
Solos, quartets, choruses, poetry recitations, sand painting performances...

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Shenyang Daily - Shenyang Net

Solos, quartets, choruses, poetry recitations, sand painting performances...

On April 7th, the Shenhe District Education Bureau and the Shenhe District Education Research Center co-sponsored the "Shenhe District Education System 'Learning the Glorious Party History and Celebrating the Centenary of the Founding of the Party' Theme Party Day and Experimental School 'The Initial Heart, mission is on the Shoulders' Theme Red Music Party Lesson" activity was held in Shenyang Experimental School. This unique party lesson selects the red classic songs and dances of various periods since the founding of the Communist Party of China, and adopts the form of "explanation + song and dance" to vividly show the party's struggle process and great achievements. At the event, all party members and cadres and teachers first raised their right hands in front of the bright red party flag to relive the oath of joining the party. Subsequently, the party members and teachers began an eight-chapter journey of music party lessons.

The party class is divided into eight chapters: breaking the heavens and the earth, the glory years, the wei I river and mountain, the liberation of the turnaround, the rising sun in the east, the new world, the spring breeze and the rejuvenation. At the beginning of each chapter, there are teachers who explain the corresponding history of the Party. "Ten Sending the Red Army", "Defending the Yellow River", "The Sky of the Liberated Areas", "Let's Swing the Oars"... Familiar melodies take everyone to different historical situations and show the power of red music.

With different songs, party members and teachers also chose different forms of expression. For example, in the first chapter, "The Red Star Shines on Me to Fight" is presented in the form of a teacher's solo. In the second chapter, "Seven Laws and Long March" is recited as a soundtrack poem, and at the same time, teachers cooperate with the sand painting performance on the spot, and the novel form seems to make that period of history come alive. In the third chapter, "Defending My Rivers and Mountains", the two red songs "Song of the Guerrillas" and "Defending the Yellow River" are presented in the form of teachers' quartets and choruses of all party members, respectively, which are impassioned and magnificent. In the melody, the development process of the party is spread to the hearts of more people.

"The Red Music Theme Party Class combines the history of the Communist Party of China, the history of the Chinese Revolution and the repertoire of classical music, allowing teachers to review, familiarize and remember the history of the Party in the familiar repertoire." Tong Yan, secretary of the party committee and principal of the municipal experimental school who undertook the red music party class, said that she hoped that through such a party class, the party history would be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the enthusiasm of party members and teachers would be fully mobilized, and the cohesion of the party organization would be enhanced.

The red music-themed party class was an inspiration to the participants. "There are poetry recitations in party classes, and there are singing and dancing, which is refreshing and the learning effect is very good." Qi Xin, general secretary of the party branch of Chaoyang No. 1 School, said that the school will play the role of the main front of campus education, learn from the form of red music theme party classes, and let more teachers and students participate in the theme activities of learning party history.

Wang Yue, a reporter from Shenyang Evening News and Shen Bao

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