
LPL must thank IG and FPX! The seven champions together, driving the progress of the league

Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the world game club.

The LPL played two games yesterday, in which the BLG team won 2-0 and won three consecutive games in the BLG match, because the BLG team's auxiliary player Crisp was from the FPX, plus the team of several other FPX players also achieved good results, so many spectators were discussing the issue of the champion players.

LPL must thank IG and FPX! The seven champions together, driving the progress of the league

The IG and FPX teams disbanded directly during the transfer period, and as a result, the LPL became more exciting, so many viewers said that the LPL looked so good after the start of this year, thanks to IG and FPX.

LPL must thank IG and FPX

Regarding the LPL competition at this stage, one of the more discussed topics among the audience is about the two former champion teams of IG and FPX, because now the LPL division presents a situation of co-existence, and the reason why it can cause such a situation is that the dissolution of IG and FPX is a great achievement.

LPL must thank IG and FPX! The seven champions together, driving the progress of the league

Although IG and FPX may not have intended this, the dissolution of these two teams has indeed greatly improved the overall competitiveness of the LPL division.

A brief look at the situation of the IG and FPX champions.

The WBG, V5 and TES results scattered by the three champions of the IG team except for the King of The IG are very good, and from the perspective of the audience, they feel that the dissolution of IG during last year's transfer period is equivalent to the achievement of two strong teams, that is, WBG and V5, The Shy and Rookie have been greatly improved compared to before after leaving IG.

JKL left IG before, and although the TES team is not in good shape recently, the performance behind this team is still not to be underestimated.

LPL must thank IG and FPX! The seven champions together, driving the progress of the league

In addition to the champions of IG, Xiao Leyan, who left from IG, is also the main Carry point in RA, and Huan Feng was also IG at the beginning, and Puff and Nanfeng were also the main force in TT after leaving the team.

The number of LPL teams has increased significantly

Then there's the FPX team, Nuguri aside, the other four are scattered to four teams, the FPX team has become a dark horse team with only one Lwx, Lwx has a very good effect with new people, and players like Gori Kitagawa and Hang, the little tiger, have a promising future, and in time there will be a good future.

LPL must thank IG and FPX! The seven champions together, driving the progress of the league

The FPX regained the energy and passion it had lost by disbanding its past lineup, while the other three joined the team just as strongly.

Doinb with its own system went to LNG, LNG currently maintains four consecutive wins and EDG, Crisp went to BLG currently won three consecutive wins is not a defeat, Xiaotian record is slightly worse, and JKL in the TES team, currently encountered some difficulties, need the team to properly solve.

Some netizens called the dissolution of IG and FPX the "whale fall" behavior, whales fall into everything, give up the friendship bond that once fought together to win the championship, start a new journey, put their talents on supporting and helping new teammates, and maybe they can regain their lives.

LPL must thank IG and FPX! The seven champions together, driving the progress of the league

As a spectator, I am very much looking forward to the dispersal of these champions to win their second championship, including the five champions of EDG.

The current situation at LPL remains uncertain

At present, the six teams of IG and FPX champions have performed well, or they are all in the first echelon of competition, although the competition has been carried out for more than two weeks, but the ranking situation of each team is still unclear, it is difficult to determine which team is the top strength of the LPL.

LPL must thank IG and FPX! The seven champions together, driving the progress of the league

The EDG team should be able to lock in one of the seats, and the other first-tier teams will have to wait a little longer to see some clues.

In the past LPL professional leagues, the audience has also had the illusion that the LPL has a lot of top teams, but the real watershed appears in the playoffs, and many teams that seem to be able to become the top teams often have big problems in BO5 and lead to rapid losses.

This year, I hope that these top teams in the LPL can change this problem, and if they enter the playoffs, focus on preparing for BO5.

LPL must thank IG and FPX! The seven champions together, driving the progress of the league

This year, because the major champions are scattered, there are more experienced players, so it seems that it will be more exciting than last year, it is recommended that you can continue to pay attention to the teams including EDG, six IG, FPX champions, plus RNG and OMG two all-Chinese classes, these teams are the most noteworthy, in addition to teams like JDG also have the opportunity to get results.

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