
【Lushan Local History and Historical Memory】 Yin Feng| Memoirs Serial: My Zhiqing Years (III) - Crop Guardian

author:Lushan Local History
【Lushan Local History and Historical Memory】 Yin Feng| Memoirs Serial: My Zhiqing Years (III) - Crop Guardian
【Lushan Local History and Historical Memory】 Yin Feng| Memoirs Serial: My Zhiqing Years (III) - Crop Guardian

(Image quoted from the Internet)

With this document, I would like to give the comrades-in-arms of Zhiqing who are quenched and calcined in the vast world, so that we will always remember that unforgettable and unforgettable life experience - the years of Zhiqing.

My years of youth

Yin Feng

3. Crop keepers

Once the "white dew" passes, the color of the grain changes from day to day. The breeze blew, and the full ears of grain bent over, turning up a golden wave.

In the evening, while I was chewing corn steamed buns and drinking polenta, the captain came to my humble house.

The captain's name is Jiang Songlian, about forty years old, and he is a foreigner who "comes to the door"1. He had a white face, a long face, thin eyebrows, small eyes, and a tall thin man, giving people a sense of shrewdness. Although doing farm work is not as good as the vice captain, with a higher culture (junior high school students), strong planning, a heart and eyes, and the family power of his wife and brother-in-law, he soon became the captain of the team. He usually does not smile, his expression is serious, and many members of the club have a sense of awe for him, even the "unevenness of the earth" that is not afraid of heaven and earth is also a few points for him.

As I greeted and gave way, I was secretly wondering: What is the matter with the captain coming to me?

The captain sat down on the small stool I had given up. After a few questions about the situation in life and labor, the topic changed: "The team has decided to send you to see the grain from tomorrow onwards, 10 minutes a day." Those plague chickens spoiled the public grain too fiercely, you give me a good bark 3, really can't do it, give me a hard beating, injure and kill the team responsible. You did well after you came, do a good job, and I will recommend you in the next day when I have the opportunity. ”

At that time, young men and women in their twenties were still in a period of ignorance, and I was not yet twenty years old at the time, and I knew nothing about human sophistication, socializing, and the "powerful" relationships in the valley. With full enthusiasm, while thanking the team for "taking care" of themselves, I promised this matter.

【Lushan Local History and Historical Memory】 Yin Feng| Memoirs Serial: My Zhiqing Years (III) - Crop Guardian

After choosing a slender, flexible bamboo pole as a tool, I took up my post and began to patrol.

At first, the roosters, hens, and their children, who were accustomed to eating Cause 4, did not take me seriously at all, and when they saw me, they still ignored me and pecked unhurriedly. In particular, the big red rooster in the lead, pacing the plum blossom steps on the field, glanced at me from time to time, pecked here, and took a bite there, like a demonstration and like a provocation. I roared a few times before it fell in love and retreated calmly.

On this day, the big red rooster took its wife, lover and children to feast in the field by the ditch. I saw it in the public room from a distance, so I rushed over with a bamboo pole, and the other chickens saw that the situation was not good, and they were running away on their legs upside down. The red rooster acts as a cover and escapes at the end.

"Catch the thief before the king." I spotted my target and struggled to catch up with the red rooster. The red rooster probably realized the impending catastrophe, spread its wings, and flipped its slender legs quickly, desperately trying to escape. Almost to the end of the ditch, I raised the bamboo pole in my hand, the bamboo pole with the sound of the wind, "rattling", after landing on the ground with a piece of yellow dust, the red rooster on the ground fluttered for a moment, and then struggled up, with a low-hanging wing, "clucking" all the way back to the nest.

A window upstairs near the ditch-edge wooden house opened, and a pair of resentful eyes, after a glance at me, shrank their heads back. It was the mother of the "uneven earth", the "Iron Lady", an old man in his fifties.

Forming a "grudge" with my mother who is "uneven" is something I cannot avoid and am compelled to do. When I think about it to this day, I still have a vague uneasiness in my heart.

【Lushan Local History and Historical Memory】 Yin Feng| Memoirs Serial: My Zhiqing Years (III) - Crop Guardian

One day in September, at about eleven o'clock, the captain called me and a middle-aged member aside and said that there were members of another team who were stealing grass on our mountain, and you went to the mountain intersection to block a block, and by the way, there were any members of the team who moved the tender jade wheat buds in the fire field and counted the day's work points for you.

