lawyer Xue Weixing was shot and killed by the opposing party Lei Jun at about 10 a.m. on September 13 for representing four construction contract disputes.

The family of Zhang Mouwu, one of the plaintiffs, said on the evening of September 15 that Lei Jun owed the project money for four or five years, and not a penny was given. After the lawsuit, Lei Jun threatened that "if you want money, your whole family will die with me."

Zhang Mouwu's family said that they wanted to say sorry to Xue Weixing's family, and Lei Jun killed him, and they were particularly sad.

The Paper ( learned from Zhang Mouwu's family that at present, Zhang Mouwu is cooperating with the police investigation. Zhang Mouwu's family recounted his dispute with Lei Jun over project funds. The Paper's reporter Xie Yinzong

Zhang Mouwu's mother said that their family's economic conditions are not very good, about 5 years ago, she borrowed money everywhere, raised 1 million yuan, and bought an excavator for Zhang Mouwu. "In the first year, Lei Jun did not give money, Zhang Mouwu said to Lei Jun, 'If you don't give money, I want to live', and then Lei Jun asked my son to work with him." Subsequently, Zhang Mouwu followed Lei Jun to work, but Lei Jun did not give a penny of the project money, and Lei Jun owed hundreds of thousands of yuan for the project in four or five years. They kept begging for money, but they didn't get the money. In order to pay off the debt of buying an excavator, Zhang Mouwu had to sell the excavator.

According to the information on the judgment document network, the subject of Zhang Mouwu's application to the court for enforcement was 428,000 yuan. The Hongshan District Court executed Lei Jun on May 7 this year, but none of them.

Zhang Mouwu's wife said that they went to Lei Jun to ask for project funds many times, and he kept saying that he had no money.

What surprised Zhang Mouwu's wife the most was that when Zhang Mouwu collected debts, he was also borrowed by Lei Jun, and on the grounds that he had no money to eat, he borrowed 50 or 100 yuan.

Zhang Mouwu's mother said that after the debt was fruitless, Zhang Mouwu entrusted Xue Weixing's lawyer to intervene last year. After the hearing, the case was concluded through mediation. Lei Jun expressed his willingness to repay the money, but still did not pay it back, and the court auctioned the property under his name. Later, the court asked Lei Jun to give money, but Lei Jun threatened Zhang Mouwu and said, "You can ask me for money, and your whole family will die with me."

Zhang Mouwu's mother said that on the evening of September 13, Zhang Mouwu was taken away by the police. On September 15, they consulted the police, "When will Zhang Mouwu be released?" ", the police were told that the case was serious and bad.

Regarding the murder of lawyer Xue Weixing, Zhang Mouwu's mother said that she must say sorry to the lawyer's family, and she wanted to go to the lawyer's home to express their intentions. "(Lei Jun) killed him, and we were very sad in our hearts." If he kills someone, he will definitely have to pay for his life, and he will have to pay off his debts. ”

Reporter Xie Yinzong

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