
"Dry Things 2021" Award Tour - OnePlus 9RT

"Dry Things 2021" Award Tour - OnePlus 9RT

The years do not live, the seasons are like a stream, the end of 2021 has suddenly arrived, looking back on this extraordinary year, whenever I think of those best products that make us shine, my heart is dry. In 2021, New Wave Electronics will launch an annual award around "dry things", and learn about the new products, technologies and most talked about topic events released in 2021.

Market Hot Phone of the Year: OnePlus 9RT

"Dry Things 2021" Award Tour - OnePlus 9RT

Last year's OnePlus award, we gave the OnePlus 8T, "Market Heat Mobile of the Year". This year we still gave this award to OnePlus, and the model was replaced by the OnePlus 9RT. Compared with other "annual market heat mobile phones", The "three major pieces" configuration of OnePlus 9RT should be the highest, but this does not mean that it is "not close to the people", thus affecting its wider market heat. On the contrary, the product itself does capture the consumption pain points of the target population, and "small amount of refinement" can also trigger market enthusiasm.

"Dry Things 2021" Award Tour - OnePlus 9RT

To put it bluntly, the OnePlus 9RT is essentially a "big screen" version of the OnePlus 9 Standard Edition, and there is a difference in post-imagery (arguably a slight reduction in the standard, that's true). Sorted from the models that oneplus has released in 2021, the overall configuration is from high to low: OnePlus 9 Pro, OnePlus 9, OnePlus 9RT, and OnePlus 9R. Of course, this is a pure parameter control approach, in fact, their market performance and audience targeting are different and have their own advantages. At the same time, for well-known reasons, oneplus models can get the full support of the entire "Euroga system", and we can also see many familiar elements in the OnePlus 9RT.

"Dry Things 2021" Award Tour - OnePlus 9RT

We know that oneplus' background is not as simple as a "niche brand", and we also know that oneplus's "no will" gene determines that it will have a deliberate performance in any new product layout. If April's OnePlus 9R is an unsympathetic product (there's no need to shy away from "it's the Snapdragon 870 version of the OnePlus 8T"), then the OnePlus 9RT has a distinctly "brother model" flavor — we mean the other corresponding popular flagships of the "Euroga series". Still that sentence, since OnePlus has opened the strategy of "exploration and expansion", it is a reasonable and clever move to make full use of the "framework and modular advantages" of the Snapdragon flagship platform and the Sony IMX custom bottom to complete the layout of the full line of models. Moreover, the pricing strategy of the OnePlus 9RT this time is also very reasonable.

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