We sat on the side of the road not far from the mountain junction to watch the corn shed, listening to the "dripping" rain outside the shed, and after a long time, my upper eyelids were like hanging a scale, and I couldn't help but fall down. Just as I was about to fall asleep, the middle-aged member elbowed me and whispered, "Hey, someone's coming!" ”

I opened my eyes and looked through the gaps in the wooden shed, only to see that at the bend of the mountain crossing, there was a man with a full back of grass, with his head bowed, slowly moving towards us.

The figure became clearer and clearer, and I finally saw the person coming. It was an elderly woman, almost completely drenched in her pants. His gray hair was wrapped in a white and yellowing headkerchief, cloudy eyes, dense age spots on his face, he wore a washed white blue cloth on the placket5 on the upper body, a pair of black anti-sweep pants 6 underneath, a lot of mud spots on the pants, and a pair of half-bucket water shoes with several scars on his feet. It's her! The team members called the miserly "Iron Old Lady" Wang Yangshi - the mother of "uneven earth".

As she was about to walk to the shed, I greeted her, "Ah Niang, mowing the grass?" ”

The Body of the Iron Lady shook a little, and a panicked expression appeared on her face, "Hmm..."

"Ah Niang, is there anything else in the grass?" I asked routinely, and as soon as I spoke out, I began to regret it.

The Iron Lady snorted, "No, no, nothing." ”

The middle-aged member next to me didn't believe it at all, "Really? ”

The Iron Lady lowered her eyelids, "Oh, there are a few buds 7."

"Then you accompany her to hand over your things to the team, and I will hold this tower for a while." The middle-aged members called out to me like commanders.

【Lushan Local History and Historical Memory】 Yin Feng| Memoirs Serial: My Zhiqing Years (III) - Crop Guardian

Along the way, the "Iron Lady" kept complaining and pleading with me. She said that the first 8 grains in the house were not enough to eat, so she got up to move a few corn buds. The middle-aged member and her son once joked about 9 and are now retaliating against her. You let me go, and I'll remember you.

Looking at the old man's begging eyes and listening to her pleading words, my heart was very unhappy. I don't want to embarrass her, a few tender corn cobs are not worth a few dollars, and the "uneven ground" is also quite respectful to me, but the "arrangement" of the middle-aged members and my own environment forced me to dispel this idea.

"Ah, even if I beg you, let me go home for a trip, pour the pig grass and go to the buds, do you want it?" After walking the mountain road, the "Iron Old Lady" saw that there was no hope of letting her go, so she had to retreat to the second place.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Ah Niang, you pour the grass and go quickly, take the initiative to pay the best. I don't know this alone, you don't get me to raise 10. I knew that she was afraid of being said by others to say that "she was escorted by Zhiqing to hand over" in the future, so she lost her old face and agreed to it.

Afterwards, I listened to the custodian of the team and said that the "Iron Old Lady" handed over 5 catties of corn bud grain, and was deducted 1 day's work points and 10 catties of grain by the captain.

Only pay 5 pounds! There are at least 20 to 30 pounds of grass! Halfway through, I helped her carry a long way, knowing the weight of the "grass" on her back. It turned out that she was not only afraid of losing face, but also used the time to go home to pour grass, but this matter was only known by heaven, earth, I, and she, so there was no need to investigate deeply! Although I was surprised in my heart, I had to be silent in front of the custodian.

I turned a blind eye to the "Iron Lady", but she didn't appreciate it, and every time she saw me, her eyes were full of resentment. The last time she hated it, and today she injured her family's red rooster, it is true: the old "resentment" has not been over, and a new "hate" has been added. It seems that I, the "evil man", have made up my mind! Thinking of this, I suddenly understood that the "care" arrangement of the team for me was originally to take advantage of my simple, young and ignorant, youthful and vigorous, and isolated and helpless characteristics to come forward to do what the members did not want to do, did not want to do, could not do, and offended people! Alas, this 11 jobs are not easy to earn!

