
The two singles champions gathered around Liu Guoliang, the dragon python stood fat together, and Sasha's expression was perfunctory as if unhappy

The WTT Macau Championship came to an end.

In this event, most of the national table tennis players participated. It's like the top players in the country getting together to play. Everyone showed their skills and did their best to dedicate one high-level game after another. This competition is the first event of the National Table Tennis New Year and the last event before the Spring Festival, which is equivalent to a carnival of the national table tennis players before the Lunar New Year.

The two singles champions gathered around Liu Guoliang, the dragon python stood fat together, and Sasha's expression was perfunctory as if unhappy

There are a lot of things to remember about this event.

For example, the Dragon Python Fat Comeback Game. Since the National Games in September last year, Ma Long, Xu Xin and Liu Shiwen, three veterans who are over 30 years old, have not participated in the competition. The WTT Macau tournament is a comeback match for three veterans. Their performances have attracted the attention of the majority of fans.

These three veterans have won many championships and made great achievements for national table tennis. Although it has passed the age of establishment, the three veterans are still in very good shape, they are all at the top level in the world table tennis, and there are not many players who can compete with them. All three competed in the Tokyo Olympics and remain highly competitive. In particular, the Dragons won the double crown and are still the strongest male table tennis players on the surface.

The two singles champions gathered around Liu Guoliang, the dragon python stood fat together, and Sasha's expression was perfunctory as if unhappy

After a few months of competition, how are the three veterans doing? It can only be described in four words: the sound of the waves is still the same!

In this championship, all three participated in two competitions. Liu Shiwen won the mixed doubles championship and the women's singles runner-up; Xu Xin won the mixed doubles championship and the men's singles third place. Malone scored a little worse, losing the first round of mixed doubles and reaching the quarterfinals of the men's singles. He can't be blamed for that either. Malone had never played a mixed doubles match before. This time it was his mixed doubles debut. He partnered with Qian Tianyi in mixed doubles, and in the first round he met Houston World Table Tennis Championships mixed doubles champion Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha, and it is not surprising that he could not play. As for singles, the Dragons had bad luck and drew too strong opponents. In the first round, he met liang jingkun, a big fat man with good strength. The Dragons showed great strength, defeating Liang Jingkun 3-0. In the quarter-finals, Ma Long met Wang Chuqin, who felt very good in this event, and regretted losing 1-3 to stop in the quarterfinals. Malone hit it like this is already very good.

The two singles champions gathered around Liu Guoliang, the dragon python stood fat together, and Sasha's expression was perfunctory as if unhappy

Then the organizers are very heartwarming. In this event, three members of the national table tennis team just happened to have birthdays during this period. The organizers were very warm-hearted and held a meaningful birthday ceremony for them.

Fan Zhendong's birthday is January 22, when Fan Zhendong played three games. In the men's singles quarterfinals, Fan Zhendong upset 1-3 to Xu Yingbin. After the game, the WTT World Table Tennis Federation and the Macao Sports Bureau held a short birthday party for Fan Zhendong and wished Fan Zhendong a happy birthday. Local leaders, Liu Guoliang, Qin Zhijian, etc. sent blessings to Fan Zhendong, which made Fan Zhendong very moved and also swept away the haze of singles defeat.

The two singles champions gathered around Liu Guoliang, the dragon python stood fat together, and Sasha's expression was perfunctory as if unhappy

Zhang Rui and Qian Tianyi and two female team members also had birthdays during this period. The WTT World Table Tennis Federation and the Macau Sports Bureau sent them birthday cakes and wishes. The two don't mention how happy they are, thank all parties, and also thank the Table Tennis Association for giving them the opportunity to participate in this competition.

The two singles champions gathered around Liu Guoliang, the dragon python stood fat together, and Sasha's expression was perfunctory as if unhappy

This event is mainly participated in by national table tennis players, and there are also generous prize money. Wang Chuqin and Wang Manyu, who won the men's and women's singles championships, both received $75,000 in prize money, which was converted into RMB 475,000, and Liu Shiwen had 54,000 (singles runner-up award) + 20,000 (mixed doubles champion award) = $74,000 in prize money, which was converted into RMB 468,000. Lin Gaoyuan has a prize of $54,000, which translates into 342,000 yuan. Other national table tennis players have different amounts of bonuses. The prize money is really huge.

The two singles champions gathered around Liu Guoliang, the dragon python stood fat together, and Sasha's expression was perfunctory as if unhappy

Some members of the foreign associations are reluctant to come and compete. How to describe this? National table tennis players can go back to a good year with generous bonuses. What a fragrance!

After the curtain of the event, Liu Guoliang, the national table tennis coach, the team members and so on took a group photo together.

The two singles champions gathered around Liu Guoliang, the dragon python stood fat together, and Sasha's expression was perfunctory as if unhappy

Every time there is a large group photo, the standing position is very exquisite. This time too. They gathered behind a ping-pong table. This makes a lot of sense. After all, this is a table tennis game. The four gold cups were placed on the table. Liu Guoliang, chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, stood in the middle. Wang Chuqin and Wang Manyu, who won the men's and women's singles championships, stood around Liu Guoliang respectively. It is also an affirmation of their achievements. The runner-up of the men's singles stood next to Wang Chuqin, and Liu Shiwen did not stand next to Wang Manyu, but stood with Chen Meng and Chen Xingtong. Several of their female players stood in the front row.

The male players all stood in the back row. The three major Chinese men's table tennis generals, Dragon Python, stand fat together. The three of them are really inseparable. In front of the three of them stood six female table tennis players. Sun Yingsha, the world's second, and Chen Meng, who is the world's first, each side. This is also a display of status. All the team members gave a thumbs up and smiled on their faces to celebrate the success of the event. There is a team member who seems to be very perfunctory, expressionless, and feels that the mood is not very happy, that is, Sun Yingsha.

The two singles champions gathered around Liu Guoliang, the dragon python stood fat together, and Sasha's expression was perfunctory as if unhappy

Sun Yingsha's results in this event were average. Her mixed doubles match against Wang Chuqin lost 2-3 in the quarter-finals to the new duo Fan Zhendong/Ku man. She lost 2-4 to Liu Shiwen in the women's singles semifinals. Sun Yingsha is now under a spell, always losing to Chen Meng, Wang Manyu, Liu Shiwen and others. If she can't break through these three people, it will be difficult to win the championship. Because in every competition, Sun Yingsha may meet them. If you can't beat them, how can you win the championship? Sun Yingsha can't find a suitable way, sad! How can Sun Yingsha be happy?

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