After injuring the red rooster, the members saw that I had moved, so they locked up the chickens they raised in their own house, and I was happy to sleep in the morning, shake at noon, and stroll around in the afternoon.

However, the good times did not last long, the wind and waves calmed down for a few days, and the captain found me again.

"What's the matter?" The chickens are fierce again, and several of the valley hangings of the field are about to be eaten! You have to look close! ”

The captain's reproachful words tightened the strings that I had just relaxed. I did not dare to be idle, secretly observing, thinking about countermeasures.

【Lushan Local History and Historical Memory】 Yin Feng| Memoirs Serial: My Zhiqing Years (III) - Crop Guardian

It turned out that the members of the chicken society saw that I was slacking off, so they lifted the restriction on the chickens. And the chickens became smarter after I had chased them with stones and bamboo poles a few times. They no longer eat the grain that goes along the way and leans on the road, but hides in the fields and fields that are not easy to find, and enjoys themselves. Some even crawl into the middle of the grain field and tiptoe to peck. Eating one place at a time, I went to it to run, I walked it, and I played the game of Hidden Cat Cat 12, and after several chases with little success, I had to hurt the "killer".

I bought the "enemy fear" from the supply and marketing agency, found some corn in the public room, poured the "enemy fear" into the bowl, and then put in the corn. After the corn is soaked and swollen and shiny, it is fished out and quietly sprinkled on the ridges and edges of the fields where the chickens often haunt.

In the evening, I helped bring a meeting notice to the captain. When he came to the eaves of his house, he saw the captain's wife busy burning chickens in a large wooden basin, and there were piles of wet chicken feathers on the ground.

"Ah Niang, kill so many chickens?" As soon as the words came out, I suddenly reacted and wanted to slap myself.

"Cozy Oh, the chickens are dead 13 times!" You sprinkled medicine to Ah Niang and said well, I didn't turn off the chicken today and I was begged! ”

"I know that Ah Niang has always been locked up in chickens, so I didn't tell you." I pretended to be confused and said that the calculation was calculated.

The captain heard the voice, "You howled 14, and it wasn't just Ali 15 who killed you." Death is counted, and chicken is eaten in a hurry! You leave her alone, for a moment in this tower to cook 16."

To tell you the truth, on this day when there was a lack of oil and meat, I wanted to enjoy some delicious chicken at the captain's house and lubricate my stomach, but the situation at that time did not allow me to think wrong. I quickly handed the notice to the captain, found a reason, and fled as if to leave.

Later, I learned that my "killer" operation had caused a large number of chickens in the family of the members of the company to suffer, and the chickens in the vice captain's family were also not spared. Unexpectedly, this action also made many members of the club look at me with admiration. The chickens that dared to poison the captain and the vice captain's family gave them a sense of respect and admiration for me, and even the members of the society who at first thought that I looked at the crops as "watching people talk and treating them differently" also gave me a thumbs up. This is probably an unexpected gain from "unintentionally planting willows and willows" in the process of watching the grain! Seriously, I didn't think about it that much at the time!

A few days later, the team opened the harvest. My "task" of guarding the crops ended in a justifiable way.

In The life of Zhiqing, a relatively relaxed, pleasant and interesting day is over!


1. Door-to-door: The man goes to the woman's home to get married and settle down.

2. Void: Fear, timidity.

3. Shouting: the meaning of catching and picking.

4. Cause: Cheap.

5. Placket: An old-fashioned garment worn by married women. There are 2-3 cloth buttons on the chest, which are unbuttoned and divided into two pieces to facilitate breastfeeding babies.

6. Anti-sweep pants: A type of old-fashioned pants. The leg and waist of the pants are enlarged, and the waist is sewn with cotton tape or string, which must be wrapped around most of the time when tightened.

7. Buds: Tender corn on the cob.

8. Inside the house: Home.

9. Estimate: Be serious, serious, fake and serious.

10. Fang Qi: Embarrassed, embarrassed.

11. Cang: Easy and cheap.

12. Hide And Hide: Hide and Seek.

13. Death: Poisoning.

14. Howl: Shouting.

15. Ali: My house.

16. Dry rice: Eat.

(Note: In order to protect personal privacy, all names in this article are pseudonyms.) )

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